module OpenstudioStandards # The SqlFile module provides methods to get information from the EnergyPlus .sql file after a run module SqlFile # @!group Unmet Hours # Gets the annual occupied unmet heating hours from zone temperature time series in the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param tolerance [Double] tolerance in degrees Rankine to log an unmet hour # @param occupied_percentage_threshold [Double] the minimum fraction (0 to 1) that counts as occupied # @return [Hash] Hash with 'sum' of heating unmet hours and 'zone_temperature_differences' of all zone unmet hours data # @todo account for operative temperature thermostats def self.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_heating_hours_detailed(model, tolerance: 1.0, occupied_percentage_threshold: 0.05) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Calculating zone heating occupied unmet hours with #{tolerance} R tolerance. This may take some time.") # get model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(model) # std to access thermal zone methods. Replace when thermal zone methods are moved to modules std ='90.1-2013') # convert tolerance to Kelvin tolerance_k = OpenStudio.convert(tolerance, 'R', 'K').get ann_env_pd = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_weather_run_period(model) unless ann_env_pd OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', 'Could not get annual run period.') return false end # for each zone calculate unmet hours and store in array bldg_unmet_hours = [] bldg_occ_unmet_hours = [] zone_data = [] model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| # skip zones that aren't heated next unless OpenstudioStandards::ThermalZone.thermal_zone_heated?(zone) # get zone air temperatures zone_temp_timeseries = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Air Temperature', if zone_temp_timeseries.empty? # try mean air temperature instead zone_temp_timeseries = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Mean Air Temperature', if zone_temp_timeseries.empty? # no air temperature found OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Could not find zone air temperature timeseries for zone '#{}'") return false end end zone_temp_timeseries = zone_temp_timeseries.get.values # get zone thermostat heating setpoint temperatures zone_setpoint_temp_timeseries = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature', if zone_setpoint_temp_timeseries.empty? # no setpoint temperature found OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Could not find heating setpoint temperature timeseries for zone '#{}'") return false end zone_setpoint_temp_timeseries = zone_setpoint_temp_timeseries.get.values # calculate zone occupancy by making a new ruleset schedule occ_schedule_ruleset = OpenstudioStandards::ThermalZone.thermal_zone_get_occupancy_schedule(zone) occ_values = OpenstudioStandards::Schedules.schedule_ruleset_get_hourly_values(occ_schedule_ruleset) # calculate difference accounting for unmet hours tolerance zone_temperature_diff = { |t, x| (zone_temp_timeseries[x] - t) } zone_unmet_hours = { |x| (x + tolerance_k) < 0 ? 1 : 0 } zone_occ_unmet_hours = [] for i in (0..zone_unmet_hours.size - 1) bldg_unmet_hours[i] = 0 if bldg_unmet_hours[i].nil? bldg_occ_unmet_hours[i] = 0 if bldg_occ_unmet_hours[i].nil? bldg_unmet_hours[i] += zone_unmet_hours[i] if occ_values[i] >= occupied_percentage_threshold zone_occ_unmet_hours[i] = zone_unmet_hours[i] bldg_occ_unmet_hours[i] += zone_unmet_hours[i] else zone_occ_unmet_hours[i] = 0 end end # log information for zone # could reduce the number of returned variables if this poses a storage or data transfer problem zone_data << { 'zone_name' =>, 'zone_area' => zone.floorArea, 'zone_air_temperatures' => { |t| t.round(3) }, 'zone_air_setpoint_temperatures' => { |t| t.round(3) }, 'zone_air_temperature_differences' => { |d| d.round(3) }, 'zone_occupancy' => { |x| x.round(3) }, 'zone_unmet_hours' => zone_unmet_hours, 'zone_occupied_unmet_hours' => zone_occ_unmet_hours, 'sum_zone_unmet_hours' => zone_unmet_hours.count { |x| x > 0 }, 'sum_zone_occupied_unmet_hours' => zone_occ_unmet_hours.count { |x| x > 0 } } end occupied_unmet_heating_hours_detailed = { 'sum_bldg_unmet_hours' => bldg_unmet_hours.count { |x| x > 0 }, 'sum_bldg_occupied_unmet_hours' => bldg_occ_unmet_hours.count { |x| x > 0 }, 'bldg_unmet_hours' => bldg_unmet_hours, 'bldg_occupied_unmet_hours' => bldg_occ_unmet_hours, 'zone_data' => zone_data } return occupied_unmet_heating_hours_detailed end # Gets the annual occupied unmet cooling hours from zone temperature time series in the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param occupied_percentage_threshold [Double] the minimum fraction (0 to 1) that counts as occupied # @param tolerance [Double] tolerance in degrees Rankine to log an unmet hour # @return [Hash] Hash with 'sum' of cooling unmet hours and 'zone_temperature_differences' of all zone unmet hours data # @todo account for operative temperature thermostats def self.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_cooling_hours_detailed(model, tolerance: 1.0, occupied_percentage_threshold: 0.05) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Calculating zone cooling occupied unmet hours with #{tolerance} R tolerance. This may take some time.") # get model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(model) # std to access thermal zone methods. Replace when thermal zone methods are moved to modules std ='90.1-2013') # convert tolerance to Kelvin tolerance_k = OpenStudio.convert(tolerance, 'R', 'K').get ann_env_pd = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_weather_run_period(model) unless ann_env_pd OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', 'Could not get annual run period.') return false end # for each zone calculate unmet hours and store in array bldg_unmet_hours = [] bldg_occ_unmet_hours = [] zone_data = [] model.getThermalZones.each do |zone| # skip zones that aren't cooled next unless OpenstudioStandards::ThermalZone.thermal_zone_cooled?(zone) # get zone air temperatures zone_temp_timeseries = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Air Temperature', if zone_temp_timeseries.empty? # try mean air temperature instead zone_temp_timeseries = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Mean Air Temperature', if zone_temp_timeseries.empty? # no air temperature found OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Could not find zone air temperature timeseries for zone '#{}'") return false end end zone_temp_timeseries = zone_temp_timeseries.get.values # get zone thermostat heating setpoint temperatures zone_setpoint_temp_timeseries = sql_file.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature', if zone_setpoint_temp_timeseries.empty? # no setpoint temperature found OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Could not find cooling setpoint temperature timeseries for zone '#{}'") return false end zone_setpoint_temp_timeseries = zone_setpoint_temp_timeseries.get.values # calculate zone occupancy by making a new ruleset schedule occ_schedule_ruleset = OpenstudioStandards::ThermalZone.thermal_zone_get_occupancy_schedule(zone) occ_values = OpenstudioStandards::Schedules.schedule_ruleset_get_hourly_values(occ_schedule_ruleset) # calculate difference accounting for unmet hours tolerance zone_temperature_diff = { |t, x| (t - zone_temp_timeseries[x]) } zone_unmet_hours = { |x| (x - tolerance_k) > 0 ? 1 : 0 } zone_occ_unmet_hours = [] for i in (0..zone_unmet_hours.size - 1) bldg_unmet_hours[i] = 0 if bldg_unmet_hours[i].nil? bldg_occ_unmet_hours[i] = 0 if bldg_occ_unmet_hours[i].nil? bldg_unmet_hours[i] += zone_unmet_hours[i] if occ_values[i] >= occupied_percentage_threshold zone_occ_unmet_hours[i] = zone_unmet_hours[i] bldg_occ_unmet_hours[i] += zone_unmet_hours[i] else zone_occ_unmet_hours[i] = 0 end end # log information for zone # could reduce the number of returned variables if this poses a storage or data transfer problem zone_data << { 'zone_name' =>, 'zone_area' => zone.floorArea, 'zone_air_temperatures' => { |t| t.round(3) }, 'zone_air_setpoint_temperatures' => { |t| t.round(3) }, 'zone_air_temperature_differences' => { |d| d.round(3) }, 'zone_occupancy' => { |x| x.round(3) }, 'zone_unmet_hours' => zone_unmet_hours, 'zone_occupied_unmet_hours' => zone_occ_unmet_hours, 'sum_zone_unmet_hours' => zone_unmet_hours.count { |x| x > 0 }, 'sum_zone_occupied_unmet_hours' => zone_occ_unmet_hours.count { |x| x > 0 } } end occupied_unmet_cooling_hours_detailed = { 'sum_bldg_unmet_hours' => bldg_unmet_hours.count { |x| x > 0 }, 'sum_bldg_occupied_unmet_hours' => bldg_occ_unmet_hours.count { |x| x > 0 }, 'bldg_unmet_hours' => bldg_unmet_hours, 'bldg_occupied_unmet_hours' => bldg_occ_unmet_hours, 'zone_data' => zone_data } return occupied_unmet_cooling_hours_detailed end # Gets the annual occupied unmet heating hours from the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param tolerance [Double] tolerance in degrees Rankine to log an unmet hour # If this is unspecified, the tolerance will be the tolerance specified in OutputControl:ReportingTolerances. # If there isn't an OutputControl:ReportingTolerances object, the EnergyPlus default is 0.2 degrees Kelvin. # If a tolerance is defined and does not match the tolerance defined in OutputControl:ReportingTolerances, # this method will compare the zone temperature and setpoint temperature timeseries for each zone. # Generally, it is much faster to define tolerances with the OutputControl:ReportingTolerances object. # @return [Double] occupied heating unmet hours def self.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_heating_hours(model, tolerance: nil) reporting_tolerances = model.getOutputControlReportingTolerances model_tolerance = reporting_tolerances.toleranceforTimeHeatingSetpointNotMet model_tolerance_r = OpenStudio.convert(model_tolerance, 'K', 'R') # get model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(model) use_detailed = false unless tolerance.nil? # check to see if input argument tolerance matches model tolerance tolerance_k = OpenStudio.convert(tolerance, 'R', 'K').get unless (model_tolerance - tolerance_k).abs < 1e-3 # input argument tolerance does not match model tolerance; need to recalculate unmet hours use_detailed = true end end if use_detailed # calculate unmet hours for each zone using zone time series zones_unmet_hours = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_heating_hours_detailed(model, tolerance: tolerance) heating_unmet_hours = zones_unmet_hours['sum_bldg_occupied_unmet_hours'] else # use default EnergyPlus unmet hours reporting OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Calculating heating unmet hours with #{model_tolerance_r} R tolerance") # setup the queries heating_setpoint_unmet_query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Time Setpoint Not Met' AND RowName = 'Facility' AND ColumnName='During Occupied Heating'" # get the info heating_setpoint_unmet = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(heating_setpoint_unmet_query) # make sure all the data are available if heating_setpoint_unmet.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', 'Could not get unmet heating hours information.') return false end heating_unmet_hours = heating_setpoint_unmet.get end return heating_unmet_hours end # Gets the annual occupied unmet cooling hours from the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param tolerance [Double] tolerance in degrees Rankine to log an unmet hour # If this is unspecified, the tolerance will be the tolerance specified in OutputControl:ReportingTolerances. # If there isn't an OutputControl:ReportingTolerances object, the EnergyPlus default is 0.2 degrees Kelvin. # If a tolerance is defined and does not match the tolerance defined in OutputControl:ReportingTolerances, # this method will compare the zone temperature and setpoint temperature timeseries for each zone. # Generally, it is much faster to define tolerances with the OutputControl:ReportingTolerances object. # @return [Double] occupied cooling unmet hours def self.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_cooling_hours(model, tolerance: nil) reporting_tolerances = model.getOutputControlReportingTolerances model_tolerance = reporting_tolerances.toleranceforTimeHeatingSetpointNotMet model_tolerance_r = OpenStudio.convert(model_tolerance, 'K', 'R') # get model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(model) use_detailed = false unless tolerance.nil? # check to see if input argument tolerance matches model tolerance tolerance_k = OpenStudio.convert(tolerance, 'R', 'K').get unless (model_tolerance - tolerance_k).abs < 1e-3 # input argument tolerance does not match model tolerance; need to recalculate unmet hours use_detailed = true end end if use_detailed # calculate unmet hours for each zone using zone time series zones_unmet_hours = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_cooling_hours_detailed(model, tolerance: tolerance) cooling_unmet_hours = zones_unmet_hours['sum_bldg_occupied_unmet_hours'] else # use default EnergyPlus unmet hours reporting OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Calculating cooling unmet hours with #{model_tolerance_r} R tolerance") # setup the queries cooling_setpoint_unmet_query = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Time Setpoint Not Met' AND RowName = 'Facility' AND ColumnName='During Occupied Cooling'" # get the info cooling_setpoint_unmet = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(cooling_setpoint_unmet_query) # make sure all the data are available if cooling_setpoint_unmet.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', 'Could not get unmet cooling hours information.') return false end cooling_unmet_hours = cooling_setpoint_unmet.get end return cooling_unmet_hours end # Gets the annual occupied unmet hours from the sql file # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Double] the total number of unmet heating or cooling hours def self.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_hours(model) heating_setpoint_unmet = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_heating_hours(model) cooling_setpoint_unmet = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_annual_occupied_unmet_cooling_hours(model) # aggregate heating and cooling hrs heating_or_cooling_setpoint_unmet = heating_setpoint_unmet + cooling_setpoint_unmet return heating_or_cooling_setpoint_unmet end # Determine the number of unmet occupied heating load hours for a thermal zone # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] OpenStudio ThermalZone object # @return [Double] occupied heating unmet hours def self.thermal_zone_get_annual_occupied_unmet_heating_hours(thermal_zone) # get the model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(thermal_zone.model) # run unmet load hours query for the specific thermal zone query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Time Setpoint Not Met' AND ColumnName='During Occupied Heating' AND RowName='#{}' AND Units='hr'" umlh = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) if umlh.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Could not get unmet occupied heating hours for thermal zone #{}.") return false end return umlh.get end # Determine the number of unmet occupied cooling load hours for a thermal zone # # @param thermal_zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] OpenStudio ThermalZone object # @return [Double] occupied cooling unmet hours def self.thermal_zone_get_annual_occupied_unmet_cooling_hours(thermal_zone) # get the model sql file sql_file = OpenstudioStandards::SqlFile.model_get_sql_file(thermal_zone.model) # run unmet load hours query for the specific thermal zone query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Time Setpoint Not Met' AND ColumnName='During Occupied Cooling' AND RowName='#{}' AND Units='hr'" umlh = sql_file.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) if umlh.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.SqlFile', "Could not get unmet occupied cooling hours for thermal zone #{}.") return false end return umlh.get end # @!endgroup UnmetHours end end