// // Form // -------------------------------------------------- //== Form mixins // //## Form mixins is there because is doesnt have to be share =outline-input-form padding: 6px 0px -webkit-appearance: none +box-shadow(none) +border-radius(0) border: none border-bottom: 1px solid $input-border +default-transition &:focus, &.focus +box-shadow(0px 1px 0px $input-border-focus) border-color: $input-border-focus +default-transition //== Legends // //## legend font-weight: 600 padding: 0 margin-top: 15px margin-bottom: 15px border: none //** Remove margin top form first legend because of page-content-wrap padding-top .page-content-wrap .form-inputs +first-child legend margin-top: 0 //== Labels // //## .control-label color: $gray font-weight: 700 font-size: 0.85em margin-bottom: 8px text-transform: uppercase +transition(color ease-in-out 0.15s) .form-group.focused .control-label color: $brand-primary +transition(color ease-in-out 0.15s) //== Inputs // //## .form-control font-size: 14px .form-inputs, .nested-one-field, .tab-pane +clearfix .form-group:last-of-type, .form-group:only-child, .nested-one-field:last-of-type margin-bottom: 0 .nested-one-field margin-bottom: $form-group-margin-bottom .nested-input-title &.has-error color: $brand-danger //== Inputs outline // //## Styled inputs with juste a border bottom .forms-outline .form-control +outline-input-form &[disabled], &[readonly] color: $gray padding-right: 6px padding-left: 6px &[disabled]:focus, &[readonly]:focus background: $input-bg-disabled color: $gray border-color: $gray-lighter .input-group-addon background-color: transparent border-color: transparent //** Remove margin because input have just bottom border .control-label &.country, &.date, &.datetime, &.email, &.integer, &.select, &.selectize, &.string, &.tel, &.text, &.time, &.url margin-bottom: 0 //** Textarea .form-control.text resize: vertical //** Redactor .redactor-editor +outline-input-form strong, b font-weight: 700 .redactor-toolbar border: none background-color: $gray-lighter +border-radius(0) //** Selectize .selectize-input, .selectize-input.full +outline-input-form .selectize-control.multi .selectize-input.has-items +outline-input-form padding: 3px 0px //** Spinner .spinbox .btn.btn-default color: $gray background-color: transparent border-color: transparent &.spinbox-up padding: 0px 9px 4px 9px &.spinbox-down padding: 6px 9px 0px 9px margin-top: 0 &:hover, &:focus color: $gray-darker &:active, &.active, &:active:focus +box-shadow(none) // Datepicker .datetimepicker-trigger.btn-default color: $gray background-color: transparent border-color: transparent &:hover, &:focus color: $gray-darker &:active, &.active, &:active:focus +box-shadow(none) //== Color picker // //## .input-group &.color max-width: 300px .input-group-addon padding: 0 padding-left: 5px i border: 1px solid #ccc width: 25px height: 25px //== Search form filter // //## .filter-form +filter-style .form-control &:focus +box-shadow(none) .form-control, .input-group-btn background-color: transparent border: none +border-left-radius(20px) .input-group-btn overflow: hidden +border-left-radius(0) +border-right-radius(20px) .btn background-color: transparent color: $gray &:hover color: $gray-dark //== Fixed actions // //## .form-fixed-actions margin-bottom: 100px .form-actions +border-radius(2px) position: fixed bottom: 0px right: 50px left: auto padding: 8px z-index: $zindex-navbar-fixed - 10 background-color: $gray-lighter +material-box-shadow-soft(3) margin-bottom: 25px text-align: center .btn margin-bottom: 10px margin-right: 0px &:last-child margin-right: 0 margin-bottom: 0 //== Input group addons // //## .input-group-btn:first-child > .btn, .btn-group margin-right: -2px .input-group-lg > .form-control, .input-group-addon, .input-group-btn > .btn font-size: 16px .input-group-sm > .form-control, .input-group-addon, .input-group-btn > .btn font-size: 11px .input-group-btn > .btn &:active, &:focus, &:hover z-index: 0 //== Tabs error // //## .nav-tabs a &.has-error color: $brand-danger > li.active > a, > a:hover, > a:focus &.has-error color: $brand-danger border-bottom-color: $brand-danger //== Input with error // //## .has-success .checkbox, .checkbox-inline, .control-label, .form-control-feedback, .help-block, .radio, .radio-inline color: $brand-success .form-control border-color: $brand-success .has-warning .checkbox, .checkbox-inline, .control-label, .form-control-feedback, .help-block, .radio, .radio-inline color: $brand-warning .form-control border-color: $brand-warning .has-error .checkbox, .checkbox-inline, .control-label, .form-control-feedback, .help-block, .radio, .radio-inline color: $brand-danger .bootstrap-select.error > button, .form-control.error, .has-error .form-control border-color: $brand-danger .bootstrap-select.valid > button, .form-control.valid border-color: $brand-success