--- id: after_persist title: After Persist --- _Notice: `after_persist` supported only with [`active_record`](active_record.md) adapter._ The special mechanism for transformation of cloned record. In contradistinction to [`finalize`](finalize.md) executes with a saved record. This type of callbacks provides a default `mapper:` parameter which contains a relation between origin and cloned objects. `after_persist` helps to restore broken _relationships_ while cloning associations and implement some logic with already persisted clone record. (_Inspired by [issues#19](https://github.com/palkan/clowne/issues/19)_) Examples: ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base # create_table :users do |t| # t.string :login # t.integer :bio_id # end has_many :posts # all user's posts including BIO belongs_to :bio, class_name: 'Post' end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base # create_table :posts do |t| # t.integer :user_id # end end class UserCloner < Clowne::Cloner include_association :posts, params: true after_persist do |origin, clone, mapper:, **| cloned_bio = mapper.clone_of(origin.bio) clone.update_attributes(bio_id: cloned_bio.id) end end class PostCloner < Clowne::Cloner after_persist do |_, clone, run_job:, **| PostBackgroundJob.perform_async(clone.id) if run_job end end ``` _Notice: See more about `mapper:` [`here`](clone_mapper.md)._ `after_persist` runs when you call [`Operation#persist`]('operation.md) (or `Operation#persist!`) ```ruby # prepare data user = User.create posts = Array.new(3) { Post.create(user: user) } bio = posts.sample user.update_attributes(bio_id: bio.id) operation = UserCloner.call(user, run_job: true) # => <#Clowne::Utils::Operation ...> clone = operation.to_record # => <#User id: nil, ...> # we copy all user attributes including bio_id # but this is wrong because bio refers to the source user's bio # and we can fix it using after_persist when posts already saved clone.bio_id == bio.id # => true # save clone and run after_persist callbacks operation.persit clone.bio_id == bio.id # => false clone.posts.pluck(:id).include?(clone.bio_id) # => true ``` _Notice: be careful while using after_persist feature! If you clone a fat record (with a lot of associations) and will implement complex logic inside `after_persist` callback, it may affect your system._