# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # frozen_string_literal: true require 'elastic_apm/error' require 'elastic_apm/context_builder' require 'elastic_apm/error_builder' require 'elastic_apm/stacktrace_builder' require 'elastic_apm/central_config' require 'elastic_apm/transport/base' require 'elastic_apm/metrics' require 'elastic_apm/spies' module ElasticAPM # @api private class Agent include Logging extend Forwardable LOCK = Mutex.new # life cycle def self.instance # rubocop:disable Style/TrivialAccessors @instance end def self.start(config) return @instance if @instance config = Config.new(config) unless config.is_a?(Config) LOCK.synchronize do return @instance if @instance unless config.enabled? config.logger.debug format( "%sAgent disabled with `enabled: false'", Logging::PREFIX ) return end @instance = new(config).start end end def self.stop LOCK.synchronize do return unless @instance @instance.stop @instance = nil end end def self.running? !!@instance end def initialize(config) @stacktrace_builder = StacktraceBuilder.new(config) @context_builder = ContextBuilder.new(config) @error_builder = ErrorBuilder.new(self) @central_config = CentralConfig.new(config) @transport = Transport::Base.new(config) @metrics = Metrics.new(config) { |event| enqueue event } @instrumenter = Instrumenter.new( config, metrics: metrics, stacktrace_builder: stacktrace_builder ) { |event| enqueue event } @pid = Process.pid end attr_reader( :central_config, :config, :context_builder, :error_builder, :instrumenter, :metrics, :stacktrace_builder, :transport ) def_delegator :@central_config, :config def start unless config.disable_start_message? config.logger.info format( '[%s] Starting agent, reporting to %s', VERSION, config.server_url ) end central_config.start transport.start instrumenter.start metrics.start config.enabled_instrumentations.each do |lib| debug "Requiring spy: #{lib}" require "elastic_apm/spies/#{lib}" end self end def stop info 'Stopping agent' central_config.stop metrics.stop instrumenter.stop transport.stop self end at_exit do stop end # transport def enqueue(obj) transport.submit obj end # instrumentation def current_transaction instrumenter.current_transaction end def current_span instrumenter.current_span end def start_transaction( name = nil, type = nil, context: nil, trace_context: nil ) return unless config.recording? detect_forking! instrumenter.start_transaction( name, type, config: config, context: context, trace_context: trace_context ) end def end_transaction(result = nil) instrumenter.end_transaction(result) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists def start_span( name = nil, type = nil, subtype: nil, action: nil, backtrace: nil, context: nil, trace_context: nil, parent: nil, sync: nil ) detect_forking! # We don't check config.recording? because the span # will not be created if there's no transaction. # We want to use the recording value from the config # that existed when start_transaction was called. ~estolfo instrumenter.start_span( name, type, subtype: subtype, action: action, backtrace: backtrace, context: context, trace_context: trace_context, parent: parent, sync: sync ) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists def end_span instrumenter.end_span end def set_label(key, value) instrumenter.set_label(key, value) end def set_custom_context(context) instrumenter.set_custom_context(context) end def set_user(user) instrumenter.set_user(user) end def set_destination(address: nil, port: nil, service: nil, cloud: nil) current_span&.set_destination(address: nil, port: nil, service: nil, cloud: nil) end def build_context(rack_env:, for_type:) @context_builder.build(rack_env: rack_env, for_type: for_type) end # errors def report(exception, context: nil, handled: true) return unless config.recording? detect_forking! return if config.filter_exception_types.include?(exception.class.to_s) error = @error_builder.build_exception( exception, context: context, handled: handled ) enqueue error error.id end def report_message(message, context: nil, backtrace: nil, **attrs) return unless config.recording? detect_forking! error = @error_builder.build_log( message, context: context, backtrace: backtrace, **attrs ) enqueue error error.id end # filters def add_filter(key, callback) transport.add_filter(key, callback) end # misc def inspect super.split.first + '>' end def detect_forking! return if @pid == Process.pid config.logger.debug "Forked process detected, restarting threads in process [PID:#{Process.pid}]" central_config.handle_forking! transport.handle_forking! instrumenter.handle_forking! metrics.handle_forking! @pid = Process.pid end end end