== 0.4.2

* 1 bugfix
  * Use mongoid finder syntax, which requires a :conditions key [Marc Lee]

== 0.4.1

* 1 improvement
  * documentation fixes, and example of writing your own pickle steps

== 0.4.0
Mongoid adapter, fallback ORM adapter for those not using machinist or active_record, bugfixes

* 2 major improvements
  * adapter for Mongoid [Sebastian Zuchmanski]
  * replace ActiveRecord 'factory' adapter with Orm adapter.
      If you don't have machinist or factory_girl, the Orm factory adapter will fallback to your Orm to create classes.
      BC: if you have a line like this:
        Pickle.configure do |config|
          config.adapters = [:active_record]

      You need to replace it with :orm
        Pickle.configure do |config|
          config.adapters = [:orm]
* 1 minor improvement
  * Pickle::Session::ModelNotKnownError is raised instead of a generic RuntimeError
* 1 bugfix
  * references to unknown models in fields now raise ModelNotKnownError instead of silently assigning nil

== 0.3.5

* 3 improvements
  * bundler is used for setting up development dependencies
  * gemspec specifies dependencies for using pickle
  * Machinist 2 compatability [giddie]

* 1 bugfix
  * find_models now works with a factory name with spaces in it [#27]

== 0.3.4

* 2 minor improvements
  * Fix problem where email body is not a string, but is string like [#26] [Tom Meier]
  * Minor code refactoring

== 0.3.3

* 1 minor improvement
  * Pickle respects the default build strategy for factory girl. [Sean Hussey]

== 0.3.2

* 3 minor improvements
  * Document how to use machinist named blueprints [Christopher Darroch]
  * Email links now visit the url, rather than just the path, this allows for features that
    make use of the domain to function correctly
  * Deprecation warnings for Rails 3 removed [Brian Rose & Kevin Olsen]

== 0.3.1

* 1 major improvement
  * Rails 3 support for generators [H.J. Blok, szimek]

== 0.3.0

* 2 major improvements
  * Mechanism for registering ORM adapters for pickle [Daniel Neighman]
  * Adapters for ActiveRecord and DataMapper [Josh Bassett, Daniel Neighman]

== 0.2.12

* 1 bugfix
  * script/generate pickle paths now works correctly with cucumber-rails 0.3.2

== 0.2.11

* 1 improvement
  * use correct type when converting STI pickle model to attributes 

== 0.2.10

* 2 improvements
  * pickle backend is rails 3 compatible (but generators are not yet)
  * modular Rakefile, devs can run only what they're interested in without having to install all gems

== 0.2.9 - 27 Apr 2010 (the #railscamp7 release)

* 5 improvements
  * Fixed problem with verifying model attribute using strings with escaped quotes [Michael MacDonald]
  * Added handling for positive and negative floats [Michael MacDonald, #railscamp7]
  * Added handling of ruby integer syntax (e.g. 1_000_000) [Ian White]
  * Modified the way pickle handles predicates to match rspec [Michael MacDonald, #railscamp7]
  * Added step to assert size of an association (e.g. Then the user should have 4 friends) [Ian White]

== 0.2.8 - 5 Apr 2010

* 1 minor improvement
  * 'Then show me the email' works as expected now [#18]

== 0.2.7 - 5 Apr 2010

* 1 minor improvement
  * just rake 'rake cucumber' and a rails app will be setup for you if required (rails 2.3 only ATM)

== 0.2.6 - 5 Apr 2010

* 2 improvements
  * running specs is now doable without being in a rails app - just do 'rake spec'
  * running features is more straightforward, 'rake cucumber' then follow the instructions
== 0.2.5 - 17 Mar 2010

* 2 improvements
  * Bugfix for find_models_via_table (failing to find models was not causing an error) [Chris Flipse]
  * find_models_via_table & create_models_via_table return the found/created models [Chris Flipse, Ian White]

== 0.2.4 - 9 Mar 2010

* 1 major improvement
  * Finding models via a table now works in the same way as creating models via a table (0.2.3), you
    can create pickle refs

== 0.2.3 - 9 Mar 2010

* 1 major improvement
  * You can now use pickle refs in tables.  If you add a column which is the single factory name, the
    contents of the column will be used as the pickle ref.  [Stephan Hagemann]
      Given the following users exist:
        | user | name        | status |
        | jack | Jack Spratt | alone  |
        | pete | Pete Sprong | dead   |
* 1 minor improvement
  * Fix bug in error message for when pickle ref can't be found [Myron Marston]

== 0.2.2 - 25 Feb 2010

* 3 improvements
  * Added ability to follow links in emails (see email_steps.rb) [Michael Moen]
  * Added a step definition for doing stuff like: Then the user's name should be "Tobi" [Tobi Knaup]
  * Docfixes, mostly about testing [Nicholas Rutherford]
== 0.2.1 - 1 Dec 2009

* 2 minor improvements
  * Allow nil as field value [#14]
  * Added negative email step for delivered to

== 0.2.0 - 24 Nov 2009

* 4 major improvements
  * Added support for finding models using tables
      Then the following users should exist:
        | name  |
        | Fred  |
        | Ethel |
      And the 1st user should be male
      And the 2nd user should be female
  * tables now support pickle refs in cells (see features/pickle/create_from_factory_girl.rb#37)
  * features/support/email.rb adds an email helper for mapping names to email addresses (similar to NavigationHelper in paths.rb)
  * Added ability for path_to_pickle to handle arbitrary segments
      path_to_pickle('account', 'the enquiry') => account_enquiry_path(<enquiry>)

* 2 minor improvements
  * fail faster in pickle steps when a pickle ref can't be found, by using model! in most places

  * generated pickle steps are less picky about possessives so that pickle mappings accepted in more places
    e.g. when you have
        config.map 'my', 'I', 'myself', :to => 'user: "me"'
      you can now do
        Given I exist
        Then the project should be one of my assigned projects

== 0.1.23 - 22 Nov 2009

* 1 major improvement
  * script/generate pickle now adds its own pickle.rb support file, making it easier to regenerate cucumber
    when a new release of cucumber appears [schlick, ianwhite]

* 1 minor improvement
  * docs: more links

== 0.1.22 - 7 Nov 2009

* 2 minor enhancements
  * Improved docs to include instructions for FactoryGirl users, and links/resources for pickle users
  * Ruby 1.9.1 compatibility changes

== 0.1.21

* 1 minor enhancement
  * Added 'should not' steps corresponding to model existence, and association exitsence [schlick]

== 0.1.20

* 1 minor enhancement
  * Pickle now matches numeric field values preceded with a positive and negative sign eg +1.5 and -1 [schlick]

== 0.1.19

* 1 minor enhancement
  * Add support for Cucumber tables [Tobi Knaup]

== 0.1.16, 0.1.17, 0.1.18 - 13 Oct 2009

* 1 minor enhancement
  * release gem on gemcutter and code on github

== 0.1.15 - 28 Aug 2009

* 1 minor enhancement
  * avoid namespace collision on replace by renaming mapping#replace -> mapping#replacement [nruth]

== 0.1.14 - 9 July 2009

* 1 minor enhancement
  * update specs and features for latest cucumber and machinist changes

== 0.1.13 - 16 June 2009    

* 2 minor enhancements
  * model! and created_model! raise an error if pickle name can't be found
  * path_to_pickle uses the above to give back a better error message

== 0.1.12 - 7 Apr 2009

* 2 minor enhancements
  * rationalised Rakefile
  * update World extensions for latest cucumber changes

== 0.1.11 - 22 Feb 2009

* 2 minor enhancements
  * Pickle now supports multiple machinist blueprints
  * Fix confusing adapter/adaptor comment generator comment 

== 0.1.10 - 13 Feb 2009

* 2 minor enhancements
  * Made pickle paths generator compatible with latest cucumber
  * Simplified and Rakefile, including auto push api docs to gh-pages on ci build

== 0.1.9 - 29 Jan 2009

* 1 minor enhancement
  * Pickle::Adapter.model_classes excludes those without tables

== 0.1.8 - 29 Jan 2009

* API change
  * pickle_path becomes path_to_pickle, to avoid named route clashes

* 2 minor enhancements
  * Updated features for cucumber 0.2 compat
  * Made paths allow for optional possesives

== 0,1,7

* 2 API changes
  * script/generate pickle path[s] now amends the features/support/paths.rb file
    instead of creating pge_to_path and path_steps.
  * pickle_email_steps is renamed email_steps

== 0.1.6

* 1 API change
  * to use pickle env.rb should contain "require 'pickle/world'".  You should remove all trace of
    pickle from features/support/env.rb and re run script/generate pickle

* 2 major enhancements

  * generate email steps with `script/generate pickle email`
    email steps allow you to do things like this:
      Then 2 emails should be delivered
      And the first email should be delivered to fred@gmail.com
      And the 2nd email should be delivered to the user: "ethel"
      Then 1 email should be delivered with subject: "Activate your account"
      And the email should link to the user's page
    take a look at features/step_definitions/pickle_email_steps.rb
  * generate path steps with `script/generate pickle path`
    path steps allow you to do things like this
      When I go to the comment's page
      Then I should be at the user's new comment page
    take a look at features/step_definitions/pickle_path_steps.rb, and modify page_to_path to suit your needs

* 4 minor enhancements
  * Improved documentation
  * abstract models no longer kill pickle
  * Actually test that the generators work
  * Made Pickle::Session a plain ole mixin, as a separate class was unnecessary
  * Pickle uses the cucumber World API

== 0.1.5

* API change
  * CaptureModel, etc are now 'capture_model' methods

* 3 major enhancements
  * Steps for asserting that <n> models exist, matching certain criteria
  * Steps for asserting associations added to generated pickle steps
      'Then the user should be in the post's commenters'
      'Then the forum: "awesome" should be the 2nd post's forum'
  * configuration can now occur any time before a step is defined, which makes
    for much more intuitive env.rb

* 2 minor enhancement
  * predicate matching is less prone to step conflicts because we preload a 
    big list of all the predicate and column methods
  * field values now handle booleans and numerics

== 0.1.4

* 1 major enhancement
  * You can create multiple models with ease, for eg.
      'Given 10 users exist with role: "admin"'

* 1 minor enhancement
  * You can do Pickle.configure (just like Webrat.configure)

== 0.1.3 - Bugfix release

* 1 minor enhancement
  * make generated steps compatible with Rails 2.1

== 0.1.2

* 2 major enhancements
  * create your pickle steps with script/generate pickle
  * Adapter based architecture, supports Machinist, FactoryGirl, and vanilla ActiveRecord
* 1 minor enhancement
  * model_names now defaults to subclasses of AR::Base
  * #original_model => #created_model

== 0.1.1

* 1 major enhancement:
  * made pickle a github gem

* 1 minor enhancement:
  * Added intentions for pickle in README.textile

== Prior to gems

* Initial release: everything is subject to sweeping change