// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('css/css_rule') ; /** @class SC.CSSStyleSheet A style sheet object wraps a document style sheet object. `C.CSSStyleSheet` will re-use stylesheet objects as needed. @extends SC.Object */ SC.CSSStyleSheet = SC.Object.extend( /** @scope SC.CSSStyleSheet.prototype */ { init: function() { sc_super() ; var ss = this.styleSheet ; if (!ss) { // create the stylesheet object the hard way (works everywhere) ss = this.styleSheet = document.createElement('style') ; ss.type = 'text/css' ; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] ; if (!head) head = document.documentElement ; // fix for Opera head.appendChild(ss) ; } // cache this object for later var ssObjects = this.constructor.styleSheets ; if (!ssObjects) ssObjects = this.constructor.styleSheets = {} ; ssObjects[SC.guidFor(ss)] ; // create rules array var rules = ss.rules || SC.EMPTY_ARRAY ; var array = SC.SparseArray.create(rules.length) ; array.delegate = this ; this.rules = array ; return this ; }, /** @property {Boolean} YES if the stylsheet is enabled. */ isEnabled: function(key, val) { if (val !== undefined) { this.styleSheet.disabled = !val ; } return !this.styleSheet.disabled ; }.property(), isEnabledBindingDefault: SC.Binding.bool(), /** **DO NOT MODIFY THIS OBJECT DIRECTLY!!!!** Use the methods defined on this object to update properties of the style sheet; otherwise, your changes will not be reflected. @property {CSSStyleSheet} RO */ styleSheet: null, /** @property {String} */ href: function(key, val) { if (val !== undefined) { this.styleSheet.href = val ; } else return this.styleSheet.href ; }.property(), /** @property {String} */ title: function(key, val) { if (val !== undefined) { this.styleSheet.title = val ; } else return this.styleSheet.title ; }.property(), /** @property {SC.Array} contains SC.CSSRule objects */ rules: null, /** You can also insert and remove rules on the rules property array. */ insertRule: function(rule) { var rules = this.get('rules') ; }, /** You can also insert and remove rules on the rules property array. */ deleteRule: function(rule) { var rules = this.get('rules') ; rules.removeObject(rule) ; }, // TODO: implement a destroy method /** @private Invoked by the sparse array whenever it needs a particular index provided. Provide the content for the index. */ sparseArrayDidRequestIndex: function(array, idx) { // sc_assert(this.rules === array) ; var rules = this.styleSheet.rules || SC.EMPTY_ARRAY ; var rule = rules[idx] ; if (rule) { array.provideContentAtIndex(idx, SC.CSSRule.create({ rule: rule, styleSheet: this })); } }, /** @private synchronize the browser's rules array with our own */ sparseArrayDidReplace: function(array, idx, amt, objects) { var cssRules = objects.collect(function(obj) { return obj.rule; }) ; this.styleSheet.rules.replace(idx, amt, cssRules) ; } }); SC.mixin(SC.CSSStyleSheet, /** SC.CSSStyleSheet */{ /** Find a stylesheet object by name or href. If by name, `.css` will be appended automatically. var ss = SC.CSSStyleSheet.find('style.css') ; var ss2 = SC.CSSStyleSheet.find('style') ; // same thing sc_assert(ss === ss2) ; // SC.CSSStyleSheet objects are stable @param {String} nameOrUrl a stylsheet name or href to find @returns {SC.CSSStyleSheet} null if not found */ find: function(nameOrUrl) { var isUrl = nameOrUrl ? nameOrUrl.indexOf('/') >= 0 : NO ; if (!nameOrUrl) return null ; // no name or url? fail! if (!isUrl && nameOrUrl.indexOf('.css') == -1) { nameOrUrl = nameOrUrl + '.css' ; } // initialize styleSheet cache var ssObjects = this.styleSheets ; if (!ssObjects) ssObjects = this.styleSheets = {} ; var styleSheets = document.styleSheets ; var ss, ssName, ssObject, guid ; for (var idx=0, len=styleSheets.length; idx < len; ++idx) { ss = styleSheets[idx] ; if (isUrl) { if (ss.href === nameOrUrl) { guid = SC.guidFor(ss) ; ssObject = ssObjects[guid] ; if (!ssObject) { // cache for later ssObject = ssObjects[guid] = this.create({ styleSheet: ss }) ; } return ssObject ; } } else { if (ssName = ss.href) { ssName = ssName.split('/') ; // break up URL ssName = ssName[ssName.length-1] ; // get last component if (ssName == nameOrUrl) { guid = SC.guidFor(ss) ; ssObject = ssObjects[guid] ; if (!ssObject) { // cache for later ssObject = ssObjects[guid] = this.create({ styleSheet: ss }) ; } return ssObject ; } } } } return null ; // stylesheet not found }, styleSheets: null });