include Grit include ApplicationView::Config include ApplicationView::Support::Timer class GitHelper def get_hash(branch) branch = get_current_branch || "master" repo ="#{YMDP_ROOT}/.") repo.commits(branch) end def get_current_branch result = `git status` if result =~ /# On branch (.*)/ return $1 end end def do_commit(message) repo =".") repo.add(".") puts `git commit -am "#{message}"` end end module TemplateBuilder def initialize(file, domain="staging", git_hash="", message="", verbose=false, subdir=false) @verbose = verbose @domain = domain @server = SERVERS[@domain]["server"] @file = file @assets_directory = "/om/assets/#{SERVERS[@domain]['assets_id']}" @hash = git_hash @message = message @subdir = subdir @version = CONFIG["version"] @sprint_name = CONFIG["sprint_name"] @view = base_filename(@file.split("/").last) Application.current_view = @view end def build unless @file =~ /#{YMDP_ROOT}\/app\/views\/_/ write_template(processed_template) end end def processed_template result = "" do |f| template = if @file =~ /\.haml$/ result = process_haml(template, @file) else result = process_template(template) end end result end private def process_template(template) raise "Define in child" end def output_filename filename = convert_filename(@file.split("/").last) dir = "#{YMDP_ROOT}/servers/#{@domain}" directory = @file.gsub(/^\.\/app/, dir).gsub(/\/([^\/]+)$/, '') FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) "#{directory}/#{filename}" end def write_template_without_layout(result) path = output_filename, "w") do |f| f.write(result) end $stdout.puts "Finished writing #{path}.\n" if @verbose end def write_template_with_layout(result) @content = result application_layout = "#{YMDP_ROOT}\/app\/views\/layouts\/application.html.haml" if File.exists?("#{YMDP_ROOT}\/app\/views\/layouts\/application.html.haml") layout = do |f| template = process_haml(template, application_layout) end elsif File.exists?("#{YMDP_ROOT}\/app\/views\/layouts\/application.html.erb") layout = do |f| template = process_template(application_layout) end end write_template_without_layout(layout) end def write_template(result) write_template_with_layout(result) end end class YMDPTemplate include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include TemplateBuilder include ApplicationHelper include ApplicationView::Base include ApplicationView::AssetTagHelper include ApplicationView::FormTagHelper include ApplicationView::LinkTagHelper attr_accessor :output_buffer private def base_filename(filename) filename.gsub(/(\.html|\.erb|\.haml)/, "") end def convert_filename(filename) base_filename(filename) end def process_template(template), 0, "%<>").result(binding) end def process_haml(template, filename=nil) options = {} if filename options[:filename] = filename end, options).render(self) end def write_template(result) write_template_with_layout(result) ApplicationView::Validator::HTML.validate(output_filename) if validate_html? end end class JSTemplate < YMDPTemplate def compress_js(filename) if compress_js_assets? validate_filename = "#{filename}.min" ApplicationView::Compressor::JavaScript.compress(filename) end end def write_template(result) filename = @file.split("/").last tmp_filename = "./tmp/#{filename}" save_to_file(result, tmp_filename) result = ApplicationView::Compressor::JavaScript.compress(tmp_filename) || result write_template_without_layout(result) end end class YRBTemplate include TemplateBuilder def directory directory = "#{BASE_PATH}/servers/#{@domain}/assets/yrb" FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) directory end def output_filename filename = convert_filename(@file.split("/").last) "#{directory}/#{filename}" end def to_json processed_template end def to_hash JSON.parse(to_json) end def to_yaml h = {} to_hash.each do |k,v| k = k.downcase h[k] = "#{v}" end h.to_yaml end def processed_template super.to_json end def validate ApplicationView::Validator::JSON.validate(output_filename) end private def base_filename(filename) filename.gsub(/\.pres/, "") end def convert_filename(filename) "#{base_filename(filename)}.json" end def process_template(template) @hash = {} lines = template.split("\n") lines.each do |line| unless line =~ /^[\s]*#/ line =~ /^([^\=]+)=(.+)/ key = $1 value = $2 unless key.blank? if @hash.has_key?(key) puts puts "Duplicate value in #{output_filename}" puts " #{key}=#{@hash[key]}" puts " #{key}=#{value}" puts if @hash[key] == value puts " Values are the same but duplicate values still should not exist!" puts end raise "Duplicate key error" end @hash[key] = value end end end @hash end def write_template(result) puts output_filename if verbose? write_template_without_layout(result) end end class TemplateCompiler attr_accessor :domain, :git_hash, :options def self.compile time do system "rm ./tmp/*" options = parse_options domain = options[:domain] domains = SERVERS.keys git = if options[:commit] git.do_commit(options[:message]) end git_hash = git.get_hash(options[:branch]) if domain domains = [domain] end process_domains(domains, git_hash, options) system "rm ./tmp/*" end rescue StandardError => e puts e.message puts e.backtrace end def self.parse_options options = { :commit => false, :branch => "master" } do |opts| options[:commit] = false options[:verbose] = verbose? opts.banner = "Usage: build.rb [options]" opts.on("-d", "--domain [domain]", "Force Domain") do |v| options[:domain] = v end opts.on("-b", "--branch [branch]", "Current Branch") do |v| options[:branch] = v end opts.on("-m", "--message [message]", "Commit Message") do |v| options[:commit] = true options[:message] = v end opts.on("-n", "--no-commit", "Don't Commit") do |v| options[:commit] = false end opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Verbose (show all file writes)") do |v| options[:verbose] = true end opts.on("-r", "--rake [task]", "Execute Rake task") do |v| options[:rake] = v end opts.on("-c", "--compress", "Compress JavaScript and CSS") do |v| options[:compress] = v end end.parse! options end def self.process_domains(domains, git_hash, options) domains.each do |d| clean_domain(d) compiler =, git_hash, options) ["views", "assets"].each do |dir| compiler.process("#{YMDP_ROOT}/app/#{dir}/") end process_yrb(d, git_hash, options) end if options[:rake] system "rake #{options[:rake]}" end end def self.process_yrb(domain, hash, options) puts "Processing ./app/assets/yrb/ for #{domain}" ApplicationView::Base.supported_languages.each do |lang| process_each_yrb(lang, domain, hash, options) end end def self.process_each_yrb(lang, domain, hash, options) tmp_file = "#{TMP_DIR}/keys_#{lang}.pres" Dir["#{BASE_PATH}/app/assets/yrb/#{lang}/*"].each do |path| system "cat #{path} >> #{tmp_file}" end yrb =, domain, hash, options[:message], options[:verbose]) yrb.validate system "rm #{tmp_file}" end def self.clean_domain(d) dir = "#{YMDP_ROOT}/servers/#{d}" system "rm -rf #{dir}/views" system "rm -rf #{dir}/assets/javascripts" system "rm -rf #{dir}/assets/stylesheets" system "rm -rf #{dir}/assets/yrb" end def log(text) "#{} #{text}" end def initialize(domain, git_hash, options) @domain = domain @git_hash = git_hash @options = options end def create_directory(path) dest = destination(path) if File.exists?("#{YMDP_ROOT}/#{path}") # puts " exists #{path}" else puts " create #{path}" FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{YMDP_ROOT}/#{path}" end end def destination(path) destination = path.dup destination.gsub!("#{YMDP_ROOT}/app", "#{YMDP_ROOT}/servers/#{domain}") end def process(path) puts "Processing #{path} for #{domain}" dest = destination("#{path}") create_directory("servers/#{domain}") Dir["#{path}**/*"].each do |f| build_file(f) end copy_images end def copy_images if options[:verbose] puts log("Moving images into #{YMDP_ROOT}/servers/#{domain}/assets/images...") end system "rm -rf #{YMDP_ROOT}/servers/#{domain}/assets/images" system "cp -r #{YMDP_ROOT}/app/assets/images #{YMDP_ROOT}/servers/#{domain}/assets" end def build_file(file) if file.split("/").last !~ /^_/ && file !~ /\/app\/views\/layouts\// if file =~ /(\.haml|\.erb)$/, domain, git_hash, options[:message], options[:verbose]).build elsif file =~ /\.js$/, domain, hash, options[:message], options[:verbose]).build end end end end