# Encoding: utf-8 When /^I overwrite ([^"]*) with:$/ do | file_name, file_content | # Modified from https://github.com/cucumber/aruba/blob/master/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb require 'erb' data = ERB.new(file_content) overwrite_file(file_name, data.result) end Then(/^the exit code should be (\d+)$/) do |exit_status| @last_exit_status.should == exit_status.to_i end Then(/^there should be "(.*?)" unique results files in the "(.*?)" directory$/) do |number_files, logs_path| files = Dir.glob(File.join(current_dir, logs_path, '*.xml')) count = 0 files.each do |file| count += 1 if file =~ /parallel_part_\w{8}-(\w{4}-){3}\w{12}\.xml/ end count.should == number_files.to_i end Then(/^there should be "(.*?)" "(.*?)" log files in "(.*?)"$/) do |number, type, logs_path| files = Dir.glob(File.join(current_dir, logs_path, '*.*')) count = 0 files.each do |file| case type when 'failed image' count += 1 if file =~ /.+_failshot_.+\.png/ when 'report' count += 1 if file =~ /.+_saucejob_.+\.log/ when 'sauce log' count += 1 if file =~ /.+_serverlog_.+\.log/ end end count.should == number.to_i end