# Intrinio::OptionsApi All URIs are relative to *https://api-v2.intrinio.com* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**get_all_options_tickers**](OptionsApi.md#get_all_options_tickers) | **GET** /options/tickers | Options Tickers [**get_option_expirations_realtime**](OptionsApi.md#get_option_expirations_realtime) | **GET** /options/expirations/{symbol}/realtime | Options Expirations [**get_option_strikes_realtime**](OptionsApi.md#get_option_strikes_realtime) | **GET** /options/strikes/{symbol}/{strike}/realtime | Option Strikes Realtime [**get_options**](OptionsApi.md#get_options) | **GET** /options/{symbol} | Options [**get_options_by_symbol_realtime**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_by_symbol_realtime) | **GET** /options/{symbol}/realtime | Options by Symbol Realtime [**get_options_chain**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_chain) | **GET** /options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration} | Options Chain [**get_options_chain_eod**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_chain_eod) | **GET** /options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration}/eod | Options Chain EOD [**get_options_chain_realtime**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_chain_realtime) | **GET** /options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration}/realtime | Options Chain Realtime [**get_options_expirations**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_expirations) | **GET** /options/expirations/{symbol} | Options Expirations [**get_options_expirations_eod**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_expirations_eod) | **GET** /options/expirations/{symbol}/eod | Options Expirations [**get_options_interval_by_contract**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_interval_by_contract) | **GET** /options/interval/{identifier} | Options Intervals By Contract [**get_options_interval_movers**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_interval_movers) | **GET** /options/interval/movers | Options Intervals Movers [**get_options_interval_movers_change**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_interval_movers_change) | **GET** /options/interval/movers/change | Options Intervals Movers By Change [**get_options_interval_movers_volume**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_interval_movers_volume) | **GET** /options/interval/movers/volume | Options Intervals Movers By Volume [**get_options_prices**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_prices) | **GET** /options/prices/{identifier} | Option Prices [**get_options_prices_batch_realtime**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_prices_batch_realtime) | **POST** /options/prices/realtime/batch | Option Prices Batch Realtime [**get_options_prices_eod**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_prices_eod) | **GET** /options/prices/{identifier}/eod | Option Prices EOD [**get_options_prices_realtime**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_prices_realtime) | **GET** /options/prices/{identifier}/realtime | Option Prices Realtime [**get_options_snapshots**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_snapshots) | **GET** /options/snapshots | Option Prices Realtime Snapshot [**get_options_stats_realtime**](OptionsApi.md#get_options_stats_realtime) | **GET** /options/prices/{identifier}/realtime/stats | Option Stats Realtime [**get_unusual_activity**](OptionsApi.md#get_unusual_activity) | **GET** /options/unusual_activity/{symbol} | Options Unusual Activity [**get_unusual_activity_intraday**](OptionsApi.md#get_unusual_activity_intraday) | **GET** /options/unusual_activity/{symbol}/intraday | Options Unusual Activity Intraday [**get_unusual_activity_universal**](OptionsApi.md#get_unusual_activity_universal) | **GET** /options/unusual_activity | Options Unusual Activity Universal [**get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday**](OptionsApi.md#get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday) | **GET** /options/unusual_activity/intraday | Options Unusual Activity Universal Intraday [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_all_options_tickers) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsTickers) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsTickers.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_all_options_tickers_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/tickers) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_all_options_tickers) ## **get_all_options_tickers** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_all_options_tickers_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsTickers get_all_options_tickers #### Options Tickers Returns all tickers that have existing options contracts. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new result = options_api.get_all_options_tickers pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) This endpoint does not need any parameter. [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsTickers**](ApiResponseOptionsTickers.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_option_expirations_realtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsExpirations) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsExpirations.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_option_expirations_realtime_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/expirations/{symbol}/realtime) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_option_expirations_realtime) ## **get_option_expirations_realtime** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_option_expirations_realtime_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsExpirations get_option_expirations_realtime(symbol, opts) #### Options Expirations Returns a list of all current and upcoming option contract expiration dates for a particular symbol. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "MSFT" opts = { after: "2022-01-01", before: "2023-04-01", source: nil } result = options_api.get_option_expirations_realtime(symbol, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **after** | String| Return option contract expiration dates after this date. | [optional]   **before** | String| Return option contract expiration dates before this date. | [optional]   **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsExpirations**](ApiResponseOptionsExpirations.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_option_strikes_realtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_option_strikes_realtime_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/strikes/{symbol}/{strike}/realtime) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_option_strikes_realtime) ## **get_option_strikes_realtime** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_option_strikes_realtime_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime get_option_strikes_realtime(symbol, strike, opts) #### Option Strikes Realtime Returns a list of the latest top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all call/put contracts that match the strike and symbol specified. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "MSFT" strike = 95 opts = { source: nil, stock_price_source: nil, model: nil } result = options_api.get_option_strikes_realtime(symbol, strike, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **strike** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. |   **source** | String| Realtime or delayed. | [optional]   **stock_price_source** | String| Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. | [optional]   **model** | String| Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime**](ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptions) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptions.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/{symbol}) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options) ## **get_options** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptions get_options(symbol, opts) #### Options Returns a list of all securities that have options listed and are tradable on a US market exchange. Useful to retrieve the entire universe. Available via a 3rd party, contact sales for a trial. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "AAPL" opts = { type: "put", strike: 170, strike_greater_than: 150, strike_less_than: 190, expiration: "2019-03-01", expiration_after: "2019-01-01", expiration_before: "2019-12-31", page_size: 100, next_page: nil } result = options_api.get_options(symbol, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **type** | String| The option contract type. | [optional]   **strike** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. | [optional]   **strike_greater_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. | [optional]   **strike_less_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. | [optional]   **expiration** | String| The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates on this date. | [optional]   **expiration_after** | String| The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates after this date. | [optional]   **expiration_before** | String| The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates before this date. | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]   **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptions**](ApiResponseOptions.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_by_symbol_realtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsRealtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsRealtime.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_by_symbol_realtime_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/{symbol}/realtime) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_by_symbol_realtime) ## **get_options_by_symbol_realtime** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_by_symbol_realtime_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsRealtime get_options_by_symbol_realtime(symbol, opts) #### Options by Symbol Realtime Returns a list of all securities that have options listed and are tradable on a US market exchange. Useful to retrieve the entire universe. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "AAPL" opts = { type: "put", strike: 170, strike_greater_than: 150, strike_less_than: 190, expiration: "2022-04-16", expiration_after: "2022-01-01", expiration_before: "2023-12-31", source: nil } result = options_api.get_options_by_symbol_realtime(symbol, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **type** | String| The option contract type. | [optional]   **strike** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. | [optional]   **strike_greater_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. | [optional]   **strike_less_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. | [optional]   **expiration** | String| The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates on this date. | [optional]   **expiration_after** | String| The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates after this date. | [optional]   **expiration_before** | String| The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates before this date. | [optional]   **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsRealtime**](ApiResponseOptionsRealtime.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_chain) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsChain) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsChain.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_chain_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration}) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_chain) ## **get_options_chain** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_chain_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsChain get_options_chain(symbol, expiration, opts) #### Options Chain Returns a list of the historical end-of-day top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all option contracts currently associated with the option chain. Available via a 3rd party, contact sales for a trial. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "MSFT" expiration = "2019-04-05" opts = { date: nil, type: nil, strike: nil, strike_greater_than: nil, strike_less_than: nil, moneyness: nil, page_size: 100 } result = options_api.get_options_chain(symbol, expiration, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **expiration** | String| The expiration date of the options contract |   **date** | Date| The date of the option price. Returns option prices on this date. | [optional]   **type** | String| The option contract type. | [optional]   **strike** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. | [optional]   **strike_greater_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. | [optional]   **strike_less_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. | [optional]   **moneyness** | String| The moneyness of the options contracts to return. 'all' will return all options contracts. 'in_the_money' will return options contracts that are in the money (call options with strike prices below the current price, put options with strike prices above the current price). 'out_of_they_money' will return options contracts that are out of the money (call options with strike prices above the current price, put options with strike prices below the current price). 'near_the_money' will return options contracts that are $0.50 or less away from being in the money. | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsChain**](ApiResponseOptionsChain.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_chain_eod) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsChainEod) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsChainEod.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_chain_eod_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration}/eod) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_chain_eod) ## **get_options_chain_eod** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_chain_eod_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsChainEod get_options_chain_eod(symbol, expiration, opts) #### Options Chain EOD Returns all EOD options contracts and their prices for the given symbol and expiration date. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "AAPL" expiration = "2023-01-20" opts = { type: nil, strike: nil, strike_greater_than: nil, strike_less_than: nil, date: nil } result = options_api.get_options_chain_eod(symbol, expiration, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **expiration** | String| The expiration date of the options contract |   **type** | String| The option contract type. | [optional]   **strike** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. | [optional]   **strike_greater_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. | [optional]   **strike_less_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. | [optional]   **date** | Date| The date to retrieve prices for | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsChainEod**](ApiResponseOptionsChainEod.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_chain_realtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_chain_realtime_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration}/realtime) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_chain_realtime) ## **get_options_chain_realtime** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_chain_realtime_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime get_options_chain_realtime(symbol, expiration, opts) #### Options Chain Realtime Returns a list of the latest National Best Bid & Offer (NBBO) top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all option contracts currently associated with the option chain. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "MSFT" expiration = "2023-01-20" opts = { source: nil, type: nil, strike: nil, strike_greater_than: nil, strike_less_than: nil, volume_greater_than: nil, volume_less_than: nil, open_interest_greater_than: nil, open_interest_less_than: nil, moneyness: nil, stock_price_source: nil, model: nil } result = options_api.get_options_chain_realtime(symbol, expiration, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **expiration** | String| The expiration date of the options contract |   **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   **type** | String| The option contract type. | [optional]   **strike** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. | [optional]   **strike_greater_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. | [optional]   **strike_less_than** | Float| The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. | [optional]   **volume_greater_than** | Float| The volume of the option contract. This will return options contracts with volumes greater than this amount. | [optional]   **volume_less_than** | Float| The volume of the option contract. This will return options contracts with volumes less than this amout. | [optional]   **open_interest_greater_than** | Float| The open interest of the option contract. This will return options contracts with open interest greater than this amount. | [optional]   **open_interest_less_than** | Float| The open interest of the option contract. This will return options contracts with open interest less than this amount. | [optional]   **moneyness** | String| The moneyness of the options contracts to return. 'all' will return all options contracts. 'in_the_money' will return options contracts that are in the money (call options with strike prices below the current price, put options with strike prices above the current price). 'out_of_they_money' will return options contracts that are out of the money (call options with strike prices above the current price, put options with strike prices below the current price). 'near_the_money' will return options contracts that are $0.50 or less away from being in the money. Requires subscription to realtime stock price data. | [optional]   **stock_price_source** | String| Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. | [optional]   **model** | String| Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime**](ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_expirations) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsExpirations) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsExpirations.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_expirations_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/expirations/{symbol}) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_expirations) ## **get_options_expirations** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_expirations_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsExpirations get_options_expirations(symbol, opts) #### Options Expirations Returns a list of all current and upcoming option contract expiration dates for a particular symbol. Available via a 3rd party, contact sales for a trial. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "MSFT" opts = { after: "2019-01-01", before: "2019-12-31" } result = options_api.get_options_expirations(symbol, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **after** | String| Return option contract expiration dates after this date. | [optional]   **before** | String| Return option contract expiration dates before this date. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsExpirations**](ApiResponseOptionsExpirations.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_expirations_eod) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsExpirations) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsExpirations.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_expirations_eod_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/expirations/{symbol}/eod) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_expirations_eod) ## **get_options_expirations_eod** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_expirations_eod_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsExpirations get_options_expirations_eod(symbol, opts) #### Options Expirations Returns a list of all current and upcoming option contract expiration dates for a particular symbol. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "MSFT" opts = { after: "2019-01-01", before: "2019-12-31" } result = options_api.get_options_expirations_eod(symbol, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **after** | String| Return option contract expiration dates after this date. | [optional]   **before** | String| Return option contract expiration dates before this date. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsExpirations**](ApiResponseOptionsExpirations.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_interval_by_contract) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::OptionIntervalsResult) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:OptionIntervalsResult.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_interval_by_contract_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/interval/{identifier}) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_interval_by_contract) ## **get_options_interval_by_contract** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_interval_by_contract_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > OptionIntervalsResult get_options_interval_by_contract(identifier, interval_size, opts) #### Options Intervals By Contract Returns a list of interval data points for a contract. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new identifier = "SPY___230103P00380000" interval_size = "5m" opts = { source: nil, page_size: 100, end_time: DateTime.parse(nil) } result = options_api.get_options_interval_by_contract(identifier, interval_size, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **identifier** | String| The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request intervals for. |   **interval_size** | String| The time length of the interval. |   **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]   **end_time** | DateTime| The inclusive UTC date and time the intervals end at. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**OptionIntervalsResult**](OptionIntervalsResult.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_interval_movers) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::OptionIntervalsMoversResult) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:OptionIntervalsMoversResult.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_interval_movers_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/interval/movers) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_interval_movers) ## **get_options_interval_movers** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_interval_movers_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > OptionIntervalsMoversResult get_options_interval_movers(opts) #### Options Intervals Movers Returns a list of intervals for the biggest movers over the last hour interval. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new opts = { source: nil, open_time: DateTime.parse(nil) } result = options_api.get_options_interval_movers(opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   **open_time** | DateTime| The inclusive UTC date and time the interval opens at. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**OptionIntervalsMoversResult**](OptionIntervalsMoversResult.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_interval_movers_change) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::OptionIntervalsMoversResult) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:OptionIntervalsMoversResult.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_interval_movers_change_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/interval/movers/change) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_interval_movers_change) ## **get_options_interval_movers_change** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_interval_movers_change_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > OptionIntervalsMoversResult get_options_interval_movers_change(opts) #### Options Intervals Movers By Change Returns a list of intervals for the biggest movers by change over the last hour interval. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new opts = { source: nil, open_time: DateTime.parse(nil) } result = options_api.get_options_interval_movers_change(opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   **open_time** | DateTime| The inclusive UTC date and time the interval opens at. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**OptionIntervalsMoversResult**](OptionIntervalsMoversResult.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_interval_movers_volume) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::OptionIntervalsMoversResult) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:OptionIntervalsMoversResult.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_interval_movers_volume_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/interval/movers/volume) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_interval_movers_volume) ## **get_options_interval_movers_volume** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_interval_movers_volume_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > OptionIntervalsMoversResult get_options_interval_movers_volume(opts) #### Options Intervals Movers By Volume Returns a list of intervals for the biggest movers by volume over the last hour interval. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new opts = { source: nil, open_time: DateTime.parse(nil) } result = options_api.get_options_interval_movers_volume(opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   **open_time** | DateTime| The inclusive UTC date and time the interval opens at. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**OptionIntervalsMoversResult**](OptionIntervalsMoversResult.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_prices) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionPrices) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionPrices.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_prices_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/prices/{identifier}) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_prices) ## **get_options_prices** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_prices_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionPrices get_options_prices(identifier, opts) #### Option Prices Returns all price data from inception to expiration for a particular contract. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new identifier = "MSFT190405C00118000" opts = { start_date: "2019-01-01", end_date: "2019-12-31", page_size: 100, next_page: nil } result = options_api.get_options_prices(identifier, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **identifier** | String| The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for. |   **start_date** | String| Return option contract prices on or after this date. | [optional]   **end_date** | String| Return option contract prices on or before this date. | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]   **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionPrices**](ApiResponseOptionPrices.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_prices_batch_realtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsPricesBatchRealtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsPricesBatchRealtime.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_prices_batch_realtime_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/prices/realtime/batch) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_prices_batch_realtime) ## **get_options_prices_batch_realtime** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_prices_batch_realtime_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsPricesBatchRealtime get_options_prices_batch_realtime(body, opts) #### Option Prices Batch Realtime Returns a list of latest price data for up to 250 option contracts per request. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new body = { contracts: [ "A220121P00055000", "A220121P00057500", "A220121P00060000" ] } opts = { source: nil, show_stats: nil, stock_price_source: nil, model: nil } result = options_api.get_options_prices_batch_realtime(body, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**OptionContractsList**](OptionContractsList.md)| The contract symbols for which to return options prices for. |   **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   **show_stats** | BOOLEAN| Whether to include Greek calculations or not. | [optional]   **stock_price_source** | String| Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. | [optional]   **model** | String| Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsPricesBatchRealtime**](ApiResponseOptionsPricesBatchRealtime.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_prices_eod) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsPricesEod) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsPricesEod.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_prices_eod_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/prices/{identifier}/eod) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_prices_eod) ## **get_options_prices_eod** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_prices_eod_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsPricesEod get_options_prices_eod(identifier, opts) #### Option Prices EOD Returns all option prices for a given option contract identifier. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new identifier = "AAPL230616P00190000" opts = { next_page: nil, start_date: nil, end_date: nil } result = options_api.get_options_prices_eod(identifier, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **identifier** | String| The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for. |   **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   **start_date** | Date| The start date to retrieve prices for | [optional]   **end_date** | Date| The end date to retrieve prices for | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsPricesEod**](ApiResponseOptionsPricesEod.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_prices_realtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsPriceRealtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsPriceRealtime.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_prices_realtime_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/prices/{identifier}/realtime) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_prices_realtime) ## **get_options_prices_realtime** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_prices_realtime_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsPriceRealtime get_options_prices_realtime(identifier, opts) #### Option Prices Realtime Returns all option prices for a given option contract identifier. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new identifier = "AAPL230120C00090000" opts = { source: nil, stock_price_source: nil, model: nil } result = options_api.get_options_prices_realtime(identifier, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **identifier** | String| The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for. |   **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   **stock_price_source** | String| Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. | [optional]   **model** | String| Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsPriceRealtime**](ApiResponseOptionsPriceRealtime.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_snapshots) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::OptionSnapshotsResult) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:OptionSnapshotsResult.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_snapshots_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/snapshots) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_snapshots) ## **get_options_snapshots** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_snapshots_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > OptionSnapshotsResult get_options_snapshots(opts) #### Option Prices Realtime Snapshot Returns all options snapshots for the queried interval with links to download. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new opts = { source: nil, at_datetime: DateTime.parse(nil) } result = options_api.get_options_snapshots(opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   **at_datetime** | DateTime| The UTC date and time (with url-encoded spaces) the snapshot will cover. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**OptionSnapshotsResult**](OptionSnapshotsResult.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_options_stats_realtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsStatsRealtime) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsStatsRealtime.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_options_stats_realtime_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/prices/{identifier}/realtime/stats) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_options_stats_realtime) ## **get_options_stats_realtime** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_options_stats_realtime_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsStatsRealtime get_options_stats_realtime(identifier, opts) #### Option Stats Realtime Returns all option stats (greeks and implied volatility) as well as the underlying factors used to calculate them, for a particular option contract. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new identifier = "AAPL230120C00090000" opts = { source: nil } result = options_api.get_options_stats_realtime(identifier, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **identifier** | String| The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for. |   **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsStatsRealtime**](ApiResponseOptionsStatsRealtime.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_unusual_activity) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_unusual_activity_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/unusual_activity/{symbol}) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_unusual_activity) ## **get_unusual_activity** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_unusual_activity_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity get_unusual_activity(symbol, opts) #### Options Unusual Activity Returns unusual options activity for a particular company across all option chains. Unusual options activity includes large trades, sweeps, and block trades. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "AAPL" opts = { source: nil } result = options_api.get_unusual_activity(symbol, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity**](ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_unusual_activity_intraday) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_unusual_activity_intraday_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/unusual_activity/{symbol}/intraday) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_unusual_activity_intraday) ## **get_unusual_activity_intraday** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_unusual_activity_intraday_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity get_unusual_activity_intraday(symbol, opts) #### Options Unusual Activity Intraday Returns unusual trades for a given identifier within the query parameters. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new symbol = "AAPL" opts = { next_page: nil, page_size: 1000, activity_type: nil, sentiment: nil, start_date: Date.parse("2022-02-01"), end_date: Date.parse("2022-02-03"), minimum_total_value: 100000.0, maximum_total_value: 200000.0 } result = options_api.get_unusual_activity_intraday(symbol, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **symbol** | String| The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security. |   **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 1000]   **activity_type** | String| The unusual activity type to query for. | [optional]   **sentiment** | String| The sentiment type to query for. | [optional]   **start_date** | Date| Return unusual activity on or after this date. | [optional]   **end_date** | Date| Return unusual activity on or before this date. | [optional]   **minimum_total_value** | [**Object**](.md)| The inclusive minimum total value for the unusual activity. | [optional]   **maximum_total_value** | [**Object**](.md)| The inclusive maximum total value for the unusual activity. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity**](ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_unusual_activity_universal) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_unusual_activity_universal_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/unusual_activity) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_unusual_activity_universal) ## **get_unusual_activity_universal** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_unusual_activity_universal_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity get_unusual_activity_universal(opts) #### Options Unusual Activity Universal Returns the latest unusual options activity across all US companies with across all option chains. Unusual options activity includes large trades, sweeps, and block trades. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new opts = { source: nil } result = options_api.get_unusual_activity_universal(opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **source** | String| Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity**](ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OptionsApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/options/unusual_activity/intraday) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OptionsApi.md#get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday) ## **get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday(opts) #### Options Unusual Activity Universal Intraday Returns unusual trades for all underlying security symbols within the query parameters. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end options_api = Intrinio::OptionsApi.new opts = { next_page: nil, page_size: 1000, activity_type: nil, sentiment: nil, start_date: Date.parse("2022-02-01"), end_date: Date.parse("2022-02-03"), minimum_total_value: 100000.0, maximum_total_value: 200000.0 } result = options_api.get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday(opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 1000]   **activity_type** | String| The unusual activity type to query for. | [optional]   **sentiment** | String| The sentiment type to query for. | [optional]   **start_date** | Date| Return unusual activity on or after this date. | [optional]   **end_date** | Date| Return unusual activity on or before this date. | [optional]   **minimum_total_value** | [**Object**](.md)| The inclusive minimum total value for the unusual activity. | [optional]   **maximum_total_value** | [**Object**](.md)| The inclusive maximum total value for the unusual activity. | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity**](ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION)