module ActiveRecord class Base class << self def attr_encrypted_search(*params) define_attribute_methods rescue nil options = params.last.is_a?(Hash) ? params.pop.dup : {} compress = options.delete(:compress) || false type = options.delete(:type) || :string normalize = options.delete(:normalize) raise "Invalid type: #{type.inspect}. Valid types: #{SymmetricEncryption::COERCION_TYPES.inspect}" unless SymmetricEncryption::COERCION_TYPES.include?(type) options.each {|option| warn "Ignoring unknown option #{option.inspect} supplied to attr_encrypted_search with #{params.inspect}"} if const_defined?(:EncryptedSearchAttributes, _search_ancestors = false) mod = const_get(:EncryptedSearchAttributes) else mod = const_set(:EncryptedSearchAttributes, include mod end params.each do |attribute| mod.module_eval do define_method("#{attribute}=") do |value| if value send( "encrypted_search_#{attribute}=", ::SymmetricEncryption.encrypt( send("normalize_#{attribute}", value), false, compress, type ) ) end super(value) end define_method("normalize_#{attribute}") do |value| if normalize if normalize.respond_to?(:call) else send(normalize, value) end else value.downcase end end end end end end end end