require 'rails_helper' describe LHC::Caching do before(:each) do LHC.config.interceptors = [LHC::Caching] LHC::Caching.cache = Rails.cache Rails.cache.clear end let(:stub) { stub_request(:get, '').to_return(status: 200, body: 'The Website') } it 'serves a response from cache' do stub LHC.config.endpoint(:local, '', cache: { expires_in: 5.minutes }) expect(Rails.cache).to receive(:write) .with( "LHC_CACHE(v#{LHC::Caching::CACHE_VERSION}): GET", { body: 'The Website', code: 200, headers: nil, return_code: nil, mock: :webmock }, { expires_in: 5.minutes } ) .and_call_original original_response = LHC.get(:local) cached_response = LHC.get(:local) expect(original_response.body).to eq cached_response.body expect(original_response.code).to eq cached_response.code expect(original_response.headers).to eq cached_response.headers expect(original_response.options[:return_code]).to eq cached_response.options[:return_code] expect(original_response.mock).to eq cached_response.mock assert_requested stub, times: 1 end it 'does not serve from cache if option is not set' do LHC.config.endpoint(:local, '') expect(Rails.cache).not_to receive(:write) expect(Rails.cache).not_to receive(:fetch) stub 2.times { LHC.get(:local) } assert_requested stub, times: 2 end it 'lets you configure the cache key that will be used' do LHC.config.endpoint(:local, '', cache: { key: 'STATICKEY' }) expect(Rails.cache).to receive(:fetch).with("LHC_CACHE(v#{LHC::Caching::CACHE_VERSION}): STATICKEY").and_call_original expect(Rails.cache).to receive(:write).with("LHC_CACHE(v#{LHC::Caching::CACHE_VERSION}): STATICKEY", anything, anything).and_call_original stub LHC.get(:local) end it 'does not store server errors in cache' do LHC.config.endpoint(:local, '', cache: true) stub_request(:get, '').to_return(status: 500, body: 'ERROR') expect { LHC.get(:local) }.to raise_error LHC::ServerError stub expect(Rails.cache).to receive(:write).once LHC.get(:local) end it 'marks response not from cache as not served from cache and from cache as served from cache' do stub LHC.config.endpoint(:local, '', cache: true) original_response = LHC.get(:local) cached_response = LHC.get(:local) expect(original_response.from_cache?).to eq false expect(cached_response.from_cache?).to eq true end end