module Watirloo # This is 'opinionated' method. # The way I work with browsers is this: # I save the current handle of the browser (ie.hwnd) to the storage yaml file so I can reattach to the same # browser later. Basically in exploratory testing I don't want to start and close browsers. I want to maintain # reference to one (or more) browsers and I have nicknames for them. # on restart of tests useing Watirloo I reuse the browser. If the browser is not there I just start a new browser which # will from now on become my new 'default' test session browser. # In Case of Firefox I attach to the 'one' existing firefox or a start a new one. # So this method either attaches to one that's there or it starts a new one and puts it in Browsers::Storage # this way of working with browsers is opinionated I think. # if you want you can just use Watir::IE.start and reuse that browsers for tests. This here is a convenience method def self.browser(key = 'default') case when :ie then key when :firefox then Browsers.ff end end # manage references to browsers. Currently IE or Firefox. # Safari? Other Browser? not yet module Browsers @@target = :ie #by default we talk to IE on Windows. @@targets = [:ie, :firefox] class << self # set and get the target. by default we talk to :ie. def target return @@target end def target=(indicator) if @@targets.include? indicator @@target = indicator else raise Exception, "target indicator #{indicator} is not valid: use :ie or :firefox" end end # provides browser instance to client. # attaches to the existing 'default' test session browser on the desktop # By convention the mental model here is that we are working # with one browser on the desktop. This is how a person would typically work def ie(key='default') begin Locker.browser key rescue #XXX it's probably a bad practice to use exception for logic control # TODO logger here ie = Watir::IE.start sleep 3 Locker.add(ie, key) ie #return newly created browser for the test session and store it for later usage end end def ff require 'watirloo/extension/firewatir_ducktape' # this is a cruch for quick work with pages. # in reality you want to create a browser and pass it as argument to initialize Page class floc = FireLocker.instance begin floc.browser.url floc.browser rescue floc.clear sleep 2 floc.browser end end end end end