--- Test Exception: error: "Some Exception" notes: "this is used by a test" send_to_honeybadger: true All script kiddies: error: "ScriptKiddie suspected because of HTTP request without a referer" Tony Robbins: request: "url: https?\\:\\/\\/www\\.tonyrobbins\\.com" Soulful Beauty: request: "HTTP_REFERER: http://.*soulfulbeauty\\.com" The Credit Exchange: error: "VirtualLine.find_by_external_ids - No promo number found.*Affiliate id from network (1389811|3079560|3366822|3179522|3375281|3375756|3362634|550151) not found" request: "av_id: 178$" Spiders: environment: "Microsoft-WebDAV|COMODOspider|Baiduspider|YandexBot|TurnitinBot" Googlebot: environment: "googlebot" error: "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: RingRevenue" Options Request: environment: "REQUEST_METHOD: OPTIONS" Click Request Rejected: error: "Request to click domain rejected" request: "controller: sessions" Staging Full Started: error: "Mysql::Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'stagingmaster.ringrevenue.com'" Google Analytics: error: "ActionController.*RoutingError*google-analytics.*" TermsLinksBroken: error: "Logged in user experienced broken link on.*advertiser_campaign_terms" NoRouteOnTerms: error: "ActionController.*RoutingError.*No route matches.*campaign_terms" InvalidAuth: error: "Invalid authenticity token received from.*new\\?" NoRoute: error: "No route matches" send_to_honeybadger: true SearchWebPlacementsJson: error: "search_web_placement Invalid JSON response from yahoo api" Rss 404s from Java: request: "controller: articles" error: "ActionController.*UnknownAction" environment: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: Java" Archiver mangling caused missing template: error: "Missing template corporate/platform.erb" environment: "(aihit|archive)" Number Loader 404s from invalid url concatenation: request: "url: https?:\\/\\/js\\d{0,2}\\.ringrevenue.com\\/" error: "Broken link.*ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound" collegequest bad TLD: error: "Hostname 'me.cq' does not have a known public suffix" Ignite calls API: request: "calls\\/10\\.xml" BrokenLinkAfterLogin: error: "Found broken link after user logged in from" Link Trust Pixel Firing: error: "Errno::ECONNREFUSED.*(linktrust\\.com|mobitracking\\.com|xy7track\\.com|mbltrack\\.com)" # JAVASCRIPT exceptions # http://www.roslindesign.com/2010/10/12/avg-antivirus-2011-corrupting-web-pages-with-injection-of-script-avg_ls_dom-js/ AVG Anti Virus: request: "avg_ls_dom\\.js" Firefox Framework Bug: error: "Javascript: window.onerror: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' from a non-chrome context" request: "action: javascript_error" Javascript Error Loading Script: error: "Javascript: window.onerror: Error loading script" request: "filename: .*hubspot\\.com.*" Javascript Plugin Errors: error: "Javascript: window.onerror: Script error" request: "filename: chrome://leapfrog.*" Javascript users with browser plugin issues: error: "Javascript: .*" session: "user_id: (42595|58296|61276|74059)" Calls API Errors: error: "calls_api returning status not_found" Duplicate Sales Reported: error: "Call.update_order called with duplicate sales" Sale for the same reason and sku: error: "Sale for the same reason and sku" Found Inconsistent Caller Id Settings: error: "CampaignIds:CampaignTerms_7542,CampaignTerms_7544,CampaignTerms_8242,CampaignTerms_8478,CampaignTerms_9244" invalid click domain rdparking: error: "Request to click domain rejected" request: ".*rdparking.*" update order with duplicate sales: error: "update_order called with duplicate sales information" failsafe on vxml because readonly: error: "The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement.*INSERT INTO simple_sessions" failsafe on propfind: error: "UnknownHttpMethod: PROPFIND" pixel_misconfigured: error: "PixelUrlTemplate substitution" buffered_sale: error: "Couldn't apply BufferedSale" SQL Injection Attempts: request: "controller: virtual_lines" request: "av_id: \\D\\d*\\D\\d*\\D\\d*\\D" Opera Browser: environment: "HTTP_USER_AGENT: Opera" Affiliate Map Number invalid requests: error: "Publisher Map Number returning with invalid campaign" Long Event Response: error: "RingSwitch Long EventResponse" NoBridge: error: "Bridge outcall hasn't been answered in" LongControllerAction: error: "Long controller action detected" Salesforce Integration Old Method: error: "SalesForceIntegration::InvalidType: INVALID_TYPE: sObject type" Salesforce Integration Expired Password: error: "INVALID_OPERATION_WITH_EXPIRED_PASSWORD" Salesforce Integration Invalid Login: error: "SalesForceIntegration::InvalidLogin" Web Integration Invalid Advertiser Id: error: "VirtualLinesController::NumberMapper::InvalidAdvertiserId"