require 'spec_helper' describe Travis::Cli::Deploy do let(:shell) { } before :each do $stdout = Travis::Cli::Deploy.any_instance.stubs(:clean?).returns(true) Travis::Cli::Deploy.any_instance.stubs(:branch).returns('master') File.stubs(:open) end after :each do $stdout = STDOUT end describe 'with a clean working directory' do describe 'given remote "production"' do let(:command) {, 'production', {}) } before :each do command.stubs(:system).returns(true) end it 'switches to the production branch' do command.expects(:system).with('git checkout production').returns(true) command.invoke end it 'resets the production branch to the current branch' do command.expects(:system).with('git reset --hard master').returns(true) command.invoke end it 'pushes the production branch to origin' do command.expects(:system).with('git push origin production -f').returns(true) command.invoke end it 'switches back to the previous branch' do command.expects(:system).with('git checkout master').returns(true) command.invoke end it 'tags the current commit ' do command.expects(:system).with { |cmd| cmd =~ /git tag -a 'deploy.*' -m 'deploy.*'/ }.returns(true) command.invoke end it 'pushes the tag to origin' do command.expects(:system).with('git push --tags').returns(true) command.invoke end it 'pushes to the given remote' do command.expects(:system).with('git push production HEAD:master -f').returns(true) command.invoke end end describe 'given the remote "staging"' do let(:command) {, 'staging', {}) } before :each do command.stubs(:system).returns(true) end it 'does not switch to the production branch' do command.expects(:system).with('git checkout production').never command.invoke end it 'does not tag the current commit if the given remote is "staging"' do command.expects(:system).with { |cmd| cmd =~ /git tag -a 'deploy .*' -m 'deploy .*'/ }.never command.invoke end it 'pushes to the given remote' do command.expects(:system).with('git push staging HEAD:master -f').returns(true) command.invoke end end it 'migrates the database if --migrate is given' do command =, 'production', 'migrate' => true) command.stubs(:system).returns(true) command.expects(:system).with('heroku run rake db:migrate -r production').returns(true) command.invoke end it 'restarts the app when the database is migrated' do command =, 'production', 'migrate' => true) command.stubs(:system).returns(true) command.expects(:system).with('heroku restart -r production').returns(true) command.invoke end it 'configures the application if --configure is given' do command =, 'production', 'configure' => true) command.stubs(:system).returns(true) command.expects(:configure) command.invoke end end describe 'with a dirty working directory' do before :each do end it 'outputs an error message' do command =, 'production', {}) command.stubs(:clean?).returns(false) command.expects(:error).with('There are unstaged changes.') command.invoke end end end