# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' describe "Chef::Platform supports" do [ :mac_os_x, :mac_os_x_server, :freebsd, :ubuntu, :debian, :centos, :fedora, :suse, :opensuse, :redhat, :oracle, :gentoo, :arch, :solaris, :mswin, :mingw32, :windows, :gcel ].each do |platform| it "#{platform}" do Chef::Platform.platforms.should have_key(platform) end end end describe Chef::Platform do before :all do @original_platform_map = Chef::Platform.platforms end after :all do || Chef::Platform.platforms = @original_platform_map end before(:each) do Chef::Platform.platforms = { :darwin => { ">= 10.11" => { :file => "new_darwinian" }, "9.2.2" => { :file => "darwinian", :else => "thing" }, :default => { :file => "old school", :snicker => "snack" } }, :mars_volta => { }, :default => { :file => Chef::Provider::File, :pax => "brittania", :cat => "nice" } } @events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new end it "should allow you to look up a platform by name and version, returning the provider map for it" do pmap = Chef::Platform.find("Darwin", "9.2.2") pmap.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) pmap[:file].should eql("darwinian") end it "should allow you to look up a platform by name and version using \"greater than\" style operators" do pmap = Chef::Platform.find("Darwin", "11.1.0") pmap.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) pmap[:file].should eql("new_darwinian") end it "should use the default providers for an os if the specific version does not exist" do pmap = Chef::Platform.find("Darwin", "1") pmap.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) pmap[:file].should eql("old school") end it "should use the default providers if the os doesn't give me a default, but does exist" do pmap = Chef::Platform.find("mars_volta", "1") pmap.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) pmap[:file].should eql(Chef::Provider::File) end it "should use the default provider if the os does not exist" do pmap = Chef::Platform.find("AIX", "1") pmap.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) pmap[:file].should eql(Chef::Provider::File) end it "should merge the defaults for an os with the specific version" do pmap = Chef::Platform.find("Darwin", "9.2.2") pmap[:file].should eql("darwinian") pmap[:snicker].should eql("snack") end it "should merge the defaults for an os with the universal defaults" do pmap = Chef::Platform.find("Darwin", "9.2.2") pmap[:file].should eql("darwinian") pmap[:pax].should eql("brittania") end it "should allow you to look up a provider for a platform directly by symbol" do Chef::Platform.find_provider("Darwin", "9.2.2", :file).should eql("darwinian") end it "should raise an exception if a provider cannot be found for a resource type" do lambda { Chef::Platform.find_provider("Darwin", "9.2.2", :coffee) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should look up a provider for a resource with a Chef::Resource object" do kitty = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("loulou") Chef::Platform.find_provider("Darwin", "9.2.2", kitty).should eql("nice") end it "should look up a provider with a node and a Chef::Resource object" do kitty = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("loulou") node = Chef::Node.new node.name("Intel") node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "mac_os_x" node.automatic_attrs[:platform_version] = "9.2.2" Chef::Platform.find_provider_for_node(node, kitty).should eql("nice") end it "should not throw an exception when the platform version has an unknown format" do Chef::Platform.find_provider(:darwin, "bad-version", :file).should eql("old school") end it "should prefer an explicit provider" do kitty = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("loulou") kitty.stub(:provider).and_return(Chef::Provider::File) node = Chef::Node.new node.name("Intel") node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "mac_os_x" node.automatic_attrs[:platform_version] = "9.2.2" Chef::Platform.find_provider_for_node(node, kitty).should eql(Chef::Provider::File) end it "should look up a provider based on the resource name if nothing else matches" do kitty = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("loulou") class Chef::Provider::Cat < Chef::Provider; end Chef::Platform.platforms[:default].delete(:cat) node = Chef::Node.new node.name("Intel") node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "mac_os_x" node.automatic_attrs[:platform_version] = "8.5" Chef::Platform.find_provider_for_node(node, kitty).should eql(Chef::Provider::Cat) end def setup_file_resource node = Chef::Node.new node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "mac_os_x" node.automatic_attrs[:platform_version] = "9.2.2" run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(node, {}, @events) [ Chef::Resource::File.new("whateva", run_context), run_context ] end it "returns a provider object given a Chef::Resource object which has a valid run context and an action" do file, run_context = setup_file_resource provider = Chef::Platform.provider_for_resource(file, :foo) provider.should be_an_instance_of(Chef::Provider::File) provider.new_resource.should equal(file) provider.run_context.should equal(run_context) end it "returns a provider object given a Chef::Resource object which has a valid run context without an action" do file, run_context = setup_file_resource provider = Chef::Platform.provider_for_resource(file) provider.should be_an_instance_of(Chef::Provider::File) provider.new_resource.should equal(file) provider.run_context.should equal(run_context) end it "raises an error when trying to find the provider for a resource with no run context" do file = Chef::Resource::File.new("whateva") lambda {Chef::Platform.provider_for_resource(file)}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not support finding a provider by resource and node -- a run context is required" do lambda {Chef::Platform.provider_for_node('node', 'resource')}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end it "should update the provider map with map" do Chef::Platform.set( :platform => :darwin, :version => "9.2.2", :resource => :file, :provider => "masterful" ) Chef::Platform.platforms[:darwin]["9.2.2"][:file].should eql("masterful") Chef::Platform.set( :platform => :darwin, :resource => :file, :provider => "masterful" ) Chef::Platform.platforms[:darwin][:default][:file].should eql("masterful") Chef::Platform.set( :resource => :file, :provider => "masterful" ) Chef::Platform.platforms[:default][:file].should eql("masterful") Chef::Platform.set( :platform => :hero, :version => "9.2.2", :resource => :file, :provider => "masterful" ) Chef::Platform.platforms[:hero]["9.2.2"][:file].should eql("masterful") Chef::Platform.set( :resource => :file, :provider => "masterful" ) Chef::Platform.platforms[:default][:file].should eql("masterful") Chef::Platform.platforms = {} Chef::Platform.set( :resource => :file, :provider => "masterful" ) Chef::Platform.platforms[:default][:file].should eql("masterful") Chef::Platform.platforms = { :neurosis => {} } Chef::Platform.set(:platform => :neurosis, :resource => :package, :provider => "masterful") Chef::Platform.platforms[:neurosis][:default][:package].should eql("masterful") end end