Deploying --------- Copy or move the $JETTY-HOME/contexts-available/test-annotations.d directory to $JETTY-HOME/contexts, and copy or move the $JETTY-HOME/contexts-available/test-annotations.xml file to $JETTY-HOME/contexts. Edit $JETTY-HOME/contexts/test-annotations.xml and uncomment the setup for the transaction manager of your choice. The demo works with either JOTM ( or Atomikos ( Download and copy the jar files necessary for your transaction manager to $JETTY-HOME/lib/ext. See the jetty wiki pages for JOTM( and Atomikos ( for more info. The example uses the Derby database, so also download the derby.jar and derbytools.jar file from the Derby site ( and put them in $JETTY-HOME/lib/ext. Running the Demo ---------------- You run the demo like so: java -DOPTIONS=plus,ext,annotations,default -jar start.jar Adding Support for a Different Transaction Manager -------------------------------------------------- 1. Edit the file in $JETTY-HOME/modules/examples/jetty-annotation-example-webapp/src/etc/templates and add a new set of token and replacement strings following the pattern established for ATOMIKOS and JOTM. 2. Edit the jetty-env.xml file in $JETTY-HOME/modules/examples/jetty-annotation-example-webapp/src/etc/templates and add configuration for new transaction manager following the pattern established for the other transaction managers. 3. Edit the annotations-context.xml file in $JETTY-HOME/modules/examples/jetty-annotation-example-webapp/src/etc/templates and add configuration for the new transaction manager following the pattern established for the other transaction managers. 4. Rebuild $JETTY-HOME/modules/examples/jetty-annotation-example-webapp (mvn clean install).