#Sunshine Conversations API
The version of the OpenAPI document: 14.3.0
Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech
OpenAPI Generator version: 4.3.1
require 'cgi'
module SunshineConversationsClient
class AttachmentsApi
attr_accessor :api_client
def initialize(api_client = ApiClient.default)
@api_client = api_client
# Delete Attachment
# Remove an attachment uploaded to Sunshine Conversations through the Upload attachment API. See [Attachments for Messages](#section/Attachments-for-Messages) to have attachments automatically deleted when deleting messages, conversations or users.
# @param app_id [String] Identifies the app.
# @param attachment_delete_body [AttachmentDeleteBody]
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [Object]
def delete_attachment(app_id, attachment_delete_body, opts = {})
data, _status_code, _headers = delete_attachment_with_http_info(app_id, attachment_delete_body, opts)
# Delete Attachment
# Remove an attachment uploaded to Sunshine Conversations through the Upload attachment API. See [Attachments for Messages](#section/Attachments-for-Messages) to have attachments automatically deleted when deleting messages, conversations or users. <aside class=\"notice\">Note that deleted attachments can remain available on our CDN’s cache up to 15 minutes after the delete call.</aside>
# @param app_id [String] Identifies the app.
# @param attachment_delete_body [AttachmentDeleteBody]
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @return [Array<(Object, Integer, Hash)>] Object data, response status code and response headers
def delete_attachment_with_http_info(app_id, attachment_delete_body, opts = {})
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: AttachmentsApi.delete_attachment ...'
# verify the required parameter 'app_id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && app_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'app_id' when calling AttachmentsApi.delete_attachment"
# verify the required parameter 'attachment_delete_body' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && attachment_delete_body.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'attachment_delete_body' when calling AttachmentsApi.delete_attachment"
# resource path
local_var_path = '/v2/apps/{appId}/attachments/remove'.sub('{' + 'appId' + '}', CGI.escape(app_id.to_s))
# query parameters
query_params = opts[:query_params] || {}
# header parameters
header_params = opts[:header_params] || {}
# HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json'])
# HTTP header 'Content-Type'
header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/json'])
# form parameters
form_params = opts[:form_params] || {}
# http body (model)
post_body = opts[:body] || @api_client.object_to_http_body(attachment_delete_body)
# return_type
return_type = opts[:return_type] || 'Object'
# auth_names
auth_names = opts[:auth_names] || ['basicAuth', 'bearerAuth']
new_options = opts.merge(
:header_params => header_params,
:query_params => query_params,
:form_params => form_params,
:body => post_body,
:auth_names => auth_names,
:return_type => return_type
data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, new_options)
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: AttachmentsApi#delete_attachment\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
return data, status_code, headers
# Upload Attachment
# Upload an attachment to Sunshine Conversations to use in future messages. Files are uploaded using the multipart/form-data content type. Use the returned mediaUrl to send a file, image or carousel message.
# @param app_id [String] Identifies the app.
# @param access [String] The access level for the attachment. Currently the only available access level is public. Private is not supported.
# @param source [File]
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :_for Specifies the intended container for the attachment, to enable automatic attachment deletion (on deletion of associated message, conversation or user). For now, only message is supported. See [Attachments for Messages](#section/Attachments-for-Messages) for details.
# @option opts [String] :conversation_id Links the attachment getting uploaded to the conversation ID.
# @return [AttachmentResponse]
def upload_attachment(app_id, access, source, opts = {})
data, _status_code, _headers = upload_attachment_with_http_info(app_id, access, source, opts)
# Upload Attachment
# Upload an attachment to Sunshine Conversations to use in future messages. Files are uploaded using the multipart/form-data content type. Use the returned mediaUrl to send a file, image or carousel message. <aside class=\"notice\">Note that Sunshine Conversations limits the size and type of file you can upload to the platform. See the <a href=\"https://docs.smooch.io/guide/validating-files\">file validation</a> guide for more details.</aside>
# @param app_id [String] Identifies the app.
# @param access [String] The access level for the attachment. Currently the only available access level is public. Private is not supported.
# @param source [File]
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :_for Specifies the intended container for the attachment, to enable automatic attachment deletion (on deletion of associated message, conversation or user). For now, only message is supported. See [Attachments for Messages](#section/Attachments-for-Messages) for details.
# @option opts [String] :conversation_id Links the attachment getting uploaded to the conversation ID.
# @return [Array<(AttachmentResponse, Integer, Hash)>] AttachmentResponse data, response status code and response headers
def upload_attachment_with_http_info(app_id, access, source, opts = {})
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: AttachmentsApi.upload_attachment ...'
# verify the required parameter 'app_id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && app_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'app_id' when calling AttachmentsApi.upload_attachment"
# verify the required parameter 'access' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && access.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'access' when calling AttachmentsApi.upload_attachment"
# verify the required parameter 'source' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && source.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'source' when calling AttachmentsApi.upload_attachment"
# resource path
local_var_path = '/v2/apps/{appId}/attachments'.sub('{' + 'appId' + '}', CGI.escape(app_id.to_s))
# query parameters
query_params = opts[:query_params] || {}
query_params[:'access'] = access
query_params[:'for'] = opts[:'_for'] if !opts[:'_for'].nil?
query_params[:'conversationId'] = opts[:'conversation_id'] if !opts[:'conversation_id'].nil?
# header parameters
header_params = opts[:header_params] || {}
# HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json'])
# HTTP header 'Content-Type'
header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['multipart/form-data'])
# form parameters
form_params = opts[:form_params] || {}
form_params['source'] = source
# http body (model)
post_body = opts[:body]
# return_type
return_type = opts[:return_type] || 'AttachmentResponse'
# auth_names
auth_names = opts[:auth_names] || ['basicAuth', 'bearerAuth']
new_options = opts.merge(
:header_params => header_params,
:query_params => query_params,
:form_params => form_params,
:body => post_body,
:auth_names => auth_names,
:return_type => return_type
data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, new_options)
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: AttachmentsApi#upload_attachment\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
return data, status_code, headers