# frozen_string_literal: true require 'open3' require 'json' _, status = Open3.capture2('node', '-v') raise 'This gem requires node be installed and available on the PATH' unless status.success? MAKE_PDF_COMMAND = File.expand_path('../javascript_bin/make_pdf.js', __FILE__) class Pdfgen def initialize(html) @html = html @viewport_options = nil @emulate_media = nil @launch_options = Hash.new @wait_for_timeout = nil end def set_viewport(viewport_options) @viewport_options = viewport_options self end def emulate_media(media_type) @emulate_media = media_type self end def launch_options(launch_options) @launch_options = launch_options self end def wait_for_timeout(wait_for_timeout) raise TypeError.new("Timeout must be an integer or respond to #to_i") unless wait_for_timeout.kind_of?(Integer) || (wait_for_timeout.respond_to?(:to_i) && wait_for_timeout.to_i) @wait_for_timeout = wait_for_timeout self end def to_pdf(opts = {}) stdin_options = { pdf_options: opts, current_path: Dir.pwd, launch_options: @launch_options } stdin_options = stdin_options.merge(viewport_options: @viewport_options) if @viewport_options stdin_options = stdin_options.merge(emulate_media: @emulate_media) if @emulate_media file = Tempfile.new('input_html') file.write(@html) file.close pdf_output, status = Open3.capture2(MAKE_PDF_COMMAND, file.path, stdin_data: stdin_options.to_json) file.unlink unless status.success? raise 'There was an unknown error running node to create the pdf. Check your logs for output that might assist in debugging.' end unless pdf_output raise 'There was an error creating the temporary file used to pass the HTML to node.' end pdf_output end end # Use a new API that uses method chaining to configure the PDF and that queues up strings to put in a js file to run puppeteer