module Shinmun class Blog < Kontrol::Application EXAMPLE_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../example') include Helpers attr_reader :aggregations, :categories, :comments, :repo, :store %w[ assets comments config posts pages templates ].each do |name| define_method(name) { store.root.tree(name) } end %w[ title description language author url base_path categories ].each do |name| define_method(name) { config['blog.yml'][name] } end # Initialize the blog def initialize(path) super @aggregations = {} if ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'production' @store = else @store = end @store.load @repo = if defined?(Grit) Thread.start do loop do load_aggregations sleep 300 end end end def self.init(name) Dir.mkdir name Dir.chdir name FileUtils.cp_r EXAMPLE_DIR + '/.', '.' `git init` `git add .` `git commit -m 'init'` end def load_template(file) templates[file] or raise "template #{file} not found" end def render(name, vars = {}) super(name, vars.merge(:blog => self)) end def call(env) store.refresh! super end def load_aggregations config['aggregations.yml'].to_a.each do |c| aggregations[c['name']] = Object.const_get(c['class']).new(c['url']) end end def posts_by_date posts.sort_by { |post| }.reverse end def recent_posts posts_by_date[0, 20] end # Return all posts for a given month. def posts_for_month(year, month) { |p| p.year == year and p.month == month } end # Return all posts with any of given tags. def posts_with_tags(tags) return [] if tags.nil? or tags.empty? tags = tags.split(',').map { |t| t.strip } if tags.is_a?(String) do |post| tags.any? do |tag| post.tag_list.include?(tag) end end end # Return all archives as tuples of [year, month]. def archives { |p| [p.year, p.month] }.uniq.sort end def tree(post) ? posts.tree(post.year).tree(post.month) : pages end def symbolize_keys(hash) hash.inject({}) do |h, (k, v)| h[k.to_sym] = v h end end def transaction(message, &block) store.transaction(message, &block) end # Create a new post with given attributes. def create_post(atts) post = transaction "create '#{post.title}'" do store[post.path] = post end end def update_post(post, data) transaction "update '#{post.title}'" do store.delete(post.path) post.parse data store[post.path] = post end end def delete_post(post) transaction "delete '#{post.title}'" do store.delete(post.path) end end def comments_for(path) comments[path + '.yml'] || [] end def post_comment(path, params) transaction "new comment for '#{path}'" do comments[path + '.yml'] = comments[path + '.yml'].to_a + [ ] end end def find_page(name) pages.find { |p| == name } end def find_post(year, month, name) tree = posts[year, month] and tree.find { |p| == name } end def find_category(permalink) name = categories.find { |name| urlify(name) == permalink } or raise "category not found" posts = { |p| p.category == name }.sort_by { |p| }.reverse { :name => name, :posts => posts, :permalink => permalink } end def write(file, template, vars={}) file = "public/#{base_path}/#{file}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file)) open(file, 'wb') do |io| io << render(template, vars) end end end end