covers 'facets/tuple' tests Tuple do meta :[] => "tuples with same content are the same object" do t1 = Tuple[1,2,3] t2 = Tuple[1,2,3] t1.object_id.assert == t2.object_id end unit :< do t1 = Tuple[1,2,3] t2 = Tuple[2,4,5] t1.assert < t2 end unit :> do t1 = Tuple[1,2,3] t2 = Tuple[2,4,5] t2.assert > t1 end unit :to_a do t1 = Tuple[1,2,3] a1 = t1.to_a assert( Array === a1 ) end unit :<< do t1 = Tuple[1,2,3] t1 = t1 << 4 t1.assert.is_a? Tuple t2 = Tuple[1,2,3,4] t1.object_id.assert == t2.object_id end end tests String do unit :to_t do t1 = "1.2.3".to_t t1.assert.is_a? Tuple t2 = Tuple[1,2,3] t1.object_id.assert == t2.object_id end unit :to_t do t1 = "1.2.3a".to_t t1.assert.is_a? Tuple t2 = Tuple[1,2,'3a'] t1.assert == t2 t1.object_id.assert == t2.object_id end end