#INSERT INTO "unsubscribes" ("created_at", "contact_id", "reason", "spam", "message_id") VALUES('2010-10-05 22:52:25.657597', 2082562, default, 'f', default) RETURNING "id" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Mailee" do before(:each) do Mailee::Config.site = "http://api.bdb28c0a0a4a3.softa.server:3000" @moment = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') end it "should import (quick)" do result = Mailee::Quick.create :contacts => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com\nrest_test_2_#{@moment}@test.com\nrest_test_3_#{@moment}@test.com" result.should_not be nil end it "should have appropriate classes" do Mailee.should Mailee::Config.should Mailee::Contact.should Mailee::List.should Mailee::Quick.should Mailee::Message.should Mailee::Template.should Mailee::Report.should end it "should get first contact" do contact = Mailee::Contact.first contact.id.should_not be nil end it "should create contact" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" contact.id.should_not be nil end it "should get all contacts" do Array.new(25){|i| Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}_#{i}@test.com"} contacts = Mailee::Contact.find(:all) contacts.size.should be(15) contacts = Mailee::Contact.find(:all, :params => {:page => 2, :by_keyword => "rest_test_#{@moment}" }) contacts.size.should be(10) end it "should create contact - and find by id" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" contact.id.should_not be nil found_contact = Mailee::Contact.find(contact.id) found_contact.id.should be(contact.id) end it "should create contact - and find by internal_id" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com", :internal_id => @moment contact.id.should_not be nil contact.internal_id.should == @moment contact = Mailee::Contact.find(:first, :params => { :internal_id => @moment }) contact.internal_id.should == @moment end it "should create contact - with dynamic attributes" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com", :dynamic_attributes => {:foo => 'bar'} contact.id.should_not be nil contact.dynamic_attributes.attributes['foo'].should == 'bar' end it "should create list - and find by id" do list = Mailee::List.create :name => "rest_test_#{@moment}" list.id.should_not be nil list = Mailee::List.find(list.id) list.id.should_not be nil end it "should create contact - and subscribe" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" contact.put(:subscribe, :list => "rest_test_#{@moment}").should_not be nil end it "should create contact - and unsubscribe" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" contact.put(:unsubscribe).should_not be nil end it "should create message" do list = Mailee::List.create :name => "rest_test_#{@moment}" message = Mailee::Message.create :title => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :subject => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_name => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com", :html => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :list_id => list.id message.id.should_not be nil end it "should create message - with emails" do list = Mailee::List.create :name => "rest_test_#{@moment}" message = Mailee::Message.create :title => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :subject => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_name => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com", :html => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :emails => 'foo@bar.com bar@foo.com' #raise message.inspect message.id.should_not be nil end it "should create, test and send message" do list = Mailee::List.create :name => "rest_test_#{@moment}" contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" contact.put(:subscribe, :list => list.name) message = Mailee::Message.create :title => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :subject => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_name => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com", :html => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :list_id => list.id message.put(:test, :contacts => [contact.id]).should_not be nil message.put(:ready, :when => 'now').should_not be nil end # API specific methods it "should create, subscribe and unsubscribe a contact" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" contact.subscribe("rest_test_#{@moment}").should_not be nil contact.unsubscribe.should_not be nil end it "should search contacts" do Mailee::Contact.search("rest_test").should_not be nil end it "should create and find by internal id" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com", :internal_id => @moment found = Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id(@moment) found.id.should be(contact.id) end it "should create and find by email" do contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" found = Mailee::Contact.find_by_email("rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com") found.id.should be(contact.id) end it "should create, test and send message - specific methods" do list = Mailee::List.create :name => "rest_test_#{@moment}" contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" contact.put(:subscribe, :list => list.name) message = Mailee::Message.create :title => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :subject => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_name => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com", :html => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :list_id => list.id message.test([contact.id]).should_not be nil message.ready.should_not be nil end it "should create, test and send after message - specific methods" do list = Mailee::List.create :name => "rest_test_#{@moment}" contact = Mailee::Contact.create :email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com" contact.put(:subscribe, :list => list.name) message = Mailee::Message.create :title => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :subject => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_name => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :from_email => "rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com", :html => "rest_test_#{@moment}", :list_id => list.id message.test([contact.id]).should_not be nil message.ready(10.days.from_now).should_not be nil end it "should import (quick) - specific methods" do Mailee::Quick.import("rest_test_#{@moment}@test.com\nrest_test_2_#{@moment}@test.com\nrest_test_3_#{@moment}@test.com").should_not be nil end end