module Perkins module Build class Script class Go < Script DEFAULTS = { gobuild_args: '-v', go: '1.3.1' } def cache_slug super << "--go-" << config[:go].to_s end def pre_setup puts "configure" end def configure puts "configure" end def export super "export GO_VERSION=#{go_version}" end def announce super 'gvm version && ' << 'go version && ' << 'go env' end def setup super "gvm get &&" << "gvm update && source #{HOME_DIR}/.gvm/scripts/gvm && " << "gvm install #{go_version} --binary || gvm install #{go_version} && " << "gvm use #{go_version} && " # Prepend *our* GOPATH entry so that built binaries and packages are # easier to find and our `git clone`'d libraries are found by the # `go` commands. source_path = repo.url.gsub(/https\:\/\/|\.git/, "") source_owner_path = source_path.split('/')[0..1].join("/") local_path = self.repo.working_dir + "export GOPATH=#{HOME_DIR}/gopath:$GOPATH && " << #binding.pry "mkdir -p #{HOME_DIR}/gopath/src/#{source_owner_path} && " << "cp -r #{local_path} #{HOME_DIR}/gopath/src/#{source_owner_path} && " << "export BUILD_DIR=#{HOME_DIR}/gopath/src/#{source_path} && " << "cd #{HOME_DIR}/gopath/src/#{source_path}" end def install if uses_make? 'true' else "go get #{config[:gobuild_args]} ./..." end end def script if uses_make? 'make' else "go test #{config[:gobuild_args]} ./..." end end private def uses_make?(*args) self.if '-f GNUmakefile || -f makefile || -f Makefile || -f BSDmakefile', *args end def go_version version = config[:go].to_s case version when '1' 'go1.3.1' when '1.0' 'go1.0.3' when '1.2' 'go1.2.2' when '1.3' 'go1.3.1' when /^[0-9]\.[0-9\.]+/ "go#{config[:go]}" else if config[:go].is_a?(Travis::Yaml::Nodes::VersionList) config[:go].first else config[:go] end end end end end end end