module Jets::Commands class Url include Jets::AwsServices def initialize(options) @options = options end def display stack_name = Jets::Naming.parent_stack_name unless stack_exists?(stack_name) puts "Stack for #{Jets.config.project_name.colorize(:green)} project for environment #{Jets.env.colorize(:green)}. Couldn't find #{stack_name.colorize(:green)} stack." exit end stack = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: stack_name).stacks.first api_gateway_stack_arn = lookup(stack[:outputs], "ApiGateway") if api_gateway_stack_arn && endpoint_available? api_gateway_endpoint = get_gateway_endpoint(api_gateway_stack_arn) STDOUT.puts "API Gateway Endpoint: #{api_gateway_endpoint}" show_custom_domain else puts "API Gateway not found. This jets app does have an API Gateway associated with it. Please double check your config/routes.rb if you were expecting to see a url for the app. Also check that #{stack_name.colorize(:green)} is a jets app." end end def get_gateway_endpoint(api_gateway_stack_arn) stack = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: api_gateway_stack_arn).stacks.first rest_api = lookup(stack[:outputs], "RestApi") region_id = lookup(stack[:outputs], "Region") stage_name = Jets::Resource::ApiGateway::Deployment.stage_name # #{resourcePath} "https://#{rest_api}.execute-api.#{region_id}{stage_name}" end def show_custom_domain return unless endpoint_available? && Jets.custom_domain? && Jets.config.domain.route53 domain_name = # Looks funny but its right. # domain_name is a method on the Jets::Resource::ApiGateway::Domain instance url = "https://#{domain_name.domain_name}" puts "Custom Domain: #{url}" end def endpoint_unavailable? return false if Jets::Router.routes.empty? resp, status = stack_status return false if status.include?("ROLLBACK") end def endpoint_available? !endpoint_unavailable? end # All CloudFormation states listed here: # def stack_status resp = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: @parent_stack_name) status = resp.stacks[0].stack_status [resp, status] end end end