module FastlaneCore class ConfigItem attr_accessor :key, :env_name, :description, :short_option, :default_value, :verify_block, :optional, :conflicting_options, :conflict_block, :deprecated # Creates a new option # @param key (Symbol) the key which is used as command paramters or key in the fastlane tools # @param env_name (String) the name of the environment variable, which is only used if no other values were found # @param description (String) A description shown to the user # @param short_option (String) A string of length 1 which is used for the command parameters (e.g. -f) # @param default_value the value which is used if there was no given values and no environment values # @param verify_block an optional block which is called when a new value is set. # Check value is valid. This could be type checks or if a folder/file exists # You have to raise a specific exception if something goes wrong. Append .red after the string # @param is_string *DEPRECATED: Use `type` instead* (Boolean) is that parameter a string? Defaults to true. If it's true, the type string will be verified. # @param type (Class) the data type of this config item. Takes precedence over `is_string` # @param optional (Boolean) is false by default. If set to true, also string values will not be asked to the user # @param conflicting_options ([]) array of conflicting option keys(@param key). This allows to resolve conflicts intelligently # @param conflict_block an optional block which is called when options conflict happens # @param deprecated (String) Set if the option is deprecated. A deprecated option should be optional and is made optional if the parameter isn't set, and fails otherwise def initialize(key: nil, env_name: nil, description: nil, short_option: nil, default_value: nil, verify_block: nil, is_string: true, type: nil, optional: nil, conflicting_options: nil, conflict_block: nil, deprecated: nil) UI.user_error!("key must be a symbol") unless key.kind_of? Symbol UI.user_error!("env_name must be a String") unless (env_name || '').kind_of? String if short_option UI.user_error!("short_option must be a String of length 1") unless short_option.kind_of? String and short_option.delete('-').length == 1 end if description UI.user_error!("Do not let descriptions end with a '.', since it's used for user inputs as well") if description[-1] == '.' end if conflicting_options conflicting_options.each do |conflicting_option_key| UI.user_error!("Conflicting option key must be a symbol") unless conflicting_option_key.kind_of? Symbol end end if deprecated # deprecated options are automatically optional optional = true if optional.nil? UI.crash!("Deprecated option must be optional") unless optional # deprecated options are marked deprecated in their description description = "[DEPRECATED!] #{deprecated} - #{description}" end optional = false if optional.nil? @key = key @env_name = env_name @description = description @short_option = short_option @default_value = default_value @verify_block = verify_block @is_string = is_string @data_type = type @optional = optional @conflicting_options = conflicting_options @conflict_block = conflict_block @deprecated = deprecated end # This will raise an exception if the value is not valid def verify!(value) UI.user_error!("Invalid value '#{value}' for option '#{self}'") unless valid? value true end # Make sure, the value is valid (based on the verify block) # Returns false if that's not the case def valid?(value) # we also allow nil values, which do not have to be verified. if value # Verify that value is the type that we're expecting, if we are expecting a type if data_type && !value.kind_of?(data_type) UI.user_error!("'#{self.key}' value must be a #{data_type}! Found #{value.class} instead.") end if @verify_block begin rescue => ex UI.error "Error setting value '#{value}' for option '#{@key}'" raise, ex.to_s end end end true end # Returns an updated value type (if necessary) def auto_convert_value(value) # Weird because of case when data_type == Array return value.split(',') if value.kind_of?(String) when data_type == Integer return value.to_i unless value.nil? when data_type == Float return value.to_f unless value.nil? else # Special treatment if the user specified true, false or YES, NO # There is no boolean type, so we just do it here if %w(YES yes true TRUE).include?(value) return true elsif %w(NO no false FALSE).include?(value) return false end end return value # fallback to not doing anything end # Determines the defined data type of this ConfigItem def data_type if @data_type @data_type else (@is_string ? String : nil) end end # Replaces the attr_accessor, but maintains the same interface def string? data_type == String end def to_s [@key, @description].join(": ") end end end