require File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname( __FILE__ ), '../test_helper') ) {:execute => [/^SELECT currval/, /^SELECT CAST/, /^SELECT @@IDENTITY/], :insert => [], :delete => [] }.each do |method, ignore_list| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.class_eval <<-END_SRC cattr_accessor :#{method}_count # Array of regexes of queries that are not counted against query_count @@ignore_#{method}_list = #{ignore_list.inspect} alias_method :#{method}_without_query_counting, :#{method} def #{method}_with_query_counting(sql, name = nil, &block) self.#{method}_count += 1 unless @@ignore_#{method}_list.any? { |r| sql =~ r } #{method}_without_query_counting(sql, name, &block) end END_SRC end class DeleteTestCaseSuperClass < TestCaseSuperClass protected def assert_query(method, num = 1) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.class_eval do self.send "#{method}_count=", 0 alias_method method, "#{method}_with_query_counting" end yield ensure ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.class_eval do alias_method method, "#{method}_without_query_counting" end count = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.send "#{method}_count" assert_equal num, count, "#{count} instead of #{num} #{method} queries were executed." end end class DeleteTest < DeleteTestCaseSuperClass def setup super insert_books end def test_delete_limit_should_only_delete_three_records count = Book.count(:all, :conditions => ['author_name = ?', 'giraffe']) assert_equal 50, count deleted = Book.delete_all(['author_name = ?', 'giraffe'], :limit => 24) assert_equal 24, deleted count = Book.count(:all, :conditions => ['author_name = ?', 'giraffe']) assert_equal 26, count end def test_delete_limit_should_delete_less_than_limit count = Book.count(:all, :conditions => ['author_name = ?', 'giraffe']) assert_equal 50, count deleted = Book.delete_all(['author_name = ?', 'giraffe'], :limit => 55) assert_equal(50, deleted) count = Book.count(:all, :conditions => ['author_name = ?', 'giraffe']) assert_equal 0, count end def test_delete_batch_should_execute_6_deletes assert_query(:delete, 6){ assert_equal(50, Book.delete_all(nil, :batch => 10)) } assert_equal 0, Book.count end def test_delete_batch_with_limit_should_delete_until_limit_reached assert_query(:delete, 4){ assert_equal(32, Book.delete_all('id > 0', :batch => 10, :limit => 32)) } assert_equal 18, Book.count end def test_delete_batch_default_should_delete_all assert_query(:delete, 1){ assert_equal(50, Book.delete_all(nil, :batch => true)) } assert_equal 0, Book.count end def test_delete_batch_bigger_than_limit_should_delete_limit assert_query(:delete, 1){ assert_equal(12, Book.delete_all(nil, :batch => 20, :limit => 12)) } assert_equal 38, Book.count end def test_delete_duplicates_should_leave_one_by_author_with_low_id min_id = Book.minimum :id Book.delete_duplicates(:fields => [:author_name]) assert_equal 0, Book.count(:all, :group => :author_name, :having => 'count(*) > 1' ).length assert_equal(min_id, Book.find_by_author_name('giraffe').id) end def test_delete_duplicates_should_delete_all_but_one_with_publisher_one min_id = Book.minimum :id Book.delete_duplicates(:fields => [:author_name], :conditions => ['c1.publisher = ? and c2.publisher = ?', 'Pub1', 'Pub1']) books = Book.find_all_by_author_name('giraffe', :order => :id) assert_equal 41, books.length assert_equal min_id, assert_equal 1, Book.find_all_by_author_name_and_publisher('giraffe', 'Pub1').length end def test_delete_duplicates_should_delete_all_but_five Book.delete_duplicates(:fields => [:author_name, :publisher]) assert_equal(5, Book.count) end protected def insert_books Book.delete_all 1.upto(50){|count| Book.create!(:author_name => 'giraffe', :title => "Title#{count}", :publisher => "Pub#{count % 5}") } end end