class TestDB def self.yml YAML::load(,'..',"database.yml"))) end def self.connect(logging=false) ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = yml ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:test) ActiveRecord::Base.logger = if logging end def self.clean [:foos,:fruits,:baskets,:fruit_baskets,:regions,:types].each do |t| DBSpecManagement.connection.execute("DELETE FROM #{t.to_s}") end end #Class to clean tables class DBSpecManagement < ActiveRecord::Base end end #Put all the test migrations here class TestMigrations < ActiveRecord::Migration # all the ups def self.up {:mysql_without_db => :test,:postgres_without_db => :test_other}.each do |build,key| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(build) if build == :mysql_without_db begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS cm_test;") rescue => e puts "Error creating database: #{e}" end begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS cm_user_test;") rescue => e puts "Error creating database: #{e}" end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(key) else begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("CREATE DATABASE cm_test;") rescue => e puts "Error creating database: #{e}" end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(key) begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("CREATE SCHEMA cm_test;") rescue => e puts "Error creating schema: #{e}" end end begin create_table "cm_test.foos" do |t| t.string :name t.integer :cm_user_id end rescue => e puts "tables failed to create: #{e}" end begin create_table "cm_test.fruits" do |t| t.string :name t.integer :region_id t.timestamps end rescue => e puts "tables failed to create: #{e}" end begin create_table "cm_test.baskets" do |t| t.string :name t.timestamps end rescue => e puts "tables failed to create: #{e}" end begin create_table "cm_test.fruit_baskets" do |t| t.integer :fruit_id t.integer :basket_id t.timestamps end rescue => e puts "tables failed to create: #{e}" end begin create_table "cm_test.regions" do |t| t.string :name t.integer :type_id t.timestamps end rescue => e puts "tables failed to create: #{e}" end begin create_table "cm_test.types" do |t| t.string :name t.timestamps end rescue => e puts "tables failed to create: #{e}" end end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:cm_user_test) begin create_table 'cm_user_test.cm_users' do |t| t.string :name end rescue => e puts "tables failed to create: #{e}" end # Table is in more than 1 schema begin create_table "cm_user_test.types" do |t| t.string :name t.timestamps end rescue => e puts "tables failed to create: #{e}" end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:test) end # all the downs def self.down [:test, :test_other].each do |key| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(key) [:foos,:fruits,:baskets,:fruit_baskets,:regions,:types].each do |t| begin drop_table "cm_test.#{t.to_s}" rescue => e puts "tables were not dropped: #{e}" end end end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:cm_user_test) [ :cm_users, :types].each do |t| begin puts drop_table "cm_user_test.#{t.to_s}" rescue => e puts "tables were not dropped: #{e}" end end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:test) end end