class JekyllAuthNaked class AuthSite < Sinatra::Base require 'json' require 'openssl' # require ssl configure :production do require 'rack-ssl-enforcer' use Rack::SslEnforcer if JekyllAuthNaked.ssl? end use Rack::Session::Cookie, { http_only: true, secret: ENV['SESSION_SECRET'] || SecureRandom.hex } set :github_options, { client_id: ENV['GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'], client_secret: ENV['GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'], scopes: 'user' } register Sinatra::Auth::Github before %r{^(?!/hook$)} do pass if JekyllAuthNaked.whitelist && JekyllAuthNaked.whitelist.match(request.path_info) if ENV['GITHUB_TEAM_ID'] github_team_authenticate!(ENV['GITHUB_TEAM_ID']) else puts "ERROR: Jekyll Auth Naked is refusing to serve your site." puts "Looks like your oauth credentials are not properly configured. RTFM." halt 401 end end post '/hook' do secret = ENV['GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET'] HMAC_DIGEST ='sha1') body = key = "sha1=#{OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(HMAC_DIGEST, secret, body)}" unless request.env['HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE'] == key puts "Github webhook secret failed to match" halt 401 end puts " Hook -------------------------------------------------------- " puts request.env.to_yaml puts " Request body ------------------------------------------------ " request.body.rewind data = JSON.parse puts data.to_yaml system "git pull" system "jekyll build" end get '/logout' do logout! redirect '/' end end end