module RailsAdmin module Config module Fields module Types class Menu < RailsAdmin::Config::Fields::Base # Register field type for the type loader RailsAdmin::Config::Fields::Types::register(self) include RailsAdmin::Engine.routes.url_helpers register_instance_option :pretty_value do obj = bindings[:object] ret = [] menus = Rails.cache.fetch 'menus', expires_in: 2.minutes do { |m| {id:, name: } } end menus.each do |m| on = obj.menu_ids.include?(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(m[:id])) ret << bindings[:view].link_to( m[:name], bindings[:view].toggle_menu_path(model_name: @abstract_model, id:, menu: m[:id], on: !on), #method: :post, title: m[:name], class: "btn btn-mini #{on ? "btn-success" : "btn-danger"}", style: 'margin-bottom: 5px;', onclick: 'var $t = $(this); $.ajax({type: "POST", url: $t.attr("href"), data: {ajax:true}, success: function(r) { $t.attr("href", r.href); $t.attr("class", r.class); }, error: function(e) { alert(e.responseText); }}); return false;' ) end ('
' + ret.join(' ') + '
').html_safe end register_instance_option :formatted_value do pretty_value end register_instance_option :export_value do nil end register_instance_option :partial do :form_raw end end end end end end module RailsAdmin module Config module Actions class ToggleMenu < Base RailsAdmin::Config::Actions.register(self) # Is the action acting on the root level (Example: /admin/contact) register_instance_option :root? do false end register_instance_option :collection? do false end # Is the action on an object scope (Example: /admin/team/1/edit) register_instance_option :member? do true end register_instance_option :controller do proc do ajax_link = do |am, obj, menu, on| render json: { href: toggle_menu_path(model_name: am, id:, menu:, on: !on), class: "btn btn-mini #{on ? "btn-success" : "btn-danger"}", } end if params['id'].present? begin @object = @abstract_model.model.find(params['id']) @menu = ::Menu.find(params[:menu]) if params[:on] == 'true' @object.menus << @menu else @object.menus.delete(@menu) end if if params['ajax'].present? if params[:on] == 'true', @object, @menu, true) else, @object, @menu, false) end else if params[:on] == 'true' flash[:success] = I18n.t('rs.m.enabled', menu: else flash[:success] = I18n.t('rs.m.disabled', menu: end end else if params['ajax'].present? render text: @object.errors.full_messages.join(', '), layout: false, status: 422 else flash[:error] = @object.errors.full_messages.join(', ') end end rescue Exception => e if params['ajax'].present? render text: I18n.t('rs.m.error', err: e.to_s), status: 422 else flash[:error] = I18n.t('rs.m.error', err: e.to_s) end end else if params['ajax'].present? render text: I18n.t('rs.m.no_id'), status: 422 else flash[:error] = I18n.t('rs.m.no_id') end end redirect_to :back unless params['ajax'].present? end end register_instance_option :link_icon do 'icon-move' end register_instance_option :http_methods do [:post] end end end end end