require 'spec_helper' describe Ironfan::Dsl::Realm do before(:each) do (Chef::Config[:ec2_image_info] ||= {}).merge!({ %w[us-east-1 64-bit ebs ironfan-precise ] => { image_id: 'ami-29fe7640', ssh_user: 'bam', bootstrap_distro: 'ubuntu12.04-ironfan' }, }) Ironfan.realm(:foo) do environment :bif cloud(:ec2) do flavor 'm1.xlarge' image_name 'ironfan-precise' end cluster(:bar) do cluster_role.override_attributes(a: 1) facet(:baz) do instances 1 role :blah facet_role.override_attributes(b: 1) end end end end after(:each) do Ironfan.clusters.clear Ironfan.realms.clear end def manifest Ironfan.cluster(:bar).resolve.facets[:baz].server(0).to_machine_manifest end it 'chooses its own name as its default environment' do Ironfan.realm(:bar){ }.environment.to_s.should == 'bar' end it 'chooses the widest possible cookbook contraints to satisfy all plugins' do Ironfan::Dsl::Component.template(%w[jib jab]) do require_strict_versioning false cookbook_req 'bif', '>= 1.0.0' def project(_) end end Ironfan::Dsl::Component.template(%w[dig dug]) do require_strict_versioning false cookbook_req 'bif', '>= 2.0.0' def project(_) end end Ironfan.realm(:qux) do cluster(:cuz) do facet(:lix) do jib_jab dig_dug end end end.cookbook_reqs['bif'].should == '>= 2.0.0' end it 'complains when no cookbook constraints can satisfy all plugins' do Ironfan::Dsl::Component.template(%w[bam pow]) do require_strict_versioning false cookbook_req 'bif', '~> 1.0.0' def project(_) end end Ironfan::Dsl::Component.template(%w[jam wam]) do require_strict_versioning false cookbook_req 'bif', '>= 2.0.0' def project(_) end end Ironfan.realm(:qux) do cluster(:cuz) do facet(:lix) do bam_pow jam_wam end end end expect{ Ironfan.realm(:qux).cookbook_reqs }.to raise_error end it 'creates clusters that can be referenced later' do test_scope = self Ironfan.realm :xx do cluster(:bar).should end end it 'should create clusters that can be edited later' do Ironfan.realm :xy do cluster(:baz) cluster(:baz){ facet :bif } end Ironfan.cluster(:baz).facets.to_a.should_not(be_empty) Ironfan.cluster(:baz).servers.to_a.first.should_not(be_nil) end it 'should create clusters with names prefixed by its own' do Ironfan.cluster(:bar).should_not(be_nil) end it 'should create clusters with machines' do Ironfan.cluster(:bar).facets[:baz].server(0).should_not(be_nil) end it 'should create clusters with attributes correctly applied' do manifest.cluster_override_attributes.should == {a: 1} manifest.facet_override_attributes.should == {b: 1} manifest.run_list.should == %w[role[blah] role[bar-cluster] role[bar-baz-facet]] end it 'should create clusters with the correct ssh user' do manifest.flavor.should == 'm1.xlarge' manifest.ssh_user.should == 'bam' end it 'should save cloud properties to be shared among all clusters within the realm' do # We need to resolve before the cloud settings come through Ironfan.realm(:foo).clusters[:bar].resolve.facets[:baz].servers.to_a.first.to_machine_manifest.flavor.should == 'm1.xlarge' # Ironfan.cluster will do the resolution for us. manifest.flavor.should == 'm1.xlarge' end it 'should save an environment to be shared among all clusters within the realm' do # We need to resolve before the cloud settings come through Ironfan.realm(:foo).resolve.clusters[:bar].facets[:baz].environment.should == :bif # The server manifest should contain the environment. manifest.environment.should == :bif # Ironfan.cluster will do the resolution for us. Ironfan.cluster(:bar).resolve.facets[:baz].environment.should == :bif end end