# EARL reporting require 'linkeddata' require 'sparql' require 'haml' require 'open-uri' ## # EARL reporting class. # Instantiate a new class using one or more input graphs class EarlReport autoload :VERSION, 'earl_report/version' attr_reader :graph # Return information about each test. # Tests all have an mf:action property. # The Manifest lists all actions in list from mf:entries MANIFEST_QUERY = %( PREFIX mf: PREFIX rdf: SELECT ?uri ?testAction ?manUri WHERE { ?uri mf:action ?testAction . OPTIONAL { ?manUri a mf:Manifest; mf:entries ?lh . ?lh rdf:first ?uri . } } ).freeze TEST_SUBJECT_QUERY = %( PREFIX doap: PREFIX foaf: SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?name ?doapDesc ?homepage ?language ?developer ?devName ?devType ?devHomepage WHERE { ?uri a doap:Project; doap:name ?name; doap:developer ?developer . OPTIONAL { ?uri doap:homepage ?homepage . } OPTIONAL { ?uri doap:description ?doapDesc . } OPTIONAL { ?uri doap:programming-language ?language . } OPTIONAL { ?developer a ?devType .} OPTIONAL { ?developer foaf:name ?devName .} OPTIONAL { ?developer foaf:homepage ?devHomepage .} } ORDER BY ?name ).freeze DOAP_QUERY = %( PREFIX earl: PREFIX doap: SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?name WHERE { [ a earl:Assertion; earl:subject ?subject ] . OPTIONAL { ?subject a doap:Project; doap:name ?name } } ).freeze ASSERTION_QUERY = %( PREFIX earl: SELECT ?test ?subject ?by ?mode ?outcome WHERE { ?a a earl:Assertion; earl:assertedBy ?by; earl:result [earl:outcome ?outcome]; earl:subject ?subject; earl:test ?test . OPTIONAL { ?a earl:mode ?mode . } } ORDER BY ?subject ).freeze TEST_FRAME = { "@context" => { "@vocab" => "http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#", "foaf:homepage" => {"@type" => "@id"}, "dc" => "http://purl.org/dc/terms/", "doap" => "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#", "earl" => "http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#", "mf" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#", "foaf" => "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/", "rdfs" => "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "assertedBy" => {"@type" => "@id"}, "assertions" => {"@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@set"}, "bibRef" => {"@id" => "dc:bibliographicCitation"}, "created" => {"@id" => "doap:created", "@type" => "xsd:date"}, "description" => {"@id" => "rdfs:comment", "@language" => "en"}, "developer" => {"@id" => "doap:developer", "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@set"}, "doapDesc" => {"@id" => "doap:description", "@language" => "en"}, "generatedBy" => {"@type" => "@id"}, "homepage" => {"@id" => "doap:homepage", "@type" => "@id"}, "language" => {"@id" => "doap:programming-language"}, "license" => {"@id" => "doap:license", "@type" => "@id"}, "mode" => {"@type" => "@id"}, "name" => {"@id" => "doap:name"}, "outcome" => {"@type" => "@id"}, "release" => {"@id" => "doap:release", "@type" => "@id"}, "revision" => {"@id" => "doap:revision"}, "shortdesc" => {"@id" => "doap:shortdesc", "@language" => "en"}, "subject" => {"@type" => "@id"}, "test" => {"@type" => "@id"}, "testAction" => {"@id" => "mf:action", "@type" => "@id"}, "testResult" => {"@id" => "mf:result", "@type" => "@id"}, "title" => {"@id" => "mf:name"}, "entries" => {"@id" => "mf:entries", "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@list"}, "testSubjects" => {"@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@set"}, "xsd" => {"@id" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"} }, "assertions" => {}, "bibRef" => {}, "generatedBy" => { "@embed" => "@always", "developer" => {}, "release" => { "@embed" => "@always" } }, "testSubjects" => { "@embed" => "@always", "@type" => "earl:TestSubject", "developer" => {"@embed" => "@always"}, "homepage" => {"@embed" => false} }, "entries" => [{ "@type" => "mf:Manifest", "entries" => [{ "@type" => "earl:TestCase", "assertions" => { "@type" => "earl:Assertion", "assertedBy" => {"@embed" => false}, "result" => {"@type" => "earl:TestResult"}, "subject" => {"@embed" => false} } }] }] }.freeze # Convenience vocabularies class EARL < RDF::Vocabulary("http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#"); end class MF < RDF::Vocabulary("http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#"); end ## # Load test assertions and look for referenced software and developer information # @overload initialize(*files) # @param [Array] files Assertions # @overload initialize(*files, options = {}) # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Boolean] :verbose (true) # @option options [String] :base Base IRI for loading Manifest # @option options [String] :bibRef # ReSpec bibliography reference for specification being tested # @option options [String] :json Result of previous JSON-LD generation # @option options [String, Array] :manifest Test manifest # @option options [String] :name Name of specification # @option options [String] :query # Query, or file containing query for extracting information from Test manifests def initialize(*files) @options = files.last.is_a?(Hash) ? files.pop.dup : {} @options[:query] ||= MANIFEST_QUERY raise "Test Manifests must be specified with :manifest option" unless @options[:manifest] || @options[:json] raise "Require at least one input file" if files.empty? @files = files @prefixes = {} # If provided :json, it is used for generating all other output forms if @options[:json] @json_hash = ::JSON.parse(File.read(files.first)) # Add a base_uri so relative subjects aren't dropped JSON::LD::Reader.open(files.first, base_uri: "http://example.org/report") do |r| @graph = RDF::Graph.new r.each_statement do |statement| # restore relative subject statement.subject = RDF::URI("") if statement.subject == "http://example.org/report" @graph << statement end end return end # Load manifests, possibly with base URI status "read #{@options[:manifest].inspect}" man_opts = {} man_opts[:base_uri] = RDF::URI(@options[:base]) if @options[:base] @graph = RDF::Graph.new Array(@options[:manifest]).each do |man| g = RDF::Graph.load(man, man_opts) status " loaded #{g.count} triples from #{man}" graph << g end # Hash test cases by URI tests = SPARQL.execute(@options[:query], graph) .to_a .inject({}) {|memo, soln| memo[soln[:uri]] = soln; memo} if tests.empty? raise "no tests found querying manifest.\n" + "Results are found using the following query, this can be overridden using the --query option:\n" + "#{@options[:query]}" end # Manifests in graph man_uris = tests.values.map {|v| v[:manUri]}.uniq.compact test_resources = tests.values.map {|v| v[:uri]}.uniq.compact subjects = {} assertion_graph = RDF::Graph.new # Read test assertion files into assertion graph files.flatten.each do |file| status "read #{file}" file_graph = RDF::Graph.load(file) if file_graph.first_object(predicate: RDF::URI('http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#testSubjects')) status " skip #{file}, which seems to be a previous rollup earl report" @files -= [file] else status " loaded #{file_graph.count} triples" # Find or load DOAP descriptions for all subjects SPARQL.execute(DOAP_QUERY, file_graph).each do |solution| subject = solution[:subject] # Load DOAP definitions unless solution[:name] # not loaded status "read doap description for #{subject}" begin doap_graph = RDF::Graph.load(subject) status " loaded #{doap_graph.count} triples" file_graph << doap_graph.to_a rescue warn "\nfailed to load DOAP from #{subject}: #{$!}" end end end # Sanity check loaded graph, look for test subject solutions = SPARQL.execute(TEST_SUBJECT_QUERY, file_graph) if solutions.empty? warn "\nTest subject info not found for #{file}, expect DOAP description of project solving the following query:\n" + TEST_SUBJECT_QUERY next end # Load developers referenced from Test Subjects if !solutions.first[:developer] warn "\nNo developer identified for #{solutions.first[:uri]}" elsif !solutions.first[:devName] status "read description for developer #{solutions.first[:developer].inspect}" begin foaf_graph = RDF::Graph.load(solutions.first[:developer]) status " loaded #{foaf_graph.count} triples" file_graph << foaf_graph.to_a # Reload solutions solutions = SPARQL.execute(TEST_SUBJECT_QUERY, file_graph) rescue warn "\nfailed to load FOAF from #{solutions.first[:developer]}: #{$!}" end end solutions.each do |solution| # Kepp track of subjects subjects[solution[:uri]] = RDF::URI(file) # Add TestSubject information to main graph name = solution[:name].to_s if solution[:name] language = solution[:language].to_s if solution[:language] doapDesc = solution[:doapDesc] if solution[:doapDesc] doapDesc.language ||= :en devName = solution[:devName].to_s if solution[:devName] graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:uri], RDF.type, RDF::DOAP.Project) graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:uri], RDF.type, EARL.TestSubject) graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:uri], RDF.type, EARL.Software) graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:uri], RDF::DOAP.name, name) graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:uri], RDF::DOAP.developer, solution[:developer]) graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:uri], RDF::DOAP.homepage, solution[:homepage]) if solution[:homepage] graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:uri], RDF::DOAP.description, doapDesc) if doapDesc graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:uri], RDF::DOAP[:"programming-language"], language) if solution[:language] graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:developer], RDF.type, solution[:devType]) if solution[:devType] graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:developer], RDF::FOAF.name, devName) if devName graph << RDF::Statement(solution[:developer], RDF::FOAF.homepage, solution[:devHomepage]) if solution[:devHomepage] end assertion_graph << file_graph end end # Make sure that each assertion matches a test and add reference from test to assertion found_solutions = {} # Initialize test assertions with an entry for each test subject test_assertion_lists = {} test_assertion_lists = tests.keys.inject({}) do |memo, test| memo.merge(test => Array.new(subjects.length)) end status "query assertions" SPARQL.execute(ASSERTION_QUERY, assertion_graph).each do |solution| subject = solution[:subject] unless tests[solution[:test]] $stderr.puts "Skipping result for #{solution[:test]} for #{subject}, which is not defined in manifests" next end unless subjects[subject] $stderr.puts "No test result subject found for #{subject}: #{solution.inspect}" next end found_solutions[subject] = true # Add this solution at the appropriate index within that list ndx = subjects.keys.find_index(subject) ary = test_assertion_lists[solution[:test]] ||= [] ary[ndx] = a = RDF::Node.new graph << RDF::Statement(a, RDF.type, EARL.Assertion) graph << RDF::Statement(a, EARL.subject, subject) graph << RDF::Statement(a, EARL.test, solution[:test]) graph << RDF::Statement(a, EARL.assertedBy, solution[:by]) graph << RDF::Statement(a, EARL.mode, solution[:mode]) if solution[:mode] r = RDF::Node.new graph << RDF::Statement(a, EARL.result, r) graph << RDF::Statement(r, RDF.type, EARL.TestResult) graph << RDF::Statement(r, EARL.outcome, solution[:outcome]) end # Add ordered assertions for each test test_assertion_lists.each do |test, ary| # Fill any missing entries with an untested outcome ary.each_with_index do |a, ndx| unless a ary[ndx] = a = RDF::Node.new graph << RDF::Statement(a, RDF.type, EARL.Assertion) graph << RDF::Statement(a, EARL.subject, subjects.keys[ndx]) graph << RDF::Statement(a, EARL.test, test) r = RDF::Node.new graph << RDF::Statement(a, EARL.result, r) graph << RDF::Statement(r, RDF.type, EARL.TestResult) graph << RDF::Statement(r, EARL.outcome, EARL.untested) end # This counts on order being preserved in default repository so we can avoid using an rdf:List graph << RDF::Statement(test, EARL.assertions, a) end end # See if any subject did not report results, which may indicate a formatting error in the EARL source subjects.reject {|s| found_solutions[s]}.each do |sub| $stderr.puts "No results found for #{sub} using #{ASSERTION_QUERY}" end # Add report wrapper to graph ttl = %( @prefix dc: . @prefix doap: . @prefix earl: . @prefix mf: . @prefix xsd: . <> a earl:Software, doap:Project; doap:name #{quoted(@options.fetch(:name, 'Unknown'))}; dc:bibliographicCitation "#{@options.fetch(:bibRef, 'Unknown reference')}"; earl:generatedBy ; earl:assertions #{subjects.values.map {|f| f.to_ntriples}.join(",\n ")}; earl:testSubjects #{subjects.keys.map {|f| f.to_ntriples}.join(",\n ")}; mf:entries (#{man_uris.map {|f| f.to_ntriples}.join("\n ")}) . a earl:Software, doap:Project; doap:name "earl-report"; doap:shortdesc "Earl Report summary generator"@en; doap:description "EarlReport generates HTML+RDFa rollups of multiple EARL reports"@en; doap:homepage ; doap:programming-language "Ruby"; doap:license ; doap:release ; doap:developer . a doap:Version; doap:name "earl-report-#{VERSION}"; doap:created "#{File.mtime(File.expand_path('../../VERSION', __FILE__)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}"^^xsd:date; doap:revision "#{VERSION}" . ).gsub(/^ /, '') RDF::Turtle::Reader.new(ttl) {|r| graph << r} # Each manifest is an earl:Report man_uris.each do |u| graph << RDF::Statement.new(u, RDF.type, EARL.Report) end # Each subject is an earl:TestSubject subjects.keys.each do |u| graph << RDF::Statement.new(u, RDF.type, EARL.TestSubject) end # Each assertion test is a earl:TestCriterion and earl:TestCase test_resources.each do |u| graph << RDF::Statement.new(u, RDF.type, EARL.TestCriterion) graph << RDF::Statement.new(u, RDF.type, EARL.TestCase) end end ## # Dump the coalesced output graph # # If no `io` option is provided, the output is returned as a string # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Symbol] format (:html) # @option options[IO] :io # Optional `IO` to output results # @return [String] serialized graph, if `io` is nil def generate(options = {}) options = {format: :html}.merge(options) io = options[:io] status("generate: #{options[:format]}") ## # Retrieve Hashed information in JSON-LD format case options[:format] when :jsonld, :json json = json_hash.to_json(JSON::LD::JSON_STATE) io.write(json) if io json when :turtle, :ttl if io earl_turtle(options) else io = StringIO.new earl_turtle(options.merge(io: io)) io.rewind io.read end when :html template = case options[:template] when String then options[:tempate] when IO, StringIO then options[:template].read else File.read(File.expand_path('../earl_report/views/earl_report.html.haml', __FILE__)) end # Generate HTML report html = Haml::Engine.new(template, format: :xhtml).render(self, tests: json_hash) io.write(html) if io html else writer = RDF::Writer.for(options[:format]) writer.dump(@graph, io, options.merge(standard_prefixes: true)) end end private ## # Return hashed EARL report in JSON-LD form # @return [Hash] def json_hash @json_hash ||= begin # Customized JSON-LD output r = JSON::LD::API.fromRDF(graph) do |expanded| JSON::LD::API.frame(expanded, TEST_FRAME, expanded: true) end unless r.is_a?(Hash) && r.has_key?('@graph') && Array(r["@graph"]).length == 1 raise "Expected JSON result to have a single entry" end {"@context" => r["@context"]}.merge(r["@graph"].first) end end ## # Output consoloated EARL report as Turtle # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [IO, StringIO] :io # @return [String] def earl_turtle(options) io = options[:io] top_level = graph.first_subject(predicate: EARL.generatedBy) # Write starting with the entire graph to get preamble writer = RDF::Turtle::Writer.new(io, standard_prefixes: true) writer << graph writer.send(:preprocess) writer.send(:start_document) # Write top-level object referencing manifests and subjects writer.send(:statement, top_level) # Write each manifest io.puts "\n# Manifests" RDF::List.new(graph.first_object(subject: top_level, predicate: MF[:entries]), graph).each do |manifest| writer.send(:statement, manifest) # Write each test case RDF::List.new(graph.first_object(subject: manifest, predicate: MF[:entries]), graph).each do |tc| writer.send(:statement, tc) end end # Write test subjects io.puts "\n# Test Subjects" graph.query(subject: top_level, predicate: EARL.testSubjects).each do |s| writer.send(:statement, s.object) # Write each developer graph.query(subject: s.object, predicate: RDF::DOAP.developer).each do |d| writer.send(:statement, d.object) end end # Write generator io.puts "\n# Report Generation Software" writer.send(:statement, RDF::URI("http://rubygems.org/gems/earl-report")) writer.send(:statement, RDF::URI("https://github.com/gkellogg/earl-report/tree/#{VERSION}")) end def quoted(string) (@turtle_writer ||= RDF::Turtle::Writer.new).send(:quoted, string) end def warn(message) $stderr.puts message end def status(message) $stderr.puts message if @options[:verbose] end end