# frozen_string_literal: true # The ActionCable logger is REALLY noisy, and might even impact performance. # Uncomment the line below to silence the ActionCable logger. # ActionCable.server.config.logger = Logger.new(nil) StimulusReflex.configure do |config| # Enable/disable exiting / warning when the sanity checks fail options: # `:exit` or `:warn` or `:ignore` # config.on_failed_sanity_checks = :exit # Enable/disable exiting / warning when there's a new StimulusReflex release # `:exit` or `:warn` or `:ignore` # config.on_new_version_available = :ignore # Enable/disable exiting / warning when there is no default URLs specified in environment config # `:warn` or `:ignore` # config.on_missing_default_urls = :warn # Override the parent class that the StimulusReflex ActionCable channel inherits from # config.parent_channel = "ApplicationCable::Channel" # Override the logger that the StimulusReflex uses; default is Rails' logger # eg. Logger.new(RAILS_ROOT + "/log/reflex.log") # config.logger = Rails.logger # Customize server-side Reflex logging format, with optional colorization: # Available tokens: session_id, session_id_full, reflex_info, operation, reflex_id, reflex_id_full, mode, selector, operation_counter, connection_id, connection_id_full, timestamp # Available colors: red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white # You can also use attributes from your ActionCable Connection's identifiers that resolve to valid ActiveRecord models # eg. if your connection is `identified_by :current_user` and your User model has an email attribute, you can access r.email (it will display `-` if the user isn't logged in) # Learn more at: https://docs.stimulusreflex.com/appendices/troubleshooting#stimulusreflex-logging # config.logging = proc { "[#{session_id}] #{operation_counter.magenta} #{reflex_info.green} -> #{selector.cyan} via #{mode} Morph (#{operation.yellow})" } # Optimized for speed, StimulusReflex doesn't enable Rack middleware by default. # If you are using Page Morphs and your app uses Rack middleware to rewrite part of the request path, you must enable those middleware modules in StimulusReflex. # # Learn more about registering Rack middleware in Rails here: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/rails_on_rack.html#configuring-middleware-stack # config.middleware.use FirstRackMiddleware # config.middleware.use SecondRackMiddleware end