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The Log class implements a filter for segmented execution traces. The trace messages are filtered based on their segment name and the nesting level of the segments. The class is a Singleton, so there is only one instance in the program.

Public Class Methods

<<(message) click to toggle source

Use this function to show a log message within the currently active segment.

     # File lib/Log.rb, line 84
 84:     def Log.<<(message)
 85:       return if @@level == 0
 87:       offset = 0
 88:       unless @@segments.empty?
 89:         showMessage = false
 90:         @@stack.each do |segment|
 91:           # If a segment list is used to filter the output, we look for the
 92:           # first listed segments on the stack. This and all nested segments
 93:           # will be shown.
 94:           if @@segments.include?(segment) &&
 95:             (offset = @@stack.length - @@stack.index(segment)) >= @@level
 96:             showMessage = true
 97:             break
 98:           end
 99:         end
100:         return unless showMessage
101:       end
102:       if @@stack.length - offset < @@level
103:         $stderr.puts ' ' * (@@stack.length - offset) + message
104:       end
105:     end
activity() click to toggle source

This function may only be called when Log#startProgressMeter has been called before. It updates the progress indicator to the next symbol to visualize ongoing activity.

     # File lib/Log.rb, line 141
141:     def Log.activity
142:       return if @@silent
144:       indicator = %( - \\ | / )
145:       @@progress = (@@progress.to_i + 1) % indicator.length
146:       $stdout.print("#{@@progressMeter} [#{indicator[@@progress]}]\r")
147:     end
enter(segment, message) click to toggle source

This function is used to open a new segment. segment is the name of the segment and message is a description of it.

    # File lib/Log.rb, line 60
60:     def Log.enter(segment, message)
61:       return if @@level == 0
63:       @@stack << segment
64:       Log.<< ">> [#{segment}] #{message}"
65:     end
exit(segment, message = nil) click to toggle source

This function is used to close an open segment. To make this mechanism a bit more robust, it will search the stack of open segments for a segment with that name and will close all nested segments as well.

    # File lib/Log.rb, line 70
70:     def Log.exit(segment, message = nil)
71:       return if @@level == 0
73:       Log.<< "<< [#{segment}] #{message}" if message
74:       if @@stack.include?(segment)
75:         loop do
76:           m = @@stack.pop
77:           break if m == segment
78:         end
79:       end
80:     end
level=(l) click to toggle source

Set the maximum nesting level that should be shown. Segments with a nesting level greater than l will be silently dropped.

    # File lib/Log.rb, line 36
36:     def Log.level=(l)
37:       @@level = l
38:     end
progress(percent) click to toggle source

This function may only be called when Log#startProgressMeter has been called before. It updates the progress bar to the given percent completion value. The value should be between 0.0 and 1.0.

     # File lib/Log.rb, line 152
152:     def Log.progress(percent)
153:       return if @@silent
155:       percent = 0.0 if percent < 0.0
156:       percent = 1.0 if percent > 1.0
157:       @@progress = percent
159:       length = 16
160:       full = (length * percent).to_i
161:       bar = '=' * full + ' ' * (length - full)
162:       label = (percent * 100.0).to_i.to_s + '%'
163:       bar[length / 2 - label.length / 2, label.length] = label
164:       $stdout.print("#{@@progressMeter} [#{bar}]\r")
165:     end
segments=(s) click to toggle source

The trace output can be limited to a list of segments. Messages not in these segments will be ignored. Messages from segments that are nested into the shown segments will be shown for the next @@level nested segments.

    # File lib/Log.rb, line 44
44:     def Log.segments=(s)
45:       @@segments = []
46:     end
silent() click to toggle source

Return the @@silent value.

    # File lib/Log.rb, line 54
54:     def Log.silent
55:       @@silent
56:     end
silent=(s) click to toggle source

if s is true, progress information will not be shown.

    # File lib/Log.rb, line 49
49:     def Log.silent=(s)
50:       @@silent = s
51:     end
startProgressMeter(text) click to toggle source

The progress meter can be a textual progress bar or some animated character sequence that informs the user about ongoing activities. Call this function to start the progress meter display or to change the info text. The the meter is active the text cursor is always returned to the start of the same line. Consequent output will overwrite the last meter text.

     # File lib/Log.rb, line 120
120:     def Log.startProgressMeter(text)
121:       return if @@silent
123:       maxlen = 60
124:       text = text.ljust(maxlen)
125:       text = text[0..maxlen - 1] if text.length > maxlen
126:       @@progressMeter = text
127:       $stdout.print("#{@@progressMeter} ...\r")
128:     end
status(message) click to toggle source

Print out a status message unless we are in silent mode.

     # File lib/Log.rb, line 108
108:     def Log.status(message)
109:       return if @@silent
111:       $stdout.puts message
112:     end
stopProgressMeter() click to toggle source

This sets the progress meter status to “done” and puts the cursor into the next line again.

     # File lib/Log.rb, line 132
132:     def Log.stopProgressMeter
133:       return if @@silent
135:       $stdout.print("#{@@progressMeter} [      Done      ]\n")
136:     end

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.


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