--- # Hostname or IP address to bind to. :host: # Port merb runs on or starting port for merb cluster. :port: "4000" # Set if your app will be hosted in some dir other than the root #:path_prefix: "/my_app" # In development mode your app's files are reloaded whenever Merb detects a # change. Templates are parsed each time and not cached. In production mode # templates are cached, as well as all your classes :environment: development # Uncomment if you have more than one ORM or if you need to be specific about # which memory store to use. Built-in options are: memory, cookie, or mem_cache :session_store: memory #:memory_session_ttl: 3600 # one hour # A secret key is required when using the 'cookie' session store (default), # change this value to something unique to your application and keep it private :session_secret_key: /USERS/FGALIANA/WORK/RUBYFORGE/MOLE/SAMPLES/MERBAPP8301 # Uncomment to use the merb upload progress. The 'path match' will be treated as # a regex for any URLs that should be considered for upload monitoring. #:upload_path_match: /files/\d #:upload_frequency: 3 # Uncomment to cache templates in dev mode. Templates are cached # automatically in production mode. #:cache_templates: true # Uncomment to bundle assets in dev mode. Assets are automatically bundled in # production mode. #:bundle_assets: true # this is true if you want mongrel to emulate the X-Sendfile header internally, # false if you want it to fall thru to apache or whatever front end server you use. # true by default #:mongrel_x_sendfile: false # Uncomment and set this if you want to run a drb server for upload progress # or other drb services. #:start_drb: true #:drb_server_port: 32323 # If you want to protect some or all of your app with HTTP basic auth then # uncomment the following and fill in your credentials you want it to use. # You will then need to set a 'before' filter in a controller. For example: # before :basic_authentication #:basic_auth: # :username: ezra # :password: test # :domain: localhost # Uncomment this if you want merb to daemonize when you start it. You can also # just use merb -d for the same effect. Don't uncomment this if you use the # cluster option. #:daemonize: true # Uncomment this to set the number of members in your merb cluster. Don't set # this and :daemonize: at the same time. #:cluster: 3 # Uncomment this if you want to force merb to show full InternalServerError # details, even when in production mode #:exception_details: true # It is often useful to use a differant layout from 'application' for errors # set this to the layout template (or :none) that you want to use by default #:exception_layout: :none # You can override settings for specific environments by creating a yaml # file for that environment in config/environments. For example, to # change the configuration only for development create # config/environments/development.yml # If you don't intend to parse JSON, use ActiveSupport, or want to roll your own # set this to true, to disable the loading of the JSON gem # :disable_json_gem: true