require 'time' require 'open-uri' require 'tins/go' require 'set' require 'infobar' require 'search_ui' require 'amatch' class Git::Story::App class ::String include Term::ANSIColor end include Git::Story::Utils extend Git::Story::Utils include ComplexConfig::Provider::Shortcuts include Tins::GO include SearchUI annotate :command BRANCH_NAME_REGEX = /\A(story|feature)_([a-z0-9-]+)_(\d+)\z/ module StoryAccessors attr_accessor :story_name attr_accessor :story_base_name attr_accessor :story_id attr_accessor :story_created_at attr_accessor :story_author end def initialize(argv = ARGV.dup, debug: ENV['DEBUG'].to_i == 1) @rest_argv = (sep = argv.index('--')) ? argv.slice!(sep..-1).tap(&:shift) : [] @argv = argv @opts = go 'n:', @argv @debug = debug determine_command if !cc.story? && @command != :setup warn "git story configuration file " + "config/story.yml".bold + " is missing.\n\nCall " + "git story setup".bold + " to create an initial one, inspect and " + "edit it yourself, and also set the appropriate env vars.\n\n" @command, @argv = :help, [] end end def run if command_of(@command) if method(@command).parameters.include?(%i[key rest]) puts __send__(@command, *@argv, rest: @rest_argv) else puts __send__(@command, *@argv) end else if @command @command = @command.inspect else @command = 'n/a' end STDERR.puts "Unknown command #{@command}\n\n#{help.join(?\n)}" exit 1 end rescue Errno::EPIPE end command doc: 'this help' def help result = [ 'Available commands are:' ] longest = result.concat( { |name, a| "#{name.to_s.gsub(?_, ' ').ljust(longest)} #{a[:doc]}" } ) end command doc: 'initialize git story config file if missing' def setup if cc.config? red("config/story.yml configration already exists!") else Git::Story::Setup.perform end end command doc: 'output the current story branch if it is checked out' def current(check: true) if check if cb = current_branch_checked? cb else error 'Switch to a story branch first for this operation!' end else current_branch end end command doc: '[STORY_ID] fetch status of current story, -n SECONDS refreshes' def status(story_id = current(check: true)&.[](/_(\d+)\z/, 1)&.to_i) if story = fetch_story(story_id, with_owner: true) color_state = case cs = story.current_state when 'unscheduled', 'planned', 'unstarted' cs when 'rejected' cs.white.on_red when 'accepted' else end.italic color_type = case t = story.story_type when 'bug' when 'feature' t.yellow.bold when 'chore' t.white.bold else t end result = <<~end Id: #{(?# +} Name: #{} Type: #{color_type} Estimate: #{story.estimate.to_s.full? { |e| e.yellow.bold } || 'n/a'} State: #{color_state} Labels: #{ { |l| }.join(' ')} Owners: #{ { |o| "%s <%s>" % [, ] }.join(', ').yellow} Pivotal: #{story.url.color(33)} end if branch = current_branch_checked? and url = github_url(current_branch_checked?) result << <<~end Github: #{url.color(33)} Branch: #{branch.color('#ff5f00')} end end result end rescue => e "Getting pivotal story status => #{e.class}: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join(?n)}".red end command doc: '[AUTHOR] list all stories' def list(author = nil, mark_red: current(check: false)) { |b| next if author && !b.story_author.include?(author) (bn = b.story_base_name) == mark_red ? : }.compact end command doc: '[AUTHOR] list all stories with details' def details(author = nil, mark_red: current(check: false)) stories.sort_by { |b| -b.story_created_at.to_f }.map { |b| next if author && !b.story_author.include?(author) name = (bn = b.story_base_name) == mark_red ? : "#{name} #{b.story_author} #{b.story_created_at.iso8601.yellow}" }.compact end alias list_details details command doc: 'list all production deploy tags' def deploy_tags { |t| tag_name(t) } end command doc: 'output the times of all production deploys' def deploys { |t| format_tag(t) } end alias deploy_list deploys command doc: 'output the last production deploy tag' def deploy_tags_last tag_name(tags.last) end command doc: 'output the time of the last production deploy' def deploy_last format_tag(tags.last) end command doc: '[REF] output log of changes since last production deploy tag' def deploy_log(ref = default_ref, rest: []) ref = build_ref_range(ref) fetch_commits fetch_tags opts = ([ '--color', '--pretty=tformat:"%C(yellow)%h%Creset %C(green)%ci%Creset %s (%Cred%an <%ae>%Creset)"' ] | rest) * ' ' capture("git log #{opts} #{ref}") end command doc: '[REF] List all stories scheduled for next deploy' def deploy_stories(ref = default_ref, rest: []) ref = build_ref_range(ref) fetch_commits fetch_tags opts = ([ '--color=never', '--pretty=%B', '--reverse', ] | rest) * ' ' output = capture("git log #{opts} #{ref}") pivotal_ids = SortedSet[] output.scan(/\[\s*#\s*(\d+)\s*\]/) { pivotal_ids << $1.to_i } fetch_statuses(pivotal_ids) * (?┄ * Tins::Terminal.cols << ?\n) end command doc: '[REF] Create some parts of deploy document' def deploy_document(ref = default_ref, rest: []) ref = build_ref_range(ref) fetch_commits fetch_tags opts = ([ '--color=never', '--pretty=%B' ] | rest) * ' ' output = capture("git log #{opts} #{ref}") pivotal_ids = SortedSet[] output.scan(/\[\s*#\s*(\d+)\s*\]/) { pivotal_ids << $1.to_i } stories = '' attendees = Set[] fetch_stories(pivotal_ids) do |pid| story = fetch_story(pid, with_owner: true) if !story stories << "• ** Story with id #{pid} could not be found **" next end attendees.merge story.owners stories << <<~end • [##{}] #{} ○ Pivotal:{pid} ○ Type: #{story.story_type} ○ Status: #{story.current_state} ○ Owners: #{ { |o| "%s <%s>" % [, ] }.join(', ')} ○ Tasks to be done before deployment: ☐ … ○ Tasks to be done after deployment: ☐ … end end! { |a| "• @#{}" } <<~end #{attendees.join(?\n)} #{stories} end end command doc: '[REF] output diff since last production deploy tag' def deploy_diff(ref = default_ref, rest: []) ref = build_ref_range(ref) fetch_commits opts = (%w[ --color -u ] | rest) * ' ' capture("git diff #{opts} #{ref}") end command doc: '[REF] output migration diff since last production deploy tag' def deploy_migrate_diff(ref = default_ref, rest: []) ref = build_ref_range(ref) fetch_commits opts = (%w[ --color -u ] | rest) * ' ' capture("git diff #{opts} #{ref} -- db/migrate") end command doc: '[STORYID] create a story for story STORYID' def create(story_id = nil) fetch_commits name = provide_name(story_id) or error "Cannot provide a new story name for story ##{story_id}: #{@reason.inspect}" if old_story = stories.find { |s| s.story_id == @story_id } error "story ##{@story_id} already exists in #{old_story}".red end puts "Now creating story #{name.inspect}".green sh "git checkout --track -b #{name}" sh "git push -u origin #{name}" "Story #{name} created.".green end command doc: 'switch to selected story branch' def switch fetch_commits if branch = pick_branch(prompt: 'Switch to story? %s') sh "git checkout #{branch}" return "Switched to story: #{branch}".green end end command doc: 'delete selected story branch' def delete(pattern = nil) fetch_commits if branch = pick_branch(prompt: 'Delete story branch? %s', symbol: ?⌦) sh "git pull origin #{branch}" sh "git branch -d #{branch}" if ask(prompt: 'Delete remote branch? (y/N) ') =~ /\Ay\z/i sh "git push origin #{branch} --delete" end return "Deleted story branch: #{branch}".green end end command doc: '[BRANCH] open branch on github' def github(branch = current(check: false)) if url = github_url(branch) sh "open #{url.inspect}" end nil end command doc: '[BRANCH] open branch on pivotaltracker' def pivotal(branch = current(check: true)) if story_id = branch&.[](/_(\d+)\z/, 1)&.to_i story_url = fetch_story(story_id)&.url sh "open #{story_url}" end nil end command doc: 'open project on semaphore' def semaphore sh "open #{complex_config.story.semaphore_project_url}" nil end command doc: '[REF] create a hotfix branch from REF' def hotfix(ref = nil) if ref start_point = ref elsif tag = tags.last start_point = tag_name(tag) else fail 'no last deployment tag found' end branch = "hotfix_#{start_point}" sh "git checkout -b #{branch.inspect} #{start_point.inspect}" nil end private def provide_name(story_id = nil) until story_id.present? story_id = ask(prompt: 'Story id? ').strip end story_id = story_id.gsub(/[^0-9]+/, '') @story_id = Integer(story_id) if stories.any? { |s| s.story_id == @story_id } @reason = "story for ##@story_id already created" return end if name = fetch_story_name(@story_id) name = normalize_name( name, max_size: 128 - 'story'.size - @story_id.to_s.size - 2 * ?_.size ).full? || name [ 'story', name, @story_id ] * ?_ else @reason = "name for ##@story_id could not be fetched from tracker" return end end def determine_command c, command = [], nil possible_commands = [] until @argv.empty? c << @argv.shift command = c.join(?_).to_sym if command_of(command) possible_commands << [ command, @argv.dup ] end end unless possible_commands.empty? @command, argv = possible_commands.last @argv.replace(argv) end self end def pick_branch(prompt:, symbol: ?⏻) ss = branch = match: -> answer { answer = answer.strip.delete(?#).downcase matcher = matches = { |n| [ n, -matcher.similar(n.downcase) ] }. select { |_, s| s < 0 }.sort_by(&:last).map(&:first) matches.empty? and matches = ss matches.first(Tins::Terminal.lines - 1) }, query: -> _answer, matches, selector { matches.each_with_index. map { |m, i| i == selector ? "#{symbol} " + Search.on_blue(m) : '┊ ' + m } * ?\n }, found: -> _answer, matches, selector { matches[selector] }, prompt: prompt.bold, output: STDOUT ).start end def default_ref tags.last end def build_ref_range(ref) ref = tag_name(ref) if 'previous' == ref and (previous = tags.last(2)).size == 2 { |t| tag_name(t) } * '..' elsif /^(?.+?)?\.\.(?.+)?\z/ =~ ref if before && after "#{before}..#{after}" elsif !before "#{default_ref}..#{after}" elsif !after "#{before}.." else "#{default_ref}.." end else "#{ref}.." end end def tags capture(deploy_tag_command) end def deploy_tag_command fetch_tags if command = complex_config.story.deploy_tag_command? command else "git tag | grep ^#{complex_config.story.deploy_tag_prefix} | sort" end end def watch(&block) if seconds = @opts[?n]&.to_i and !@watching @watching = true if seconds == 0 seconds = 60 end loop do r = block.() sh 'clear' start = puts r refresh_at = start + seconds duration = refresh_at - start if duration > 0 puts "<<< #{} Refresh every #{seconds} seconds >>>".rjust(Tins::Terminal.cols) sleep duration end end else block.() end end def normalize_name(name, max_size: nil) name = name.downcase name ='äöü', 'aou').tr(?ß, 'ss') name = name.gsub(/[^a-z0-9-]+/, '-') name = name.gsub(/(\A-*|[\-0-9]*\z)/, '') name = name.gsub(/-+/, ?-) max_size and name = name[0, max_size] name end def error(msg) puts exit 1 end def pivotal_project complex_config.story.pivotal_project end def pivotal_token complex_config.story.pivotal_token end def fetch_story_name(story_id) fetch_story(story_id)&.name end def fetch_story(story_id, with_owner: false) if story = pivotal_get("projects/#{pivotal_project}/stories/#{story_id}").full? story.owners = Array((fetch_story_owners(story_id) if with_owner)) end story end def fetch_story_owners(story_id) pivotal_get("projects/#{pivotal_project}/stories/#{story_id}/owners") end def pivotal_get(path) path = path.sub(/\A\/*/, '') url = "{path}" if pivotal_token @debug and STDERR.puts "Fetching #{url.inspect}" else STDERR.puts "Cannot fetch #{url.inspect} without PIVOTAL_TOKEN set as env var" return end, 'X-TrackerToken' => pivotal_token, 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml', ) do |io| JSON.parse(, object_class: JSON::GenericObject) end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e if e.message =~ /401/ raise e.exception, "#{e.message}: API-TOKEN in env var PIVOTAL_TOKEN invalid?" end end memoize method: def fetch_tags sh 'git fetch --tags' end memoize method: def fetch_commits sh 'git fetch' end def apply_story_accessors(ref) branch = ref[0] branch =~ BRANCH_NAME_REGEX or return branch.extend StoryAccessors branch.story_base_name = "#$1_#$2_#$3" branch.story_name = $2 branch.story_id = $3.to_i branch.story_created_at = ref[1] branch.story_author = ref[2] branch end def stories sh 'git remote prune origin', error: false refs = capture("git for-each-ref --format='%(refname);%(committerdate);%(authorname) %(authoremail)'") refs = { |l| ref = l.chomp.split(?;) next unless ref[0] =~ %r(/origin/) ref[0] = File.basename(ref[0]) next unless ref[0] =~ BRANCH_NAME_REGEX ref[1] = Time.parse(ref[1]) ref } do |ref| apply_story_accessors ref end.compact end def current_branch capture("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").strip end def current_branch_checked? if (cb = current_branch) =~ BRANCH_NAME_REGEX cb end end def tag_time(tag) case tag when %r(\A\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (\S+)) return Time.strptime($&, '%Y/%m/%d%H:%M'), $1 when /\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}\z/ return Time.strptime($&, '%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M'), tag else return nil, tag end end def tag_name(tag) tag_time(tag)&.last end def format_tag(tag) time, tag_name = tag_time(tag) if time day = Time::RFC2822_DAY_NAME[time.wday] "%s %s %s %s" % [,, tag_name.to_s.yellow, "was #{ - time).floor)} ago".green, ] else tag_name end end def remote_url(name = 'origin') capture("git remote -v").lines.grep(/^#{name}/).first&.split(/\s+/).full?(:[], 1) end def github_url(branch) branch.full? or return url = remote_url('github') || remote_url or return url = url.sub('', '') url = url.sub(/(\.git)\z/, "/tree/#{branch}") end def fetch_stories(pivotal_ids, &block) block or raise ArgumentError, '&block parameter is required' threads = [] pivotal_ids.each do |pid| order = 0 threads.push( do Thread.current[:order] = order Thread.current[:result] = block.(pid) rescue end ) end threads.with_infobar(label: 'Story').map do |t| t.join +infobar [ t[:order], t[:result] ] end.sort_by(&:first).transpose[1].to_a end def fetch_statuses(pivotal_ids) fetch_stories(pivotal_ids) do |pid| status(pid) end end end