# TranslationEngine [![Dependency Status](https://dependencyci.com/github/blueberryapps/translation-engine/badge)](https://dependencyci.com/github/blueberryapps/translation-engine) ``` gem 'translation_engine', git: 'https://github.com/blueberryapps/translation-engine.git' ``` ## Configuration Default configuration is that all part are turned off, so for enabling you need to create file `config/initializers/translation_engine.rb` with this content: ```ruby # config/initializers/translation_engine.rb TranslationEngine.config do |config| # key for user config.api_key = 'API_KEY' # url to Translation Server config.api_host = '' # enable screenshot functionality (default is false) config.use_screenshots = true # enable to send translation after every request and receive translations # when something changed (default is false) config.use_catcher = true # for production envs you don't want to send translations # so if use_catcher is true you can disable sending them by this option: config.disable_sending_translations = true # Timeout for connecting to translation server # config.timeout = 5 # Set time between asking translation server for new data, (default is 0) config.cache_timeout = 60 # ask translation server every 60s for new data # If true TranslationEngine will throw exceptions on connection problems # If false TranslationEngine will just log exception to Rails.logger config.raise_exceptions = Rails.env.development? end ``` ## Releases ``` # list all possible releases I18n.backend.releases # list all possible release which has same locale as I18n.locale I18n.backend.current_locale_releases ``` ### Switch release on frontend ```slim - I18n.backend.current_locale_releases.each do |release| = link_to release.version.upcase, { translation_release: release.version }, class: ('active' if release.current?) ``` ## Screenshots Integration ### Javascript Require javascript by inserting `app/assets/javascripts/application.js` ``` //= require translation_engine/screenshots ``` or in views `= javascript_include_tag 'translation_engine/screenshots'` (this javascript is already precompiled, so you don't need to do anything else) Ensure that you have jquery + coffeescript (or similar gems which provides same function) ```ruby gem 'coffee-rails' gem 'jquery-rails' ``` ### Stylesheets Require stylesheets by inserting `app/assets/stylesheets/application.sass`: ``` @import 'translation_engine/screenshots' ``` or in views `= stylesheet_link_tag 'translation_engine/screenshots'` (this stylesheet is already precompiled, so you don't need to do anything else) ### Start translations screenshoting Create element with class `translation_engine_start`. When you click on this element, Translation Engine will start screenshoting page and then sends all images + highlights to server `/transaltion_engine` which will be catched by `ScreenshotsMiddleware` and then send to TranslationServer. or Use callback `window.TranslationEngine.start()` ### Show translations and keys + link to translation server Create element with class `translation_highlight_start`. When you click on this element, Translation Engine will show keys instead of text to all translated text in page and it will add link to translation server. or Use callback `window.TranslationEngine.highlight()` ## Rake tasks ### `rake translation_engine:list:releases` List all available releases from Translations Server ### `rake translation_engine:pull:master` Download all master translations from Translations server and store them into config/locales/z_translation_engine.yml ### `rake translation_engine:pull:release RELEASE=en_v001` Download released translations from Translations server and store them into config/locales/z_releases/(release_locale).yml, will overwrite previous locale release, leaving allways only one release. ## Architecture of service ![Catcher](./readme/catcher.png) Catcher is middleware in rails APP which catches all used translations in page and then it sends them into Translation Server. ![Screenshots](./readme/screenshots.png) Screenshots middleware takes highlights and images which sends into Translation Server. ## Publishing ``` gem build translation_engine.gemspec gem push translation_engine-0.0.5.gem ```