require 'active_support/concern' # expects underlying model to have filename, class, and id attributes module HalApi::Representer::Embeds extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do Representable::Mapper.send(:include, Resources) if !Representable::Mapper.include?(Resources) end module Resources def skip_property?(binding, options) super(binding, options) || suppress_embed?(binding, options) end # embed if zoomed def suppress_embed?(binding, options) name = (binding[:as] || embedded = !!binding[:embedded] # not embedded, return false - nothing to suppress return false if !embedded # check if it should be zoomed, suppress if not !embed_zoomed?(name, binding[:zoom], options[:zoom]) end def embed_zoomed?(name, zoom_def=nil, zoom_param=nil) # if the embed in the representer definition has `zoom: :always` defined # always embed it, even if it is in another embed # (this is really meant for collections where embedded items must be included) return true if zoom_def == :always # passing nil explicitly overwrites defaults in signature, # so we default to nil and fix in the method body zoom_def = true if zoom_def.nil? # if there is no zoom specified in the request params (options) # then embed based on the zoom option in the representer definition # if there is a zoom specified in the request params (options) # then do not zoom when this name is not in the request zoom_param.nil? ? zoom_def : zoom_param.include?(name) end end # Possible values for zoom option in the embed representer definition # * false - will be zoomed only if in the root doc and in the zoom param # * true - zoomed in root doc if no zoom_param, or if included in zoom_param # * always - zoomed no matter what is in zoom param, and even if in embed module ClassMethods def embed(name, options={}) options[:embedded] = true options[:writeable] = false options[:if] ||= ->(_a) { id } unless options[:zoom] == :always if options[:paged] opts = { no_curies: true, item_class: options.delete(:item_class), url: options.delete(:url), item_decorator: options.delete(:item_decorator), per: options.delete(:per) || Kaminari.config.default_per_page } options[:getter] ||= ->(*) do # set # per page based on default, option value integer, or special :all per = opts.delete(:per) per = self.send(name).count if per == :all, nil, opts.merge({parent: self})) end options[:decorator] = Api::PagedCollectionRepresenter end property(name, options) end def embeds(name, options={}) options[:embedded] = true options[:writeable] = false options[:if] ||= ->(_a) { id } unless options[:zoom] == :always collection(name, options) end end end