require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/test_helper') # Information class unit test class. class CommandNodeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_basics nodes = [] nodes.push(, 'prefix')) nodes.push(, '', 'lalala')) nodes.push([0], '', nil, false)) assert(nodes[0].prefix == 'prefix') assert(nodes[1].prefix == '') assert(nodes[2].prefix == '') assert(nodes[0].suffix == nil) assert(nodes[1].suffix == 'lalala') assert(nodes[2].suffix == nil) assert(nodes[0].split == true) assert(nodes[1].split == true) assert(nodes[2].split == false) end # Test line breaks. def test_line_break root =, nil) assert(root.line_break == nil) assert(root.size == 1) assert(root[0].class == CommandNode) assert(root[0].prefix == '\line') assert(root[0].suffix == nil) assert(root[0].split == false) end # Test paragraphs. def test_paragraph root =, nil) style = assert(root.paragraph(style) != nil) assert(root.size == 1) assert(root[0].class == ParagraphNode) assert(root[0].prefix == '\pard\ql') assert(root[0].suffix == '\par') assert(root.split == true) style.justification = ParagraphStyle::RIGHT_JUSTIFY assert(root.paragraph(style).prefix == '\pard\qr') style.justification = ParagraphStyle::CENTRE_JUSTIFY assert(root.paragraph(style).prefix == '\pard\qc') style.justification = ParagraphStyle::FULL_JUSTIFY assert(root.paragraph(style).prefix == '\pard\qj') style.justification = ParagraphStyle::LEFT_JUSTIFY style.space_before = 100 root.paragraph(style) assert(root[-1].prefix == '\pard\ql\sb100') style.space_before = nil style.space_after = 1234 root.paragraph(style) assert(root[-1].prefix == '\pard\ql\sa1234') style.space_before = nil style.space_after = nil style.left_indent = 10 root.paragraph(style) assert(root[-1].prefix == '\pard\ql\li10') style.space_before = nil style.space_after = nil style.left_indent = nil style.right_indent = 234 root.paragraph(style) assert(root[-1].prefix == '\pard\ql\ri234') style.space_before = nil style.space_after = nil style.left_indent = nil style.right_indent = nil style.first_line_indent = 765 root.paragraph(style) assert(root[-1].prefix == '\pard\ql\fi765') style.space_before = 12 style.space_after = 23 style.left_indent = 34 style.right_indent = 45 style.first_line_indent = 56 root.paragraph(style) assert(root[-1].prefix == '\pard\ql\li34\ri45\fi56\sb12\sa23') node = nil root.paragraph(style) {|n| node = n} assert(node == root[-1]) end # Test applications of styles. def test_style root =, 'Arial')) style = style.bold = true assert(root.apply(style) != nil) assert(root.size == 1) assert(root[0].class == CommandNode) assert(root[0].prefix == '\b') assert(root[0].suffix == nil) assert(root[0].split == true) style.underline = true assert(root.apply(style).prefix == '\b\ul') style.bold = false style.superscript = true assert(root.apply(style).prefix == '\ul\super') style.underline = false style.italic = true assert(root.apply(style).prefix == '\i\super') style.italic = false style.bold = true assert(root.apply(style).prefix == '\b\super') style.bold = false style.superscript = false style.italic = true style.font_size = 20 assert(root.apply(style).prefix == '\i\fs20') node = nil root.apply(style) {|n| node = n} assert(node == root[-1]) # Test style short cuts. node = root.bold assert(node.prefix == '\b') assert(node.suffix == nil) assert(node == root[-1]) node = root.italic assert(node.prefix == '\i') assert(node.suffix == nil) assert(node == root[-1]) node = root.underline assert(node.prefix == '\ul') assert(node.suffix == nil) assert(node == root[-1]) node = root.superscript assert(node.prefix == '\super') assert(node.suffix == nil) assert(node == root[-1]) node = root.subscript assert(node.prefix == '\sub') assert(node.suffix == nil) assert(node == root[-1]) node = root.strike assert(node.prefix == '\strike') assert(node.suffix == nil) assert(node == root[-1]) end # Test text node addition. def test_text root =, nil) root << 'A block of text.' assert(root.size == 1) assert(root[0].class == TextNode) assert(root[0].text == 'A block of text.') root << " More text." assert(root.size == 1) assert(root[0].class == TextNode) assert(root[0].text == 'A block of text. More text.') root.paragraph root << "A new node." assert(root.size == 3) assert(root[0].class == TextNode) assert(root[-1].class == TextNode) assert(root[0].text == 'A block of text. More text.') assert(root[-1].text == 'A new node.') end # Test table addition. def test_table root =, nil) table = root.table(3, 3, 100, 150, 200) assert(root.size == 1) assert(root[0].class == TableNode) assert(root[0] == table) assert(table.rows == 3) assert(table.columns == 3) assert(table[0][0].width == 100) assert(table[0][1].width == 150) assert(table[0][2].width == 200) end # List object model test def test_list root =, 'Arial')) root.list do |l1| assert l1.class == ListLevelNode assert l1.level == 1 l1.item do |li| assert li.class == ListTextNode text = li << 'text' assert text.class == TextNode assert text.text == 'text' end l1.list do |l2| assert l2.class == ListLevelNode assert l2.level == 2 l2.item do |li| text = li << 'text' assert text.class == TextNode assert text.text == 'text' end end end end # This test checks the previous_node and next_node methods that could not be # fully and properly checked in the NodeTest.rb file. def test_peers root =, 'Arial')) nodes = [] nodes.push(root.paragraph) nodes.push(root.bold) nodes.push(root.underline) assert(root.previous_node == nil) assert(root.next_node == nil) assert(nodes[1].previous_node == nodes[0]) assert(nodes[1].next_node == nodes[2]) end end