{I" class:ETI"ProcessedAsset;�FI"logical_path;�TI">ckeditor/filebrowser/javascripts/jquery.endless-scroll.js;�FI" pathname;�TI"�/Users/smit1625/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353/gems/ckeditor-4.0.11/app/assets/javascripts/ckeditor/filebrowser/javascripts/jquery.endless-scroll.js;�FI"content_type;�TI"application/javascript;�TI" mtime;�Tl+y37SI"length;�TisI"digest;�TI"%392d7b70785255c83fd3d26522d82c26;�FI"source;�TI"s/** * Author: Sergey Kukunin * See: https://github.com/Kukunin/jquery-endless-scroll */ (function($) { 'use strict'; // Is pushState supported by this browser? $.support.pushState = window.history && window.history.pushState && window.history.replaceState && // pushState isn't reliable on iOS until 5. !navigator.userAgent.match(/((iPod|iPhone|iPad).+\bOS\s+[1-4]|WebApps\/.+CFNetwork)/) //Declaration of modules var scrollModule = { init: function(options, obj) { obj.options = $.extend({ scrollContainer: window, scrollPadding: 100, scrollEventDelay: 300 }, options); this.options = obj.options; this.container = obj.container; obj.scrollModule = this; this._toplock = true; this._bottomlock = true; this.scrollContainer = $(this.options.scrollContainer); this.updateEntities(); this.sortMarkers(); this.currentPage = null; this.container.on("jes:afterPageLoad", $.proxy(function(event, url, placement) { this.updateEntities(); this.sortMarkers(); this.checkMarker(); if ( placement == "top" ) { //Get offset between first and second pages var offset = this.markers[1].top, scrollTop = this.scrollContainer.scrollTop(); this.scrollContainer.scrollTop(scrollTop + offset); } }, this)); this.bind(); }, updateEntities: function() { this.entities = $(this.options.entity, this.container); }, sortMarkers: function() { var markers = []; $(".jes-marker", this.container).each(function() { markers.push({ top: $(this).position().top, url: $(this).data("jesUrl") }); }); this.markers = markers; }, //Check, whether user scrolled to another page checkMarker: function() { var newPage = this.markers[0], scrollTop = this.scrollContainer.scrollTop(); //Determine, what is current page for ( var i = 1; i < this.markers.length; i++ ) { if ( scrollTop > this.markers[i].top ) { newPage = this.markers[i]; } else { break; } } if ( newPage.url != this.currentPage ) { this.currentPage = newPage.url; $(this.container).trigger("jes:scrollToPage", newPage.url); } }, bind: function() { this.scrollContainer.on("scroll.jes", $.proxy(function(event) { if ( this._tId ) { return; } this.scrollHandler(event); //Clean up mark this._tId= setTimeout($.proxy(function(){ this._tId = null; },this), this.options.scrollEventDelay); }, this)); }, unbind: function() { $(this.options.scrollContainer).off("scroll.jes"); }, scrollHandler: function(ev) { var $scrollable = this.scrollContainer, $entities = this.entities, $firstEntity = $entities.first(), $lastEntity = $entities.last(); var scrollTop = $scrollable.scrollTop(), height = $scrollable.height(), scrollBottom = scrollTop + height; var topEntityPosition = $firstEntity.position().top, topTarget = topEntityPosition + this.options.scrollPadding, bottomEntityPosition = $lastEntity.outerHeight() + $lastEntity.position().top, bottomTarget = bottomEntityPosition - this.options.scrollPadding; //Don't trigger event again, if already fired //Visitor have to leave the area and get back to fire event again //Process top threshold if ( scrollTop < topTarget ) { if ( !this._toplock ) { $(this.container).trigger("jes:topThreshold"); this._toplock = true; } } else { this._toplock = false; } //Process bottom threshold if ( scrollBottom > bottomTarget ) { if ( !this._bottomlock ) { $(this.container).trigger("jes:bottomThreshold"); this._bottomlock = true; } } else { this._bottomlock = false; } this.checkMarker(); } } var ajaxModule = { init: function(options, obj) { obj.options = $.extend({ }, options); this.options = obj.options; this.container = obj.container; //markers this.setMarker($(this.options.entity, this.container).first(), location.href); obj.ajaxModule = this; }, loadPage: function(url, placement, callback) { //The hash with methods list //depends from placement var actions = { top: { find: 'first', inject: 'insertBefore' }, bottom: { find: 'last', inject: 'insertAfter' } }, action = actions[placement]; this.container.trigger("jes:beforePageLoad", [url, placement]); //Make AJAX query $.get(url, null, $.proxy(function (_data) { var data = $("<div>").html(_data), containerSelector = this.options.container, container = $(containerSelector, data).first(); if ( container.length ) { //Find entities var entities = container.find(this.options.entity); if ( placement == "bottom" ) { //Remove duplicated (staled) entities from page entities.each(function(i) { var id = $(this).attr("id"); if ( id ) { $('#' + id, this.container).remove(); } }); } //Find the cursor var cursor = $(this.options.entity, containerSelector)[action.find](); //Find and insert entities entities[action.inject](cursor); this.setMarker(entities.first(), url); } if ( $.isFunction(callback) ) { callback(data); } this.container.trigger("jes:afterPageLoad", [url, placement, data, entities]); }, this), 'html'); }, setMarker: function(entity, url) { entity.addClass("jes-marker").data("jesUrl", url); } } var navigationModule = { init: function(options, obj) { obj.options = $.extend({ nextPage: ".pagination a[rel=next]", previousPage: ".pagination a[rel=previous]" }, options); this.options = obj.options; this.container = obj.container; $.each([{ selector: this.options.nextPage, event: "jes:bottomThreshold.navigation", placement: 'bottom' }, { selector: this.options.previousPage, event: "jes:topThreshold.navigation", placement: 'top' }], $.proxy(function(i, v) { v.element = $(v.selector); if ( v.element.length ) { var url = v.element.prop("href"), lock = false; var handler = function() { //this object is container if ( lock || !url ) return; lock = true; obj.ajaxModule.loadPage(url, v.placement, $.proxy(function( data ) { //Search new next link var newElement = $(v.selector, $(data)); if ( newElement.length ) { //Update URL and remove lock lock = false; url = newElement.prop("href"); v.element.attr("href", url); } else { //Remove event at all $(this).off(v.event); v.element.remove(); } }, this)); }; $(this.container).on(v.event, handler); $(v.element).on("click", $.proxy(function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); handler.apply(this.container) }, this)); } },this)); } } var pushStateHistory = { init: function(options, obj) { if ( !$.support.pushState ) { return; } obj.container.on("jes:scrollToPage", function(event, url) { history.replaceState({}, null, url); }); } } $.endlessScroll = function(options) { //Initialize modules this.options = $.extend(true, { container: "#container", entity: ".entity", _modules: [ ajaxModule, scrollModule, navigationModule, pushStateHistory ], modules: [] }, options); this.container = $(this.options.container); if ( !this.container.length ) { throw "Container for endless scroll isn't available on the page"; return; } //Merge custom options with default $.merge(this.options.modules, this.options._modules); //Init modules this.options.modules.forEach($.proxy(function(module) { module.init(this.options, this); },this)); return this; } })(jQuery); ;�TI"dependency_digest;�TI"%939756e8e4d5afdc8061a65995954680;�FI"required_paths;�T[I"�/Users/smit1625/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353/gems/ckeditor-4.0.11/app/assets/javascripts/ckeditor/filebrowser/javascripts/jquery.endless-scroll.js;�FI"dependency_paths;�T[{I" path;�TI"�/Users/smit1625/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353/gems/ckeditor-4.0.11/app/assets/javascripts/ckeditor/filebrowser/javascripts/jquery.endless-scroll.js;�FI" mtime;�TI"2014-03-29T16:56:25-04:00;�TI"digest;�TI"%670c76a1cc00170b951ee6c9bc9e9464;�FI" _version;�TI"%9bd74cab6f8cd17bb7b52df6002861bd;�F