# Class manages the communication with the server. # Presently, this class is simple and stores all information in hashs module OpenStudio module Analysis class ServerApi attr_reader :hostname def initialize(options = {}) defaults = { hostname: 'http://localhost:8080' } options = defaults.merge(options) @logger = Logger.new('faraday.log') @hostname = options[:hostname] fail 'no host defined for server api class' if @hostname.nil? # todo: add support for the proxy # create connection with basic capabilities @conn = Faraday.new(url: @hostname) do |faraday| faraday.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params faraday.use Faraday::Response::Logger, @logger # faraday.response @logger # log requests to STDOUT faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP end # create connection to server api with multipart capabilities @conn_multipart = Faraday.new(url: @hostname) do |faraday| faraday.request :multipart faraday.request :url_encoded # form-encode POST params faraday.use Faraday::Response::Logger, @logger # faraday.response :logger # log requests to STDOUT faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # make requests with Net::HTTP end end def get_projects response = @conn.get '/projects.json' projects_json = nil if response.status == 200 projects_json = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true, max_nesting: false) else fail 'did not receive a 200 in get_projects' end projects_json end def get_project_ids ids = get_projects ids.map { |project| project[:uuid] } end def delete_all ids = get_project_ids puts "Deleting Projects #{ids}" ids.each do |id| response = @conn.delete "/projects/#{id}.json" if response.status == 204 puts "Successfully deleted project #{id}" else puts "ERROR deleting project #{id}" end end end def new_project(options = {}) defaults = { project_name: "Project #{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" } options = defaults.merge(options) project_id = nil # TODO: make this a display name and a machine name project_hash = { project: { name: "#{options[:project_name]}" } } response = @conn.post do |req| req.url '/projects.json' req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = project_hash.to_json end if response.status == 201 project_id = JSON.parse(response.body)['_id'] puts "new project created with ID: #{project_id}" # grab the project id elsif response.status == 500 puts '500 Error' puts response.inspect end project_id end def get_analyses(project_id) analysis_ids = [] response = @conn.get "/projects/#{project_id}.json" if response.status == 200 puts 'received the list of analyses for the project' analyses = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true, max_nesting: false) if analyses[:analyses] analyses[:analyses].each do |analysis| analysis_ids << analysis[:_id] end end end analysis_ids end def download_dataframe(analysis_id, format='rdata', save_directory=".") response = @conn.get "/analyses/#{analysis_id}/download_data.#{format}" if response.status == 200 filename = response['content-disposition'].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2] puts "File #{filename} already exists, overwriting" if File.exist?("#{save_directory}/#{filename}") File.open("#{save_directory}/#{filename}",'w') {|f| f << response.body} end end def download_variables(analysis_id, format='rdata', save_directory=".") response = @conn.get "/analyses/#{analysis_id}/variables/download_variables.#{format}" if response.status == 200 filename = response['content-disposition'].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2] puts "File #{filename} already exists, overwriting" if File.exist?("#{save_directory}/#{filename}") File.open("#{save_directory}/#{filename}",'w') {|f| f << response.body} end end def download_all_data_points(analysis_id, save_directory=".") response = @conn.get "/analyses/#{analysis_id}/download_all_data_points" if response.status == 200 filename = response['content-disposition'].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2] puts "File #{filename} already exists, overwriting" if File.exist?("#{save_directory}/#{filename}") File.open("#{save_directory}/#{filename}",'w') {|f| f << response.body} end end def new_analysis(project_id, options) defaults = { analysis_name: nil, reset_uuids: false } options = defaults.merge(options) fail 'No project id passed' if project_id.nil? fail 'no formulation passed to new_analysis' unless options[:formulation_file] fail "No formulation exists #{options[:formulation_file]}" unless File.exist?(options[:formulation_file]) formulation_json = JSON.parse(File.read(options[:formulation_file]), symbolize_names: true) # read in the analysis id from the analysis.json file analysis_id = nil if options[:reset_uuids] analysis_id = UUID.new.generate formulation_json[:analysis][:uuid] = analysis_id formulation_json[:analysis][:problem][:workflow].each do |wf| wf[:uuid] = UUID.new.generate if wf[:arguments] wf[:arguments].each do |arg| arg[:uuid] = UUID.new.generate end end if wf[:variables] wf[:variables].each do |var| var[:uuid] = UUID.new.generate var[:argument][:uuid] = UUID.new.generate if var[:argument] end end end else analysis_id = formulation_json[:analysis][:uuid] end fail "No analysis id defined in analyis.json #{options[:formulation_file]}" if analysis_id.nil? # set the analysis name formulation_json[:analysis][:name] = "#{options[:analysis_name]}" unless options[:analysis_name].nil? # save out this file to compare # File.open('formulation_merge.json', 'w') { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(formulation_json) } response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "projects/#{project_id}/analyses.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = formulation_json.to_json end if response.status == 201 puts "asked to create analysis with #{analysis_id}" # puts resp.inspect analysis_id = JSON.parse(response.body)['_id'] puts "new analysis created with ID: #{analysis_id}" else fail 'Could not create new analysis' end # check if we need to upload the analysis zip file if options[:upload_file] fail "upload file does not exist #{options[:upload_file]}" unless File.exist?(options[:upload_file]) payload = { file: Faraday::UploadIO.new(options[:upload_file], 'application/zip') } response = @conn_multipart.post "analyses/#{analysis_id}/upload.json", payload if response.status == 201 puts 'Successfully uploaded ZIP file' else fail response.inspect end end analysis_id end def upload_datapoint(analysis_id, options) defaults = { reset_uuids: false } options = defaults.merge(options) fail 'No analysis id passed' if analysis_id.nil? fail 'No datapoints file passed to new_analysis' unless options[:datapoint_file] fail "No datapoints_file exists #{options[:datapoint_file]}" unless File.exist?(options[:datapoint_file]) dp_hash = JSON.parse(File.open(options[:datapoint_file]).read, symbolize_names: true) if options[:reset_uuids] dp_hash[:analysis_uuid] = analysis_id dp_hash[:uuid] = UUID.new.generate end # merge in the analysis_id as it has to be what is in the database response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "analyses/#{analysis_id}/data_points.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = dp_hash.to_json end if response.status == 201 puts "new datapoints created for analysis #{analysis_id}" else fail "could not create new datapoints #{response.body}" end end def upload_datapoints(analysis_id, options) defaults = {} options = defaults.merge(options) fail 'No analysis id passed' if analysis_id.nil? fail 'No datapoints file passed to new_analysis' unless options[:datapoints_file] fail "No datapoints_file exists #{options[:datapoints_file]}" unless File.exist?(options[:datapoints_file]) dp_hash = JSON.parse(File.open(options[:datapoints_file]).read, symbolize_names: true) # merge in the analysis_id as it has to be what is in the database response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "analyses/#{analysis_id}/data_points/batch_upload.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = dp_hash.to_json end if response.status == 201 puts "new datapoints created for analysis #{analysis_id}" else fail "could not create new datapoints #{response.body}" end end def run_analysis(analysis_id, options) defaults = { analysis_action: 'start', without_delay: false } options = defaults.merge(options) puts "Run analysis is configured with #{options.to_json}" response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "analyses/#{analysis_id}/action.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = options.to_json req.options[:timeout] = 1800 # seconds end if response.status == 200 puts "Recieved request to run analysis #{analysis_id}" else fail 'Could not start the analysis' end end def kill_analysis(analysis_id) analysis_action = { analysis_action: 'stop' } response = @conn.post do |req| req.url "analyses/#{analysis_id}/action.json" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' req.body = analysis_action.to_json end if response.status == 200 puts "Killed analysis #{analysis_id}" else # raise "Could not kill the analysis with response of #{response.inspect}" end end def kill_all_analyses project_ids = get_project_ids puts "List of projects ids are: #{project_ids}" project_ids.each do |project_id| analysis_ids = get_analyses(project_id) puts analysis_ids analysis_ids.each do |analysis_id| puts "Trying to kill #{analysis_id}" kill_analysis(analysis_id) end end end def get_datapoint_status(analysis_id, filter = nil) # get the status of all the entire analysis unless analysis_id.nil? if filter.nil? || filter == '' resp = @conn.get "analyses/#{analysis_id}/status.json" puts "Data points (all): #{resp}" else resp = @conn.get "#{@hostname}/analyses/#{analysis_id}/status.json", jobs: filter puts "Data points (#{filter}): #{resp}" end end end end end end