class CreateCountries < ActiveRecord::Migration # ISO 3166 is the International Standard for country codes. # # ISO 3166-1:2006 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1: # Country codes which is what most users know as ISO's country codes. First published in 1974, it is has since # then become one of the world's most popular and most widely used standard solution for coding country names. # It contains a two-letter code which is recommended as the general purpose code, a three-letter code which has # better mnenomic properties and a numeric-3 code which can be useful if script independence of the codes is important. # # def change create_table :countries do |t| t.string :name, :size => 80, :null => false t.text :display_name t.string :alpha_2, :size => 2 t.string :alpha_3, :size => 3 t.string :numeric_3, :size => 3 t.text :note t.integer :position end add_index :countries, :name add_index :countries, :alpha_2 add_index :countries, :alpha_3 add_index :countries, :numeric_3 end end