require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'zlib' require 'digest' module Esvg class SVG attr_accessor :svgs, :last_read, :svg_symbols CONFIG = { filename: 'svgs', class: 'svg-symbol', namespace: 'svg', core: true, namespace_before: true, optimize: false, compress: false, throttle_read: 4, flatten: [], alias: {} } CONFIG_RAILS = { source: "app/assets/svgs", assets: "app/assets/javascripts", build: "public/javascripts", temp: "tmp" } def initialize(options={}) config(options) @modules = {} @last_read = nil read_cache read_files end def config(options={}) @config ||= begin paths = [options[:config_file], 'config/esvg.yml', 'esvg.yml'].compact config = CONFIG.dup if Esvg.rails? || options[:rails] config.merge!(CONFIG_RAILS) end if path ={ |p| File.exist?(p)}.first config.merge!(symbolize_keys(YAML.load( || {}))) end config.merge!(options) config[:filename] = File.basename(config[:filename], '.*') config[:pwd] = File.expand_path Dir.pwd config[:source] = File.expand_path config[:source] || config[:pwd] config[:build] = File.expand_path config[:build] || config[:pwd] config[:assets] = File.expand_path config[:assets] || config[:pwd] config[:temp] = config[:pwd] if config[:temp].nil? config[:temp] = File.expand_path File.join(config[:temp], '.esvg-cache') config[:aliases] = load_aliases(config[:alias]) config[:flatten] = [config[:flatten]] { |dir| File.join(dir, '/') }.join('|') config end end def read_files if !@last_read.nil? && ( - @last_read) < config[:throttle_read] return end # Get a list of svg files and modification times # find_files @last_read = puts "Read #{svgs.size} files from #{config[:source]}" if config[:print] if svgs.empty? && config[:print] puts "No svgs found at #{config[:source]}" end end def find_files files = Dir[File.join(config[:source], '**/*.svg')].uniq.sort @svg_symbols = {} # Remove deleted files from svg cache (svgs.keys - file_keys(files)).each { |f| svgs.delete(f) } dirs = {} files.each do |path| mtime = File.mtime(path).to_i key = file_key path dkey = dir_key path # Use cache if possible if svgs[key].nil? || svgs[key][:last_modified] != mtime svgs[key] = process_file(path, mtime) end # Name may have changed due to flatten config svgs[key][:name] = file_name(path) svgs[key][:attr][:name] = id(svgs[key][:name]) dirs[dkey] ||= {} (dirs[dkey][:files] ||= []) << key if dirs[dkey][:last_modified].nil? || dirs[dkey][:last_modified] < mtime dirs[dkey][:last_modified] = mtime end end dirs = sort(dirs) dirs.each do |dir, data| # overwrite cache if if svg_symbols[dir].nil? || # No cache for this dir yet svg_symbols[dir][:last_modified] != data[:last_modified] || # New or updated file svg_symbols[dir][:files] != data[:files] # Changed files attributes = data[:files].map { |f| svgs[f][:attr] } mtimes = data[:files].map { |f| svgs[f][:last_modified] }.join svg_symbols[dir] = data.merge({ name: dir, asset: File.basename(dir).start_with?('_'), version: config[:version] || Digest::MD5.hexdigest(mtimes) }) svg_symbols[dir][:path] = write_path(dir) end end @svg_symbols = sort(@svg_symbols) @svgs = sort(@svgs) end def read_cache @svgs = YAML.load(read_tmp '.svgs') || {} end def write_cache return if production? write_tmp '.svgs', sort(@svgs).to_yaml end def sort(hash) sorted = {} hash.sort.each do |h| sorted[h.first] = h.last end sorted end def embed_script(key=nil) if script = js(key) "<script>#{script}</script>" else '' end end def build_paths(keys=nil) build_files(keys).map { |s| File.basename(s[:path]) } end def build_files(keys=nil) valid_keys(keys).reject do |k| svg_symbols[k][:asset] { |k| svg_symbols[k] } end def asset_files(keys=nil) valid_keys(keys).select do |k| svg_symbols[k][:asset] { |k| svg_symbols[k] } end def process_file(path, mtime) content = id = id(file_key(path)) size_attr = dimensions(content) { path: path, use: %Q{<use xlink:href="##{id}"/>}, last_modified: mtime, attr: { id: id }.merge(size_attr), content: content } end def use(file, options={}) if svg = find_svg(file, options[:fallback]) if options[:color] options[:style] ||= '' options[:style] += "color:#{options[:color]};#{options[:style]}" end attr = { fill: options[:fill], style: options[:style], viewBox: svg[:attr][:viewBox], class: [config[:class], id(svg[:name]), options[:class]].compact.join(' ') } # If user doesn't pass a size or set scale: true if !(options[:width] || options[:height] || options[:scale]) # default to svg dimensions attr[:width] = svg[:attr][:width] attr[:height] = svg[:attr][:height] else # Add sizes (nil options will be stripped) attr[:width] = options[:width] attr[:height] = options[:height] end use = %Q{<svg #{attributes(attr)}>#{svg[:use]}#{title(options)}#{desc(options)}#{options[:content]||''}</svg>} if Esvg.rails? use.html_safe else use end else if production? return '' else raise "no svg named '#{get_alias(file)}' exists at #{config[:source]}" end end end alias :svg_icon :use def dimensions(input) viewbox = input.scan(/<svg.+(viewBox=["'](.+?)["'])/).flatten.last if viewbox coords = viewbox.split(' ') { viewBox: viewbox, width: coords[2].to_i - coords[0].to_i, height: coords[3].to_i - coords[1].to_i } else {} end end def attributes(hash) att = [] hash.each do |key, value| att << %Q{#{key}="#{value}"} unless value.nil? end att.join(' ') end def exist?(name, fallback=nil) !find_svg(name, fallback).nil? end def find_svg(name, fallback=nil) name = get_alias dasherize(name) if svg = svgs.values.find { |v| v[:name] == name } svg elsif fallback find_svg(fallback) end end alias_method :exists?, :exist? def id(name) name = name_key(name) if config[:namespace_before] dasherize "#{config[:namespace]}-#{name}" else dasherize "#{name}-#{config[:namespace]}" end end def dasherize(input) input.gsub(/[\W,_]/, '-').sub(/^-/,'').gsub(/-{2,}/, '-') end def title(options) if options[:title] "<title>#{options[:title]}</title>" else '' end end def desc(options) if options[:desc] "<desc>#{options[:desc]}</desc>" else '' end end def version(key) svg_symbols[key][:version] end def build paths = write_files svg_symbols.values if config[:core] path = File.join config[:assets], "_esvg.js" write_file(path, js_core) paths << path end paths end def write_files(files) paths = [] files.each do |file| content = js(file[:name]) write_file(file[:path], content) puts "Writing #{file[:path]}" if config[:print] paths << file[:path] if !file[:asset] && gz = compress(file[:path]) puts "Writing #{gz}" if config[:print] paths << gz end end write_cache paths end def symbols(keys) symbols = valid_keys(keys).map { |key| # Build on demand build_symbols(svg_symbols[key][:files]) }.join.gsub(/\n/,'') %Q{<svg id="esvg-#{key_id(keys)}" version="1.1" style="height:0;position:absolute">#{symbols}</svg>} end def build_symbols(files) { |file| if svgs[file][:optimized_at].nil? || svgs[file][:optimized_at] < svgs[file][:last_modified] svgs[file][:optimized_content] = optimize(svgs[file]) end svgs[file][:optimized_content] }.join.gsub(/\n/,'') end def js(key) keys = valid_keys(key) return if keys.empty? script key_id(keys), symbols(keys).gsub('/n','').gsub("'"){"\\'"} end def script(id, symbols) %Q{(function(){ function embed() { if (!document.querySelector('#esvg-#{id}')) { document.querySelector('body').insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '#{symbols}') } } // If DOM is already ready, embed SVGs if (document.readyState == 'interactive') { embed() } // Handle Turbolinks page change events if ( window.Turbolinks ) { document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function(event) { embed() }) } // Handle standard DOM ready events document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { embed() }) })()} end def js_core %Q{(function(){ var names function attr( source, name ){ if (typeof source == 'object') return name+'="'+source.getAttribute(name)+'" ' else return name+'="'+source+'" ' } function dasherize( input ) { return input.replace(/[\\W,_]/g, '-').replace(/-{2,}/g, '-') } function svgName( name ) { #{if config[:namespace_before] %Q{return "#{config[:namespace]}-"+dasherize( name )} else %Q{return dasherize( name )+"-#{config[:namespace]}"} end} } function use( name, options ) { options = options || {} var id = dasherize( svgName( name ) ) var symbol = svgs()[id] if ( symbol ) { var svg = document.createRange().createContextualFragment( '<svg><use xlink:href="#'+id+'"/></svg>' ).firstChild; svg.setAttribute( 'class', '#{config[:class]} '+id+' '+( options.classname || '' ).trim() ) svg.setAttribute( 'viewBox', symbol.getAttribute( 'viewBox' ) ) if ( !( options.width || options.height || options.scale ) ) { svg.setAttribute('width', symbol.getAttribute('width')) svg.setAttribute('height', symbol.getAttribute('height')) } else { if ( options.width ) svg.setAttribute( 'width', options.width ) if ( options.height ) svg.setAttribute( 'height', options.height ) } return svg } else { console.error('Cannot find "'+name+'" svg symbol. Ensure that svg scripts are loaded') } } function svgs(){ if ( !names ) { names = {} for( var symbol of document.querySelectorAll( 'svg[id^=esvg] symbol' ) ) { names[symbol.getAttribute('name')] = symbol } } return names } var esvg = { svgs: svgs, use: use } // Handle Turbolinks page change events if ( window.Turbolinks ) { document.addEventListener( "turbolinks:load", function( event ) { names = null; esvg.svgs() }) } if( typeof( module ) != 'undefined' ) { module.exports = esvg } else window.esvg = esvg })()} end private def file_key(path) dasherize sub_path(path).sub('.svg','') end def dir_key(path) dir = File.dirname(flatten_path(path)) # Flattened paths which should be treated as assets will use '_' as their dir key # - flatten: _foo - _foo/icon.svg will have a dirkey of _ # - filename: _icons - treats all root or flattened files as assets if dir == '.' && ( sub_path(path).start_with?('_') || config[:filename].start_with?('_') ) '_' else dir end end def file_name(path) dasherize flatten_path(path).sub('.svg','') end def sub_path(path) path.sub("#{config[:source]}/",'') end def flatten_path(path) sub_path(path).sub([:flatten]), '') end def file_keys(paths) { |p| file_key(p) } end def name_key(key) if key == '_' # Root level asset file "_#{config[:filename]}".sub(/_+/, '_') elsif key == '.' # Root level build file config[:filename] else "#{key}" end end def write_path(key) name = name_key(key) if name.start_with?('_') # Is it an asset? File.join config[:assets], "#{name}.js" else # or a build file? File.join config[:build], "#{name}-#{version(key)}.js" end end def svgo? !!(config[:optimize] && svgo_cmd) end def optimize(svg) svg[:optimized_content] = pre_optimize svg[:content] svg[:optimized_content] = sub_def_ids svg if svgo? response = Open3.capture3(%Q{#{} --disable=removeUselessDefs -s '#{svg[:content]}' -o -}) svg[:optimized_content] = response[0] if response[2].success? end svg[:optimized_at] = svg[:optimized_content] = post_optimize svg end def pre_optimize(svg) reg = %w(xmlns xmlns:xlink xml:space version).map { |m| "#{m}=\".+?\"" }.join('|') svg.gsub(, '') # Remove unwanted attributes .gsub(/<?.+\?>/,'').gsub(/<!.+?>/,'') # Get rid of doctypes and comments .gsub(/style="([^"]*?)fill:(.+?);/m, 'fill="\2" style="\1') # Make fill a property instead of a style .gsub(/style="([^"]*?)fill-opacity:(.+?);/m, 'fill-opacity="\2" style="\1') # Move fill-opacity a property instead of a style .gsub(/\n/, '') # Remove endlines .gsub(/\s{2,}/, ' ') # Remove whitespace .gsub(/>\s+</, '><') # Remove whitespace between tags .gsub(/\s?fill="(#0{3,6}|black|rgba?\(0,0,0\))"/,'') # Strip black fill end def post_optimize(svg) svg[:optimized_content] = set_attributes(svg) .gsub(/<\/svg/,'</symbol') # Replace svgs with symbols .gsub(/class="def-/,'id="def-') # Replace <def> classes with ids (classes are generated in sub_def_ids) .gsub(/\w+=""/,'') # Remove empty attributes end def set_attributes(svg) svg[:attr].keys.each { |key| svg[:optimized_content].sub!(/ #{key}=".+?"/,'') } svg[:optimized_content].sub(/<svg/, "<symbol #{attributes(svg[:attr])}") end def svgo_cmd find_node_module('svgo') end # Scans <def> blocks for IDs # If urls(#id) are used, ensure these IDs are unique to this file # Only replace IDs if urls exist to avoid replacing defs # used in other svg files # def sub_def_ids(svg) content = svg[:optimized_content] name = svg[:attr][:id] return content unless !!content.match(/<defs>/) content.scan(/<defs>.+<\/defs>/m).flatten.each do |defs| defs.scan(/id="(.+?)"/).flatten.uniq.each_with_index do |id, index| if content.match(/url\(##{id}\)/) new_id = "def-#{name}-#{index}" content = content.gsub(/id="#{id}"/, %Q{class="#{new_id}"}) .gsub(/url\(##{id}\)/, "url(##{new_id})" ) else content = content.gsub(/id="#{id}"/, %Q{class="#{id}"}) end end end content end def compress(file) return if !config[:compress] mtime = File.mtime(file) gz_file = "#{file}.gz" return if (File.exist?(gz_file) && File.mtime(gz_file) >= mtime), "wb") do |dest| gz =, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION) gz.mtime = mtime.to_i IO.copy_stream(open(file), gz) gz.close end File.utime(mtime, mtime, gz_file) gz_file end def write_tmp(name, content) path = File.join(config[:temp], name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)) write_file path, content path end def read_tmp(name) path = File.join(config[:temp], name) if File.exist? path path else '' end end def log_path(path) File.expand_path(path).sub(config[:pwd], '').sub(/^\//,'') end def write_file(path, contents) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.expand_path(File.dirname(path))), 'w') do |io| io.write(contents) end end def key_id(keys) do |key| (key == '.') ? 'symbols' : id(key) end.join('-') end # Determine if an NPM module is installed by checking paths with `npm bin` # Returns path to binary if installed def find_node_module(cmd) require 'open3' return @modules[cmd] unless @modules[cmd].nil? @modules[cmd] = begin local = "$(npm bin)/#{cmd}" global = "$(npm -g bin)/#{cmd}" if Open3.capture3(local)[2].success? local elsif Open3.capture3(global)[2].success? global else false end end end def symbolize_keys(hash) h = {} hash.each {|k,v| h[k.to_sym] = v } h end # Return non-empty key names for groups of svgs def valid_keys(keys) if keys.nil? || keys.empty? svg_symbols.keys else keys = [keys] { |k| dasherize k } { |k| keys.include? dasherize(k) } end end # Load aliases from configuration. # returns a hash of aliasees mapped to a name. # Converts configuration YAML: # alias: # foo: bar # baz: zip, zop # To output: # { :bar => "foo", :zip => "baz", :zop => "baz" } # def load_aliases(aliases) a = {} aliases.each do |name,alternates| alternates.split(',').each do |val| a[dasherize(val.strip).to_sym] = dasherize(name.to_s) end end a end def get_alias(name) config[:aliases][dasherize(name).to_sym] || name end def production? config[:produciton] || if Esvg.rails? Rails.env.production? end end end end