require 'java' # TODO See about using Raven to get gems of jhlabs and svgsalamander? require 'jhlabs-filters.jar' require 'magick4j.jar' require 'svgsalamander.jar' require 'observer' module Magick Magick4J = Java::magick4j RMagick4J = Java::rmagick4j class Draw def annotate(img, width, height, x, y, text, &add) instance_eval &add if add @draw.annotate(img._image, width, height, x, y, text) self end def draw(image) @draw.clone.draw(image._image, Magick4J.CommandParser.parse(@primitives)) self end def fill= fill @draw.setFill(Magick4J.ColorDatabase.queryDefault(fill)) self end def font_weight= font_weight font_weight = {BoldWeight => 700, NormalWeight => 400}[font_weight] @draw.setFontWeight(font_weight) end def get_type_metrics(*args) raise'wrong number of arguments (#{args.length})') if not (1..2) === args.length string = args.last image = args.first._image if args.length == 2 jmetrics = @draw.getTypeMetrics(string, image) metrics = metrics.ascent = jmetrics.getAscent metrics.descent = jmetrics.getDescent metrics.height = jmetrics.getHeight metrics.max_advance = jmetrics.getMaxAdvance metrics.width = jmetrics.getWidth metrics end def font= font # TODO end def gravity= gravity @draw.setGravity(gravity._val) end def initialize # Docs say that you can initialize with a block, but it doesn't really work because it inits an ImageInfo not a DrawInfo. # instance_eval &add if add @draw = @primitives = '' end def inspect @primitives end def pointsize= pointsize @draw.setPointSize(pointsize) end def primitive primitive # TODO Concat in a string like they do, then use helper to parse later @primitives << "\n" unless @primitives.empty? @primitives << primitive self end def rotation= rotation @draw.rotate(rotation) self end def stroke= stroke @draw.setStroke(Magick4J.ColorDatabase.queryDefault(stroke)) self end end class Enum def self.def_val(name, val) enum = new(name, val) Magick.const_set(name, enum) end def initialize(name, val) @name = name @val = val end def to_i @val.ordinal end def _val @val end end class GradientFill def fill(image) @fill.fill(image._image) end def initialize(x1, y1, x2, y2, start_color, end_color) @fill =, y1, x2, y2, Magick4J.ColorDatabase.queryDefault(start_color), Magick4J.ColorDatabase.queryDefault(end_color)) end end class Image def self.from_blob(blob, &add) # TODO Use info somehow info = # TODO multiple images in file [] end def, &add) [, &add)] end def blur_image(radius=0.0, sigma=1.0) # Swap order on purpose. I wanted them the other way around in Magick4J., radius)) end def columns @image.getWidth end def composite(*args) # image, x, y, composite_op args[0] = args[0]._image! {|arg| arg.is_a?(Enum) ? arg._val : arg}*args)) end def crop(x, y, width, height), y, width, height)) end def display @image.display self end def format @image.getFormat end def format= format @image.setFormat(format) self end def flip! @image.flip self end def _image @image end def initialize(*args, &add) # TODO Only use new as defined in the RMagick docs. Use allocate and other methods otherwise? info = if args.length == 1 if args[0].is_a? String # TODO Respect Dir.getwd name = args[0] @image = Magick4J.ImageDatabase.createDefault(name, info._info) || else @image = args[0] end else @image =[0], args[1], info._info) if args.length == 3 args[2].fill(self) end end end def matte= matte @image.setMatte(matte) end def quantize(number_colors=256, colorspace=RGBColorspace, dither=true, tree_depth=0, measure_error=false), colorspace._val, dither, tree_depth, measure_error)) end def raise(width=6, height=6, raise=true), height, raise)) end def resize(scale_factor) end def rotate(scale_factor) end def rows @image.getHeight end def to_blob(&add) # TODO Use info. info = @image.setFormat(info.format) if info.format RMagick4J.JRubyUtil.toString(@image.toBlob) end def write(file, &add) # TODO I'm having trouble finding out how this info is used, so I'll skip using it for now. info = # TODO Resolve pwd as needed @image.write(file) self end class Info # TODO Replace with call to Java, or is this the better way? Should it be converted to the Java version only later? def background_color= background_color @info.setBackgroundColor(Magick4J.ColorDatabase.queryDefault(background_color)) end attr_accessor :format def _info @info end def initialize(&add) @info = instance_eval &add if add end def size= size size = Geometry.from_s(size) if size.is_a? String geometry = geometry.setWidth(size.width) geometry.setHeight(size.height) @info.setSize(geometry) end end end class ImageList < Array def to_blob(&add) # TODO Support lists. first.to_blob(&add) end end class TypeMetric attr_accessor :ascent, :descent, :height, :max_advance, :width end # Enums class CompositeOperator < Enum def_val :CopyOpacityCompositeOp, Magick4J.CompositeOperator::COPY_OPACITY def_val :OverCompositeOp, Magick4J.CompositeOperator::OVER end class GravityType < Enum def_val :CenterGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::CENTER def_val :EastGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::EAST def_val :ForgetGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::FORGET def_val :NorthEastGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::NORTH_EAST def_val :NorthGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::NORTH def_val :NorthWestGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::NORTH_WEST def_val :SouthEastGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::SOUTH_EAST def_val :SouthGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::SOUTH def_val :SouthWestGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::SOUTH_WEST def_val :WestGravity, Magick4J.Gravity::WEST end class ColorspaceType < Enum def_val :GRAYColorspace, Magick4J.Colorspace::GRAY def_val :RGBColorspace, Magick4J.Colorspace::RGB def_val :UndefinedColorspace, Magick4J.Colorspace::Undefined end # Simple hack Enums. # TODO All these need changed to the official way used above. @@enumVal = 1 def self.nextVal @@enumVal = @@enumVal + 1 end LeftAlign = nextVal RightAlign = nextVal CenterAlign = nextVal StartAnchor = nextVal MiddleAnchor = nextVal EndAnchor = nextVal NoDecoration = nextVal UnderlineDecoration = nextVal OverlineDecoration = nextVal LineThroughDecoration = nextVal AnyWeight = nextVal NormalWeight = nextVal BoldWeight = nextVal BolderWeight = nextVal LighterWeight = nextVal PointMethod = nextVal ReplaceMethod = nextVal FloodfillMethod = nextVal FillToBorderMethod = nextVal ResetMethod = nextVal NormalStretch = nextVal UltraCondensedStretch = nextVal ExtraCondensedStretch = nextVal CondensedStretch = nextVal SemiCondensedStretch = nextVal SemiExpandedStretch = nextVal ExpandedStretch = nextVal ExtraExpandedStretch = nextVal UltraExpandedStretch = nextVal AnyStretch = nextVal NormalStyle = nextVal ItalicStyle = nextVal ObliqueStyle = nextVal AnyStyle = nextVal # ColorspaceType constants # DEF_ENUM(ColorspaceType) TransparentColorspace = nextVal OHTAColorspace = nextVal XYZColorspace = nextVal YCbCrColorspace = nextVal YCCColorspace = nextVal YIQColorspace = nextVal YPbPrColorspace = nextVal YUVColorspace = nextVal CMYKColorspace = nextVal SRGBColorspace = nextVal HSLColorspace = nextVal HWBColorspace = nextVal HSBColorspace = nextVal # IM 6.0.0 CineonLogRGBColorspace = nextVal # GM 1.2 LABColorspace = nextVal # GM 1.2 Rec601LumaColorspace = nextVal # GM 1.2 && IM 6.2.2 Rec601YCbCrColorspace = nextVal # GM 1.2 && IM 6.2.2 Rec709LumaColorspace = nextVal # GM 1.2 && IM 6.2.2 Rec709YCbCrColorspace = nextVal # GM 1.2 && IM 6.2.2 LogColorspace = nextVal # IM 6.2.3 end