module Scenic module Adapters class Postgres # Fetches defined views from the postgres connection. # @api private class Views def initialize(connection) @connection = connection end # All of the views that this connection has defined. # # This will include materialized views if those are supported by the # connection. # # @return [Array] def all end private attr_reader :connection def views_from_postgres connection.execute(<<-SQL) SELECT c.relname as viewname, pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) AS definition, c.relkind AS kind, n.nspname AS namespace FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind IN ('m', 'v') AND c.relname NOT IN (SELECT extname FROM pg_extension) AND n.nspname = ANY (current_schemas(false)) ORDER BY c.oid SQL end def to_scenic_view(result) namespace, viewname = result.values_at "namespace", "viewname" if namespace != "public" namespaced_viewname = "#{pg_identifier(namespace)}.#{pg_identifier(viewname)}" else namespaced_viewname = pg_identifier(viewname) end name: namespaced_viewname, definition: result["definition"].strip, materialized: result["kind"] == "m", ) end def pg_identifier(name) return name if name =~ /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/ pgconn.quote_ident(name) end def pgconn if defined?(PG::Connection) PG::Connection else PGconn end end end end end end