require 'thor' require 'chef/knife/core/ui' require 'vagabond/uploader' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'cookbooks/lxc/libraries/lxc.rb') %w(constants errors vagabondfile internal_configuration helpers).each do |dep| require "vagabond/#{dep}" end Dir.glob( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'actions', '*.rb' ) ).each do |action| require "vagabond/actions/#{File.basename(action).sub('.rb', '')}" end module Vagabond class Vagabond < Thor include Thor::Actions include Helpers Actions.constants.each do |const| klass = Actions.const_get(const) include klass if klass.is_a?(Module) end attr_reader :name attr_reader :vagabondfile attr_reader :internal_config attr_reader :ui attr_reader :options attr_accessor :mappings_key attr_accessor :lxc attr_accessor :config attr_accessor :action CLI_OPTIONS = lambda do class_option(:debug, :type => :boolean, :default => false ) class_option(:force_solo, :aliases => '--force-configure', :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force configuration of system' ) class_option(:color, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Enable/disable colorized output' ) class_option(:vagabond_file, :aliases => '-f', :type => :string, :desc => 'Provide path to Vagabondfile' ) class_option(:local_server, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Enable/disable local Chef server usage if available' ) end # action:: Action to perform # name:: Name of vagabond # config:: Hash configuration # # Creates an instance def initialize(*args) super @threads = @mappings_key = :mappings end ## COMMANDS COMMANDS = lambda do |show_node=true| Actions.constants.find_all do |const| Actions.const_get(const).is_a?(Module) do |meth| if(self.respond_to?("_#{meth}_desc")) args = self.send("_#{meth}_desc") else args = ["#{meth}#{' NODE' if show_node}", "#{meth.capitalize} instance#{' of NODE' if show_node}"] end desc(*args) if(self.respond_to?("_#{meth}_options")) self.send("_#{meth}_options").each do |opts| method_option(*opts) end end define_method meth do |*args| setup(meth, *args) execute end end end protected def version setup_ui "#{ui.color('Vagabond:', :yellow, :bold)} - Advocating idleness and work-shyness" " #{ui.color('Version:', :blue)} - #{VERSION.version} (#{VERSION.codename})" exit end def execute self.send("_#{@action}") end def setup(action, name=nil, *args) @action = action @name = name @options = options.dup if(args.last.is_a?(Hash)) _ui = args.last.delete(:ui) @options.merge!(args.last) end @leftover_args = args setup_ui(_ui) load_configurations if(respond_to?(check = "#{action}_validate?".to_sym)) validate! if send(check) else validate! end end def name_required! unless(name) ui.fatal "Node name is required!" raise end end def provision_solo(dir) "#{ui.color('Vagabond:', :bold)} Provisioning node: #{ui.color(name, :magenta)}" lxc.container_ip(20) # force wait for container to appear and do so quietly direct_container_command( "chef-solo -c #{File.join(dir, 'solo.rb')} -j #{File.join(dir, 'dna.json')}", :live_stream => STDOUT ) end def load_configurations @vagabondfile =[:vagabond_file], :allow_missing) options[:sudo] = sudo # TODO: provide action call back for full or partial solo disable if((@action.to_s == 'status' && lxc_installed?) || @action.to_s == 'init') options[:disable_solo] = true end Chef::Log.init('/dev/null') unless options[:debug] Lxc.use_sudo = @vagabondfile[:sudo].nil? ? true : @vagabondfile[:sudo] @internal_config =, ui, options) options[:disable_solo] = false if @action.to_s == 'init' @config = @vagabondfile[:boxes][name] @lxc =[mappings_key][name] || '____nonreal____') if(options[:local_server] && lxc_installed?) if(@vagabondfile[:local_chef_server] && @vagabondfile[:local_chef_server][:enabled]) srv_name = @internal_config[:mappings][:server] srv = if srv_name if(srv_name && srv.running?) proto = @vagabondfile[:local_chef_server][:zero] ? 'http' : 'https' options[:knife_opts] = " --server-url #{proto}://#{srv.container_ip(10, true)}" else unless(@action.to_sym == :status || name.to_s =='server') ui.warn 'Local chef server is not currently running!' unless @action.to_sym == :status end end end end end def validate! if(name.to_s == 'server') ui.fatal "RESERVED node name supplied: #{ui.color(name, :red)}" ui.color(" -> Try: vagabond server #{@action}", :cyan) raise end if(name && config.nil? && !options[:disable_name_validate]) ui.fatal "Invalid node name supplied: #{ui.color(name, :red)}" ui.color(" -> Available: #{vagabondfile[:nodes].keys.sort.join(', ')}", :cyan) raise end end def check_existing! if(@lxc.exists?) ui.error "LXC: #{name} already exists!" true end end def base_dir File.dirname(vagabondfile.path) end def vagabond_dir File.join(base_dir, '.vagabond') end def lxc_installed? system('which lxc-info > /dev/null') end def wait_for_completion(type=nil) if(type) Array(@threads[:type]).map(&:join) else do |threads| threads.each do |thread_set| Array(thread_set).map(&:join) end end end end end end