# CHANGELOG ## 2.0.2 (08/11/2015) * Switches to `open-vm-tools` for VMWare ([20][]). * Increases the SSH timeout to 15m. ([25][]). ## 2.0.1 (18/10/2015) * Fixes a launch exception relating to configuration. * Adds support for Travis CI. * Correctly sets configured environment variables should be set before running. * Does a better job of handling errors when running builds. ## 2.0.0 (10/10/2015) * Conversion to being a command line tool distributed through Ruby Gems. * Basic test coverage using Specs and Feature tests. * Maintains an environment for running builds. * Parses, validates and combines arguments. * Allows the building of all of the previous styles of boxes. [20]: https://github.com/nickcharlton/boxes/issues/20 [25]: https://github.com/nickcharlton/boxes/issues/25