# frozen_string_literal: true require 'cgi' require 'word_wrap' require 'twitter' module Augury class Fortune def initialize(username, path, config) @username = username @path = path @config = config @tweets = [] end def collect_with_max_id(collection = [], max_id = nil, &block) response = yield(max_id) collection += response if response.empty? collection elsif !@config[:count].zero? && collection.length >= @config[:count] # Get everything or trim the results to the count @config[:count].zero? ? collection : collection[0..@config[:count] - 1] else collect_with_max_id(collection, response.last.id - 1, &block) end end def retrieve_tweets @tweets = collect_with_max_id do |max_id| options = { count: 200, tweet_mode: 'extended', include_rts: @config[:retweets], exclude_replies: !@config[:replies], } options[:max_id] = max_id unless max_id.nil? @twitter.user_timeline(@username, options) end rescue Twitter::Error::TooManyRequests => e reset_length = e.rate_limit.reset_in + 1 puts "Twitter rate limit exceeded. Waiting #{reset_length} minute(s)" sleep reset_length end def format_fortune filtered = @tweets.flat_map(&:full_text).reject do |tweet| tweet.match(/https?:/) unless @config[:links] end to_transform = transforms formatted = filtered.flat_map do |tweet| text = CGI.unescapeHTML(tweet) to_transform.each do |transform| text.gsub!(transform[0], transform[1]) end WordWrap.ww text, @config.fetch(:width, 72) end author = @config[:attribution] ? "\n-- #{@twitter.user(@username).name}\n" : '' text = formatted.join("#{author}%\n") text + author if author end def write_fortune # Write out the file begin mode = @config[:append] ? 'a' : 'w' file = File.open(@path, mode) file.write("%\n") if @config[:append] file.write(format_fortune) ensure file&.close end # Create the dat file too `strfile '#{@path}' '#{@path}.dat'` end def twitter_setup raise Augury::TwitterConfigError unless @config[:twitter] @twitter = Twitter::REST::Client.new do |cfg| cfg.consumer_key = @config[:twitter]['consumer_key'] cfg.consumer_secret = @config[:twitter]['consumer_secret'] cfg.access_token = @config[:twitter]['access_token'] cfg.access_token_secret = @config[:twitter]['access_token_secret'] end end private def transforms all_transforms = [] all_transforms << [/https?:\/\/[^\s]+/, ''] if @config[:remove_links] return all_transforms unless @config[:apply_transforms] all_transforms.push(*@config.dig('transforms', @username) || []) all_transforms.push(*@config.fetch('global-transforms', [])) raise Augury::TransformError unless validate_transforms(all_transforms) all_transforms end def validate_transforms(all_transforms) all_transforms.all? do |transform| transform.count == 2 && [String, Regexp].include?(transform[0].class) && transform[1].is_a?(String) end end end end