# frozen_string_literal: true module Spree # An order's planned shipments including tracking and cost. # class Shipment < Spree::Base belongs_to :order, class_name: 'Spree::Order', touch: true, inverse_of: :shipments belongs_to :stock_location, class_name: 'Spree::StockLocation' has_many :adjustments, as: :adjustable, inverse_of: :adjustable, dependent: :delete_all has_many :inventory_units, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :shipment has_many :shipping_rates, -> { order(:cost) }, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :shipment has_many :shipping_methods, through: :shipping_rates has_many :state_changes, as: :stateful has_many :cartons, -> { distinct }, through: :inventory_units before_validation :set_cost_zero_when_nil before_destroy :ensure_can_destroy # TODO: remove the suppress_mailer temporary variable once we are calling 'ship' # from outside of the state machine and can actually pass variables through. attr_accessor :special_instructions, :suppress_mailer accepts_nested_attributes_for :inventory_units make_permalink field: :number, length: 11, prefix: 'H' scope :pending, -> { with_state('pending') } scope :ready, -> { with_state('ready') } scope :shipped, -> { with_state('shipped') } scope :trackable, -> { where("tracking IS NOT NULL AND tracking != ''") } scope :with_state, ->(*s) { where(state: s) } # sort by most recent shipped_at, falling back to created_at. add "id desc" to make specs that involve this scope more deterministic. scope :reverse_chronological, -> { order('coalesce(spree_shipments.shipped_at, spree_shipments.created_at) desc', id: :desc) } scope :by_store, ->(store) { joins(:order).merge(Spree::Order.by_store(store)) } # shipment state machine (see http://github.com/pluginaweek/state_machine/tree/master for details) state_machine initial: :pending, use_transactions: false do event :ready do transition from: :pending, to: :shipped, if: :can_transition_from_pending_to_shipped? transition from: :pending, to: :ready, if: :can_transition_from_pending_to_ready? end event :pend do transition from: :ready, to: :pending end event :ship do transition from: [:ready, :canceled], to: :shipped end after_transition to: :shipped, do: :after_ship event :cancel do transition to: :canceled, from: [:pending, :ready] end after_transition to: :canceled, do: :after_cancel event :resume do transition from: :canceled, to: :ready, if: :can_transition_from_canceled_to_ready? transition from: :canceled, to: :pending end after_transition from: :canceled, to: [:pending, :ready, :shipped], do: :after_resume after_transition do |shipment, transition| shipment.state_changes.create!( previous_state: transition.from, next_state: transition.to, name: 'shipment' ) end end self.whitelisted_ransackable_associations = ['order'] self.whitelisted_ransackable_attributes = ['number'] delegate :tax_category, :tax_category_id, to: :selected_shipping_rate, allow_nil: true def can_transition_from_pending_to_shipped? !requires_shipment? end def can_transition_from_pending_to_ready? order.can_ship? && inventory_units.all? { |iu| iu.shipped? || iu.allow_ship? || iu.canceled? } && (order.paid? || !Spree::Config[:require_payment_to_ship]) end def can_transition_from_canceled_to_ready? can_transition_from_pending_to_ready? end extend DisplayMoney money_methods( :cost, :amount, :discounted_cost, :final_price, :item_cost, :total, :total_before_tax, ) deprecate display_discounted_cost: :display_total_before_tax, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation deprecate display_final_price: :display_total, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation alias_attribute :amount, :cost def add_shipping_method(shipping_method, selected = false) shipping_rates.create(shipping_method: shipping_method, selected: selected, cost: cost) end deprecate :add_shipping_method, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation def after_cancel manifest.each { |item| manifest_restock(item) } end def after_resume manifest.each { |item| manifest_unstock(item) } end def backordered? inventory_units.any?(&:backordered?) end def currency order ? order.currency : Spree::Config[:currency] end def discounted_cost cost + promo_total end deprecate discounted_cost: :total_before_tax, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation alias discounted_amount discounted_cost deprecate discounted_amount: :total_before_tax, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation # @return [BigDecimal] the amount of this shipment, taking into # consideration all its adjustments. def total cost + adjustment_total end alias final_price total deprecate final_price: :total, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation # @return [BigDecimal] the amount of this item, taking into consideration # all non-tax adjustments. def total_before_tax amount + adjustments.select { |a| !a.tax? && a.eligible? }.sum(&:amount) end # @return [BigDecimal] the amount of this shipment before VAT tax # @note just like `cost`, this does not include any additional tax def total_excluding_vat total_before_tax - included_tax_total end alias pre_tax_amount total_excluding_vat deprecate pre_tax_amount: :total_excluding_vat, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation def total_with_items total + item_cost end alias final_price_with_items total_with_items deprecate final_price_with_items: :total_with_items, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation def editable_by?(_user) !shipped? end # Decrement the stock counts for all pending inventory units in this # shipment and mark. # Any previous non-pending inventory units are skipped as their stock had # already been allocated. def finalize! transaction do pending_units = inventory_units.select(&:pending?) pending_manifest = Spree::ShippingManifest.new(inventory_units: pending_units) pending_manifest.items.each { |item| manifest_unstock(item) } Spree::InventoryUnit.finalize_units!(pending_units) end end def include?(variant) inventory_units_for(variant).present? end def inventory_units_for(variant) inventory_units.where(variant_id: variant.id) end def inventory_units_for_item(line_item, variant = nil) inventory_units.where(line_item_id: line_item.id, variant_id: line_item.variant.id || variant.id) end def item_cost line_items.map(&:total).sum end def line_items inventory_units.includes(:line_item).map(&:line_item).uniq end def ready_or_pending? ready? || pending? end def refresh_rates return shipping_rates if shipped? return [] unless can_get_rates? # StockEstimator.new assigment below will replace the current shipping_method original_shipping_method_id = shipping_method.try!(:id) new_rates = Spree::Config.stock.estimator_class.new.shipping_rates(to_package) # If one of the new rates matches the previously selected shipping # method, select that instead of the default provided by the estimator. # Otherwise, keep the default. selected_rate = new_rates.detect{ |rate| rate.shipping_method_id == original_shipping_method_id } if selected_rate new_rates.each do |rate| rate.selected = (rate == selected_rate) end end self.shipping_rates = new_rates save! shipping_rates end def select_shipping_method(shipping_method) estimator = Spree::Config.stock.estimator_class.new rates = estimator.shipping_rates(to_package, false) rate = rates.detect { |r| r.shipping_method_id == shipping_method.id } rate.selected = true self.shipping_rates = [rate] end def selected_shipping_rate shipping_rates.detect(&:selected?) end def manifest @manifest ||= Spree::ShippingManifest.new(inventory_units: inventory_units).items end def selected_shipping_rate_id selected_shipping_rate.try(:id) end def selected_shipping_rate_id=(id) return if selected_shipping_rate_id == id new_rate = shipping_rates.detect { |rate| rate.id == id.to_i } unless new_rate fail( ArgumentError, "Could not find shipping rate id #{id} for shipment #{number}" ) end transaction do selected_shipping_rate.update!(selected: false) if selected_shipping_rate new_rate.update!(selected: true) end end # Determines the appropriate +state+ according to the following logic: # # canceled if order is canceled # pending unless order is complete and +order.payment_state+ is +paid+ # shipped if already shipped (ie. does not change the state) # ready all other cases def determine_state(order) return 'canceled' if order.canceled? return 'shipped' if shipped? return 'pending' unless order.can_ship? if can_transition_from_pending_to_ready? 'ready' else 'pending' end end def set_up_inventory(state, variant, _order, line_item) inventory_units.create( state: state, variant_id: variant.id, line_item_id: line_item.id ) end def shipped=(value) return unless value == '1' && shipped_at.nil? self.shipped_at = Time.current end def shipping_method selected_shipping_rate.try(:shipping_method) end # Only one of either included_tax_total or additional_tax_total is set # This method returns the total of the two. Saves having to check if # tax is included or additional. def tax_total included_tax_total + additional_tax_total end def to_package package = Stock::Package.new(stock_location) package.shipment = self inventory_units.includes(:variant).joins(:variant).group_by(&:state).each do |state, state_inventory_units| package.add_multiple state_inventory_units, state.to_sym end package end def to_param number end def tracking_url return nil unless tracking && shipping_method @tracking_url ||= shipping_method.build_tracking_url(tracking) end def update_amounts if selected_shipping_rate self.cost = selected_shipping_rate.cost if changed? update_columns( cost: cost, updated_at: Time.current ) end end end # Update Shipment and make sure Order states follow the shipment changes def update_attributes_and_order(params = {}) if update_attributes params if params.key? :selected_shipping_rate_id # Changing the selected Shipping Rate won't update the cost (for now) # so we persist the Shipment#cost before running `order.recalculate` update_amounts order.recalculate end true end end # Updates the state of the Shipment bypassing any callbacks. # # If this moves the shipmnent to the 'shipped' state, after_ship will be # called. def update_state old_state = state new_state = determine_state(order) if new_state != old_state update_columns( state: new_state, updated_at: Time.current ) after_ship if new_state == 'shipped' end end def update!(order_or_attrs) if order_or_attrs.is_a?(Spree::Order) Spree::Deprecation.warn "Calling Shipment#update! with an order to update the shipments state is deprecated. Please use Shipment#update_state instead." if order_or_attrs.object_id != order.object_id Spree::Deprecation.warn "Additionally, update! is being passed an instance of order which isn't the same object as the shipment's order association" end update_state else super end end def transfer_to_location(variant, quantity, stock_location) Spree::Deprecation.warn("Please use the Spree::FulfilmentChanger class instead of Spree::Shipment#transfer_to_location", caller) new_shipment = order.shipments.create!(stock_location: stock_location) transfer_to_shipment(variant, quantity, new_shipment) end def transfer_to_shipment(variant, quantity, shipment_to_transfer_to) Spree::Deprecation.warn("Please use the Spree::FulfilmentChanger class instead of Spree::Shipment#transfer_to_location", caller) Spree::FulfilmentChanger.new( current_shipment: self, desired_shipment: shipment_to_transfer_to, variant: variant, quantity: quantity ).run! end def requires_shipment? !stock_location || stock_location.fulfillable? end def address Spree::Deprecation.warn("Calling Shipment#address is deprecated. Use Order#ship_address instead", caller) order.ship_address if order end private def after_ship order.shipping.ship_shipment(self, suppress_mailer: suppress_mailer) end def can_get_rates? order.ship_address && order.ship_address.valid? end def manifest_restock(item) if item.states["on_hand"].to_i > 0 stock_location.restock item.variant, item.states["on_hand"], self end if item.states["backordered"].to_i > 0 stock_location.restock_backordered item.variant, item.states["backordered"] end end def manifest_unstock(item) stock_location.unstock item.variant, item.quantity, self end def set_cost_zero_when_nil self.cost = 0 unless cost end def ensure_can_destroy if shipped? || canceled? errors.add(:state, :cannot_destroy, state: state) throw :abort end end end end