/*! * jQuery UI Core 1.10.2 * http://jqueryui.com * * Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license. * http://jquery.org/license * * http://api.jqueryui.com/category/ui-core/ */ (function( $, undefined ) { var uuid = 0, runiqueId = /^ui-id-\d+$/; // $.ui might exist from components with no dependencies, e.g., $.ui.position $.ui = $.ui || {}; $.extend( $.ui, { version: "1.10.2", keyCode: { BACKSPACE: 8, COMMA: 188, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, NUMPAD_ADD: 107, NUMPAD_DECIMAL: 110, NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106, NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: 109, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38 } }); // plugins $.fn.extend({ focus: (function( orig ) { return function( delay, fn ) { return typeof delay === "number" ? this.each(function() { var elem = this; setTimeout(function() { $( elem ).focus(); if ( fn ) { fn.call( elem ); } }, delay ); }) : orig.apply( this, arguments ); }; })( $.fn.focus ), scrollParent: function() { var scrollParent; if (($.ui.ie && (/(static|relative)/).test(this.css("position"))) || (/absolute/).test(this.css("position"))) { scrollParent = this.parents().filter(function() { return (/(relative|absolute|fixed)/).test($.css(this,"position")) && (/(auto|scroll)/).test($.css(this,"overflow")+$.css(this,"overflow-y")+$.css(this,"overflow-x")); }).eq(0); } else { scrollParent = this.parents().filter(function() { return (/(auto|scroll)/).test($.css(this,"overflow")+$.css(this,"overflow-y")+$.css(this,"overflow-x")); }).eq(0); } return (/fixed/).test(this.css("position")) || !scrollParent.length ? $(document) : scrollParent; }, zIndex: function( zIndex ) { if ( zIndex !== undefined ) { return this.css( "zIndex", zIndex ); } if ( this.length ) { var elem = $( this[ 0 ] ), position, value; while ( elem.length && elem[ 0 ] !== document ) { // Ignore z-index if position is set to a value where z-index is ignored by the browser // This makes behavior of this function consistent across browsers // WebKit always returns auto if the element is positioned position = elem.css( "position" ); if ( position === "absolute" || position === "relative" || position === "fixed" ) { // IE returns 0 when zIndex is not specified // other browsers return a string // we ignore the case of nested elements with an explicit value of 0 //
* This can also load a localization file for a locale
* load('path/to/de-messages.json', 'de' );
* A data object containing message key- message translation mappings
* can also be passed Eg:
* load( { 'hello' : 'Hello' }, optionalLocale );
If the data argument is
* null/undefined/false,
* all cached messages for the i18n instance will get reset.
* @param {String|Object|null} data
* @param {String} locale Language tag
load: function ( data, locale ) {
this.messageStore.load( data, locale );
log: function ( /* arguments */ ) {
if ( window.console && $.i18n.debug ) {
window.console.log.apply( window.console, arguments );
* Does parameter and magic word substitution.
* @param {string} key Message key
* @param {Array} parameters Message parameters
* @return {string}
parse: function ( key, parameters ) {
var message = key.toLocaleString();
// FIXME: This changes the state of the I18N object,
// should probably not change the 'this.parser' but just
// pass it to the parser.
this.parser.language = $.i18n.languages[$.i18n().locale] || $.i18n.languages['default'];
if( message === '' ) {
message = key;
return this.parser.parse( message, parameters );
* Process a message from the $.I18N instance
* for the current document, stored in jQuery.data(document).
* @param {string} key Key of the message.
* @param {string} param1 [param...] Variadic list of parameters for {key}.
* @return {string|$.I18N} Parsed message, or if no key was given
* the instance of $.I18N is returned.
$.i18n = function ( key, param1 ) {
var parameters,
i18n = $.data( document, 'i18n' ),
options = typeof key === 'object' && key;
// If the locale option for this call is different then the setup so far,
// update it automatically. This doesn't just change the context for this
// call but for all future call as well.
// If there is no i18n setup yet, don't do this. It will be taken care of
// by the `new I18N` construction below.
// NOTE: It should only change language for this one call.
// Then cache instances of I18N somewhere.
if ( options && options.locale && i18n && i18n.locale !== options.locale ) {
String.locale = i18n.locale = options.locale;
if ( !i18n ) {
i18n = new I18N( options );
$.data( document, 'i18n', i18n );
if ( typeof key === 'string' ) {
if ( param1 !== undefined ) {
parameters = slice.call( arguments, 1 );
} else {
parameters = [];
return i18n.parse( key, parameters );
} else {
// FIXME: remove this feature/bug.
return i18n;
$.fn.i18n = function () {
var i18n = $.data( document, 'i18n' );
String.locale = i18n.locale;
if ( !i18n ) {
i18n = new I18N( );
$.data( document, 'i18n', i18n );
return this.each( function () {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.data( 'i18n' ) ) {
var messageKey = $this.data( 'i18n' ),
message = messageKey.toLocaleString();
if ( message !== '' ) {
$this.text( message );
} else {
$this.find( '[data-i18n]' ).i18n();
} );
String.locale = String.locale || $( 'html' ).attr( 'lang' );
if ( !String.locale ) {
if ( typeof window.navigator !== undefined ) {
nav = window.navigator;
String.locale = nav.language || nav.userLanguage || '';
} else {
String.locale = '';
$.i18n.languages = {};
$.i18n.messageStore = $.i18n.messageStore || {};
$.i18n.parser = {
// The default parser only handles variable substitution
parse: function ( message, parameters ) {
return message.replace( /\$(\d+)/g, function ( str, match ) {
var index = parseInt( match, 10 ) - 1;
return parameters[index] !== undefined ? parameters[index] : '$' + match;
} );
emitter: {}
$.i18n.debug = false;
/* Static members */
I18N.defaults = {
locale: String.locale,
fallbackLocale: 'en',
parser: $.i18n.parser,
messageStore: $.i18n.messageStore,
/* messageLocationResolver - should be a function taking language code as argument and
* returning absolute or relative path to the localization file
messageLocationResolver: null
// Expose constructor
$.I18N = I18N;
}( jQuery ) );
* jQuery Internationalization library Message loading , parsing, retrieving utilities
* Copyright (C) 2012 Santhosh Thottingal
* jquery.i18n is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't have to do anything special to
* choose one license or the other and you don't have to notify anyone which license you are using.
* You are free to use UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright
* header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.
* @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later
* @licence MIT License
( function ( $, window, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var MessageStore = function () {
this.messages = {};
this.sources = {};
this.locale = String.locale;
MessageStore.prototype = {
* See https://github.com/wikimedia/jquery.i18n/wiki/Specification#wiki-Message_File_Loading
* @param locale
init: function ( locale ) {
var messageStore = this;
messageStore.locale = locale;
messageStore.log( 'initializing for ' + locale );
$( 'link' ).each( function ( index, element ) {
var $link = $( element ),
rel = ( $link.attr( 'rel' ) || '' ).toLowerCase().split( /\s+/ );
if ( $.inArray( 'localizations', rel ) !== -1 ) {
// multiple localizations
messageStore.load( $link.attr( 'href' ) );
} else if ( $.inArray( 'localization', rel ) !== -1 ) {
// single localization
messageStore.queue( ( $link.attr( 'hreflang' ) || '' ).toLowerCase(),
$link.attr( 'href' ) );
} );
* General message loading API This can take a URL string for
* the json formatted messages.
* load('path/to/all_localizations.json');
* This can also load a localization file for a locale
* load('path/to/de-messages.json', 'de' );
* A data object containing message key- message translation mappings
* can also be passed Eg:
* load( { 'hello' : 'Hello' }, optionalLocale );
If the data argument is
* null/undefined/false,
* all cached messages for the i18n instance will get reset.
* @param {String|Object|null} data
* @param {String} locale Language tag
load: function ( data, locale ) {
var key = null,
messageStore = this,
hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
if ( !data ) {
// reset all localizations
messageStore.log( 'Resetting for locale ' + locale );
messageStore.messages = {};
if ( typeof data === 'string' ) {
// This is a URL to the messages file.
messageStore.log( 'Loading messages from: ' + data );
messageStore.jsonMessageLoader( data ).done( function ( localization, textStatus ) {
messageStore.load( localization, locale );
messageStore.queue( locale, data );
messageStore.markLoaded( locale, data );
} );
} else {
// Data is either a group of messages for {locale},
// or a group of languages with groups of messages inside.
for ( key in data ) {
if ( hasOwn.call( data, key ) ) {
if ( locale ) {
// Lazy-init the object
if ( !messageStore.messages[locale] ) {
messageStore.messages[locale] = {};
// Update message object keys,
// don't overwrite the entire object.
messageStore.messages[locale][key] = data[key];
'[' + locale + '][' + key + '] : ' + data[key]
// No {locale} given, assume data is a group of languages,
// call this function again for each langauge.
} else {
messageStore.load( data[key], key );
log: function ( /* arguments */ ) {
if ( window.console && $.i18n.debug ) {
window.console.log.apply( window.console, arguments );
* Mark a message Location for a locale loaded
* @param locale
* @param messageLocation
markLoaded: function ( locale, messageLocation ) {
var i,
queue = this.sources[locale];
if ( !queue ) {
this.queue( locale, messageLocation );
queue = this.sources[locale];
this.sources[locale] = this.sources[locale] || [];
for ( i = 0; i < queue.length; i++ ) {
if ( queue[i].source.url === messageLocation ) {
queue[i].source.loaded = true;
* Register the message location for a locale, will be loaded when required
* @param locale
* @param messageLocation
queue: function ( locale, messageLocation ) {
var i,
queue = this.sources[locale];
this.sources[locale] = this.sources[locale] || [];
if ( queue ) {
for ( i = 0; i < queue.length; i++ ) {
if ( queue[i].source.url === messageLocation ) {
this.log( 'Source for: ' + locale + ' is ' + messageLocation + ' registered' );
this.sources[locale].push( {
source: {
url: messageLocation,
loaded: false
} );
* Load the messages from the source queue for the locale
* @param {String} locale
loadFromQueue: function ( locale ) {
var i,
queue = this.sources[locale];
if ( queue ) {
for ( i = 0; i < queue.length; i++ ) {
if ( !queue[i].source.loaded ) {
this.load( queue[i].source.url, locale );
this.sources[locale][i].source.loaded = true;
isLoaded: function ( locale, messageLocation ) {
var i,
sources = this.sources[locale],
result = false;
if ( sources ) {
for ( i = 0; i < sources.length; i++ ) {
if ( sources[i].source.url === messageLocation ) {
result = true;
return result;
jsonMessageLoader: function ( url ) {
var messageStore = this;
return $.ajax( {
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
async: false
// This is unfortunate.
} ).fail( function ( jqxhr, settings, exception ) {
messageStore.log( 'Error in loading messages from ' + url + ' Exception: ' + exception );
} );
* @param locale
* @param messageKey
* @returns {Boolean}
get: function ( locale, messageKey ) {
// load locale if not loaded
if ( !this.messages[locale] ) {
this.loadFromQueue( locale );
return this.messages[locale] && this.messages[locale][messageKey];
$.extend( $.i18n.messageStore, new MessageStore() );
}( jQuery, window ) );
* jQuery Internationalization library
* Copyright (C) 2012 Santhosh Thottingal
* jquery.i18n is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't have to do anything special to
* choose one license or the other and you don't have to notify anyone which license you are using.
* You are free to use UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright
* header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.
* @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later
* @licence MIT License
( function ( $, undefined ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n = $.i18n || {};
$.i18n.fallbacks = {
'ab': ['ru'],
'ace': ['id'],
'aln': ['sq'],
// Not so standard - als is supposed to be Tosk Albanian,
// but in Wikipedia it's used for a Germanic language.
'als': ['gsw', 'de'],
'an': ['es'],
'anp': ['hi'],
'arn': ['es'],
'arz': ['ar'],
'av': ['ru'],
'ay': ['es'],
'ba': ['ru'],
'bar': ['de'],
'bat-smg': ['sgs', 'lt'],
'bcc': ['fa'],
'be-x-old': ['be-tarask'],
'bh': ['bho'],
'bjn': ['id'],
'bm': ['fr'],
'bpy': ['bn'],
'bqi': ['fa'],
'bug': ['id'],
'cbk-zam': ['es'],
'ce': ['ru'],
'crh': ['crh-latn'],
'crh-cyrl': ['ru'],
'csb': ['pl'],
'cv': ['ru'],
'de-at': ['de'],
'de-ch': ['de'],
'de-formal': ['de'],
'dsb': ['de'],
'dtp': ['ms'],
'egl': ['it'],
'eml': ['it'],
'ff': ['fr'],
'fit': ['fi'],
'fiu-vro': ['vro', 'et'],
'frc': ['fr'],
'frp': ['fr'],
'frr': ['de'],
'fur': ['it'],
'gag': ['tr'],
'gan': ['gan-hant', 'zh-hant', 'zh-hans'],
'gan-hans': ['zh-hans'],
'gan-hant': ['zh-hant', 'zh-hans'],
'gl': ['pt'],
'glk': ['fa'],
'gn': ['es'],
'gsw': ['de'],
'hif': ['hif-latn'],
'hsb': ['de'],
'ht': ['fr'],
'ii': ['zh-cn', 'zh-hans'],
'inh': ['ru'],
'iu': ['ike-cans'],
'jut': ['da'],
'jv': ['id'],
'kaa': ['kk-latn', 'kk-cyrl'],
'kbd': ['kbd-cyrl'],
'khw': ['ur'],
'kiu': ['tr'],
'kk': ['kk-cyrl'],
'kk-arab': ['kk-cyrl'],
'kk-latn': ['kk-cyrl'],
'kk-cn': ['kk-arab', 'kk-cyrl'],
'kk-kz': ['kk-cyrl'],
'kk-tr': ['kk-latn', 'kk-cyrl'],
'kl': ['da'],
'ko-kp': ['ko'],
'koi': ['ru'],
'krc': ['ru'],
'ks': ['ks-arab'],
'ksh': ['de'],
'ku': ['ku-latn'],
'ku-arab': ['ckb'],
'kv': ['ru'],
'lad': ['es'],
'lb': ['de'],
'lbe': ['ru'],
'lez': ['ru'],
'li': ['nl'],
'lij': ['it'],
'liv': ['et'],
'lmo': ['it'],
'ln': ['fr'],
'ltg': ['lv'],
'lzz': ['tr'],
'mai': ['hi'],
'map-bms': ['jv', 'id'],
'mg': ['fr'],
'mhr': ['ru'],
'min': ['id'],
'mo': ['ro'],
'mrj': ['ru'],
'mwl': ['pt'],
'myv': ['ru'],
'mzn': ['fa'],
'nah': ['es'],
'nap': ['it'],
'nds': ['de'],
'nds-nl': ['nl'],
'nl-informal': ['nl'],
'no': ['nb'],
'os': ['ru'],
'pcd': ['fr'],
'pdc': ['de'],
'pdt': ['de'],
'pfl': ['de'],
'pms': ['it'],
'pt': ['pt-br'],
'pt-br': ['pt'],
'qu': ['es'],
'qug': ['qu', 'es'],
'rgn': ['it'],
'rmy': ['ro'],
'roa-rup': ['rup'],
'rue': ['uk', 'ru'],
'ruq': ['ruq-latn', 'ro'],
'ruq-cyrl': ['mk'],
'ruq-latn': ['ro'],
'sa': ['hi'],
'sah': ['ru'],
'scn': ['it'],
'sg': ['fr'],
'sgs': ['lt'],
'sli': ['de'],
'sr': ['sr-ec'],
'srn': ['nl'],
'stq': ['de'],
'su': ['id'],
'szl': ['pl'],
'tcy': ['kn'],
'tg': ['tg-cyrl'],
'tt': ['tt-cyrl', 'ru'],
'tt-cyrl': ['ru'],
'ty': ['fr'],
'udm': ['ru'],
'ug': ['ug-arab'],
'uk': ['ru'],
'vec': ['it'],
'vep': ['et'],
'vls': ['nl'],
'vmf': ['de'],
'vot': ['fi'],
'vro': ['et'],
'wa': ['fr'],
'wo': ['fr'],
'wuu': ['zh-hans'],
'xal': ['ru'],
'xmf': ['ka'],
'yi': ['he'],
'za': ['zh-hans'],
'zea': ['nl'],
'zh': ['zh-hans'],
'zh-classical': ['lzh'],
'zh-cn': ['zh-hans'],
'zh-hant': ['zh-hans'],
'zh-hk': ['zh-hant', 'zh-hans'],
'zh-min-nan': ['nan'],
'zh-mo': ['zh-hk', 'zh-hant', 'zh-hans'],
'zh-my': ['zh-sg', 'zh-hans'],
'zh-sg': ['zh-hans'],
'zh-tw': ['zh-hant', 'zh-hans'],
'zh-yue': ['yue']
}( jQuery ) );
* jQuery Internationalization library
* Copyright (C) 2012 Santhosh Thottingal
* jquery.i18n is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't have to do
* anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't have to
* notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use
* UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright
* header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.
* @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later
* @licence MIT License
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
var MessageParser = function ( options ) {
this.options = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.parser.defaults, options );
this.language = $.i18n.languages[String.locale] || $.i18n.languages['default'];
this.emitter = $.i18n.parser.emitter;
MessageParser.prototype = {
constructor: MessageParser,
simpleParse: function ( message, parameters ) {
return message.replace( /\$(\d+)/g, function ( str, match ) {
var index = parseInt( match, 10 ) - 1;
return parameters[index] !== undefined ? parameters[index] : '$' + match;
} );
parse: function ( message, replacements ) {
if ( message.indexOf( '{{' ) < 0 ) {
return this.simpleParse( message, replacements );
this.emitter.language = $.i18n.languages[$.i18n().locale] ||
return this.emitter.emit( this.ast( message ), replacements );
ast: function ( message ) {
var pos = 0;
// Try parsers until one works, if none work return null
function choice ( parserSyntax ) {
return function () {
var i, result;
for ( i = 0; i < parserSyntax.length; i++ ) {
result = parserSyntax[i]();
if ( result !== null ) {
return result;
return null;
// Try several parserSyntax-es in a row.
// All must succeed; otherwise, return null.
// This is the only eager one.
function sequence ( parserSyntax ) {
var i, res,
originalPos = pos,
result = [];
for ( i = 0; i < parserSyntax.length; i++ ) {
res = parserSyntax[i]();
if ( res === null ) {
pos = originalPos;
return null;
result.push( res );
return result;
// Run the same parser over and over until it fails.
// Must succeed a minimum of n times; otherwise, return null.
function nOrMore ( n, p ) {
return function () {
var originalPos = pos,
result = [],
parsed = p();
while ( parsed !== null ) {
result.push( parsed );
parsed = p();
if ( result.length < n ) {
pos = originalPos;
return null;
return result;
// Helpers -- just make parserSyntax out of simpler JS builtin types
function makeStringParser ( s ) {
var len = s.length;
return function () {
var result = null;
if ( message.substr( pos, len ) === s ) {
result = s;
pos += len;
return result;
function makeRegexParser ( regex ) {
return function () {
var matches = message.substr( pos ).match( regex );
if ( matches === null ) {
return null;
pos += matches[0].length;
return matches[0];
var pipe = makeStringParser( '|' );
var colon = makeStringParser( ':' );
var backslash = makeStringParser( '\\' );
var anyCharacter = makeRegexParser( /^./ );
var dollar = makeStringParser( '$' );
var digits = makeRegexParser( /^\d+/ );
var regularLiteral = makeRegexParser( /^[^{}\[\]$\\]/ );
var regularLiteralWithoutBar = makeRegexParser( /^[^{}\[\]$\\|]/ );
var regularLiteralWithoutSpace = makeRegexParser( /^[^{}\[\]$\s]/ );
// There is a general pattern:
// parse a thing;
// if it worked, apply transform,
// otherwise return null.
// But using this as a combinator seems to cause problems
// when combined with nOrMore().
// May be some scoping issue.
function transform ( p, fn ) {
return function () {
var result = p();
return result === null ? null : fn( result );
// Used to define "literals" within template parameters. The pipe
// character is the parameter delimeter, so by default
// it is not a literal in the parameter
function literalWithoutBar () {
var result = nOrMore( 1, escapedOrLiteralWithoutBar )();
return result === null ? null : result.join( '' );
function literal () {
var result = nOrMore( 1, escapedOrRegularLiteral )();
return result === null ? null : result.join( '' );
function escapedLiteral () {
var result = sequence( [ backslash, anyCharacter ] );
return result === null ? null : result[1];
choice( [ escapedLiteral, regularLiteralWithoutSpace ] );
var escapedOrLiteralWithoutBar = choice( [ escapedLiteral, regularLiteralWithoutBar ] );
var escapedOrRegularLiteral = choice( [ escapedLiteral, regularLiteral ] );
function replacement () {
var result = sequence( [ dollar, digits ] );
if ( result === null ) {
return null;
return [ 'REPLACE', parseInt( result[1], 10 ) - 1 ];
var templateName = transform(
// see $wgLegalTitleChars
// not allowing : due to the need to catch "PLURAL:$1"
makeRegexParser( /^[ !"$&'()*,.\/0-9;=?@A-Z\^_`a-z~\x80-\xFF+\-]+/ ),
function ( result ) {
return result.toString();
function templateParam () {
var result = sequence( [ pipe, nOrMore( 0, paramExpression ) ] );
if ( result === null ) {
return null;
var expr = result[1];
// use a "CONCAT" operator if there are multiple nodes,
// otherwise return the first node, raw.
return expr.length > 1 ? [ 'CONCAT' ].concat( expr ) : expr[0];
function templateWithReplacement () {
var result = sequence( [ templateName, colon, replacement ] );
return result === null ? null : [ result[0], result[2] ];
function templateWithOutReplacement () {
var result = sequence( [ templateName, colon, paramExpression ] );
return result === null ? null : [ result[0], result[2] ];
var templateContents = choice( [
function () {
var res = sequence( [
// templates can have placeholders for dynamic
// replacement eg: {{PLURAL:$1|one car|$1 cars}}
// or no placeholders eg:
// {{GRAMMAR:genitive|{{SITENAME}}}
choice( [ templateWithReplacement, templateWithOutReplacement ] ),
nOrMore( 0, templateParam )
] );
return res === null ? null : res[0].concat( res[1] );
function () {
var res = sequence( [ templateName, nOrMore( 0, templateParam ) ] );
if ( res === null ) {
return null;
return [ res[0] ].concat( res[1] );
] );
var openTemplate = makeStringParser( '{{' );
var closeTemplate = makeStringParser( '}}' );
function template () {
var result = sequence( [ openTemplate, templateContents, closeTemplate ] );
return result === null ? null : result[1];
var expression = choice( [ template, replacement, literal ] );
var paramExpression = choice( [ template, replacement, literalWithoutBar ] );
function start () {
var result = nOrMore( 0, expression )();
if ( result === null ) {
return null;
return [ 'CONCAT' ].concat( result );
var result = start();
* For success, the pos must have gotten to the end of the input
* and returned a non-null.
* n.b. This is part of language infrastructure, so we do not throw an internationalizable message.
if ( result === null || pos !== message.length ) {
throw new Error( 'Parse error at position ' + pos.toString() + ' in input: ' + message );
return result;
$.extend( $.i18n.parser, new MessageParser() );
}( jQuery ) );
* jQuery Internationalization library
* Copyright (C) 2012 Santhosh Thottingal
* jquery.i18n is dual licensed GPLv2 or later and MIT. You don't have to do
* anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't have to
* notify anyone which license you are using. You are free to use
* UniversalLanguageSelector in commercial projects as long as the copyright
* header is left intact. See files GPL-LICENSE and MIT-LICENSE for details.
* @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0 or later
* @licence MIT License
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
var MessageParserEmitter = function () {
this.language = $.i18n.languages[String.locale] || $.i18n.languages['default'];
MessageParserEmitter.prototype = {
constructor: MessageParserEmitter,
* (We put this method definition here, and not in prototype, to make
* sure it's not overwritten by any magic.) Walk entire node structure,
* applying replacements and template functions when appropriate
* @param {Mixed} node abstract syntax tree (top node or subnode)
* @param {Array} replacements for $1, $2, ... $n
* @return {Mixed} single-string node or array of nodes suitable for
* jQuery appending.
emit: function ( node, replacements ) {
var ret, subnodes, operation,
messageParserEmitter = this;
switch ( typeof node ) {
case 'string':
case 'number':
ret = node;
case 'object':
// node is an array of nodes
subnodes = $.map( node.slice( 1 ), function ( n ) {
return messageParserEmitter.emit( n, replacements );
} );
operation = node[0].toLowerCase();
if ( typeof messageParserEmitter[operation] === 'function' ) {
ret = messageParserEmitter[operation]( subnodes, replacements );
} else {
throw new Error( 'unknown operation "' + operation + '"' );
case 'undefined':
// Parsing the empty string (as an entire expression, or as a
// paramExpression in a template) results in undefined
// Perhaps a more clever parser can detect this, and return the
// empty string? Or is that useful information?
// The logical thing is probably to return the empty string here
// when we encounter undefined.
ret = '';
throw new Error( 'unexpected type in AST: ' + typeof node );
return ret;
* Parsing has been applied depth-first we can assume that all nodes
* here are single nodes Must return a single node to parents -- a
* jQuery with synthetic span However, unwrap any other synthetic spans
* in our children and pass them upwards
* @param {Array} nodes Mixed, some single nodes, some arrays of nodes.
* @return String
concat: function ( nodes ) {
var result = '';
$.each( nodes, function ( i, node ) {
// strings, integers, anything else
result += node;
} );
return result;
* Return escaped replacement of correct index, or string if
* unavailable. Note that we expect the parsed parameter to be
* zero-based. i.e. $1 should have become [ 0 ]. if the specified
* parameter is not found return the same string (e.g. "$99" ->
* parameter 98 -> not found -> return "$99" ) TODO throw error if
* nodes.length > 1 ?
* @param {Array} nodes One element, integer, n >= 0
* @param {Array} replacements for $1, $2, ... $n
* @return {string} replacement
replace: function ( nodes, replacements ) {
var index = parseInt( nodes[0], 10 );
if ( index < replacements.length ) {
// replacement is not a string, don't touch!
return replacements[index];
} else {
// index not found, fallback to displaying variable
return '$' + ( index + 1 );
* Transform parsed structure into pluralization n.b. The first node may
* be a non-integer (for instance, a string representing an Arabic
* number). So convert it back with the current language's
* convertNumber.
* @param {Array} nodes List [ {String|Number}, {String}, {String} ... ]
* @return {String} selected pluralized form according to current
* language.
plural: function ( nodes ) {
var count = parseFloat( this.language.convertNumber( nodes[0], 10 ) ),
forms = nodes.slice( 1 );
return forms.length ? this.language.convertPlural( count, forms ) : '';
* Transform parsed structure into gender Usage
* {{gender:gender|masculine|feminine|neutral}}.
* @param {Array} nodes List [ {String}, {String}, {String} , {String} ]
* @return {String} selected gender form according to current language
gender: function ( nodes ) {
var gender = nodes[0],
forms = nodes.slice( 1 );
return this.language.gender( gender, forms );
* Transform parsed structure into grammar conversion. Invoked by
* putting {{grammar:form|word}} in a message
* @param {Array} nodes List [{Grammar case eg: genitive}, {String word}]
* @return {String} selected grammatical form according to current
* language.
grammar: function ( nodes ) {
var form = nodes[0],
word = nodes[1];
return word && form && this.language.convertGrammar( word, form );
$.extend( $.i18n.parser.emitter, new MessageParserEmitter() );
}( jQuery ) );
/*global pluralRuleParser */
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
var language = {
// CLDR plural rules generated using
// http://i18ndata.appspot.com/cldr/tags/unconfirmed/supplemental/plurals?action=browse&depth=-1
// and compressed
pluralRules: {
gv: {
one: 'n mod 10 in 1..2 or n mod 20 is 0'
gu: {
one: 'n is 1'
rof: {
one: 'n is 1'
ga: {
few: 'n in 3..6',
many: 'n in 7..10',
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
gl: {
one: 'n is 1'
lg: {
one: 'n is 1'
lb: {
one: 'n is 1'
xog: {
one: 'n is 1'
ln: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
lo: '',
brx: {
one: 'n is 1'
tr: '',
ts: {
one: 'n is 1'
tn: {
one: 'n is 1'
to: '',
lt: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..9 and n mod 100 not in 11..19',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 not in 11..19'
tk: {
one: 'n is 1'
th: '',
ksb: {
one: 'n is 1'
te: {
one: 'n is 1'
ksh: {
zero: 'n is 0',
one: 'n is 1'
fil: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
haw: {
one: 'n is 1'
kcg: {
one: 'n is 1'
ssy: {
one: 'n is 1'
yo: '',
de: {
one: 'n is 1'
ko: '',
da: {
one: 'n is 1'
dz: '',
dv: {
one: 'n is 1'
guw: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
shi: {
few: 'n in 2..10',
one: 'n within 0..1'
el: {
one: 'n is 1'
eo: {
one: 'n is 1'
en: {
one: 'n is 1'
ses: '',
teo: {
one: 'n is 1'
ee: {
one: 'n is 1'
kde: '',
fr: {
one: 'n within 0..2 and n is not 2'
eu: {
one: 'n is 1'
et: {
one: 'n is 1'
es: {
one: 'n is 1'
seh: {
one: 'n is 1'
ru: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14',
many: 'n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11'
kl: {
one: 'n is 1'
sms: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
smn: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
smj: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
smi: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
fy: {
one: 'n is 1'
rm: {
one: 'n is 1'
ro: {
few: 'n is 0 OR n is not 1 AND n mod 100 in 1..19',
one: 'n is 1'
bn: {
one: 'n is 1'
sma: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
be: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14',
many: 'n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11'
bg: {
one: 'n is 1'
ms: '',
wa: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
ps: {
one: 'n is 1'
wo: '',
bm: '',
jv: '',
bo: '',
bh: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
kea: '',
asa: {
one: 'n is 1'
cgg: {
one: 'n is 1'
br: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 3..4,9 and n mod 100 not in 10..19,70..79,90..99',
many: 'n mod 1000000 is 0 and n is not 0',
two: 'n mod 10 is 2 and n mod 100 not in 12,72,92',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 not in 11,71,91'
bs: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14',
many: 'n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11'
ja: '',
om: {
one: 'n is 1'
fa: '',
vun: {
one: 'n is 1'
or: {
one: 'n is 1'
xh: {
one: 'n is 1'
nso: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
ca: {
one: 'n is 1'
cy: {
few: 'n is 3',
zero: 'n is 0',
many: 'n is 6',
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
cs: {
few: 'n in 2..4',
one: 'n is 1'
zh: '',
lv: {
zero: 'n is 0',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11'
pt: {
one: 'n is 1'
wae: {
one: 'n is 1'
tl: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
chr: {
one: 'n is 1'
pa: {
one: 'n is 1'
ak: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
pl: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14',
many: 'n is not 1 and n mod 10 in 0..1 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 12..14',
one: 'n is 1'
hr: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14',
many: 'n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11'
am: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
ti: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
hu: '',
hi: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
jmc: {
one: 'n is 1'
ha: {
one: 'n is 1'
he: {
one: 'n is 1'
mg: {
one: 'n in 0..1'
fur: {
one: 'n is 1'
bem: {
one: 'n is 1'
ml: {
one: 'n is 1'
mo: {
few: 'n is 0 OR n is not 1 AND n mod 100 in 1..19',
one: 'n is 1'
mn: {
one: 'n is 1'
mk: {
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n is not 11'
ur: {
one: 'n is 1'
bez: {
one: 'n is 1'
mt: {
few: 'n is 0 or n mod 100 in 2..10',
many: 'n mod 100 in 11..19',
one: 'n is 1'
uk: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14',
many: 'n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11'
mr: {
one: 'n is 1'
ta: {
one: 'n is 1'
my: '',
sah: '',
ve: {
one: 'n is 1'
af: {
one: 'n is 1'
vi: '',
is: {
one: 'n is 1'
iu: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
it: {
one: 'n is 1'
kn: '',
ii: '',
ar: {
few: 'n mod 100 in 3..10',
zero: 'n is 0',
many: 'n mod 100 in 11..99',
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
zu: {
one: 'n is 1'
saq: {
one: 'n is 1'
az: '',
tzm: {
one: 'n in 0..1 or n in 11..99'
id: '',
ig: '',
pap: {
one: 'n is 1'
nl: {
one: 'n is 1'
nn: {
one: 'n is 1'
no: {
one: 'n is 1'
nah: {
one: 'n is 1'
nd: {
one: 'n is 1'
ne: {
one: 'n is 1'
ny: {
one: 'n is 1'
naq: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
nyn: {
one: 'n is 1'
kw: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
nr: {
one: 'n is 1'
tig: {
one: 'n is 1'
kab: {
one: 'n within 0..2 and n is not 2'
mas: {
one: 'n is 1'
rwk: {
one: 'n is 1'
kaj: {
one: 'n is 1'
lag: {
zero: 'n is 0',
one: 'n within 0..2 and n is not 0 and n is not 2'
syr: {
one: 'n is 1'
kk: {
one: 'n is 1'
ff: {
one: 'n within 0..2 and n is not 2'
fi: {
one: 'n is 1'
fo: {
one: 'n is 1'
ka: '',
gsw: {
one: 'n is 1'
ckb: {
one: 'n is 1'
ss: {
one: 'n is 1'
sr: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14',
many: 'n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11'
sq: {
one: 'n is 1'
sw: {
one: 'n is 1'
sv: {
one: 'n is 1'
km: '',
st: {
one: 'n is 1'
sk: {
few: 'n in 2..4',
one: 'n is 1'
sh: {
few: 'n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14',
many: 'n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14',
one: 'n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11'
so: {
one: 'n is 1'
sn: {
one: 'n is 1'
ku: {
one: 'n is 1'
sl: {
few: 'n mod 100 in 3..4',
two: 'n mod 100 is 2',
one: 'n mod 100 is 1'
sg: '',
nb: {
one: 'n is 1'
se: {
two: 'n is 2',
one: 'n is 1'
* Plural form transformations, needed for some languages.
* @param count
* integer Non-localized quantifier
* @param forms
* array List of plural forms
* @return string Correct form for quantifier in this language
convertPlural: function ( count, forms ) {
var pluralRules,
pluralFormIndex = 0;
if ( !forms || forms.length === 0 ) {
return '';
pluralRules = this.pluralRules[$.i18n().locale];
if ( !pluralRules ) {
// default fallback.
return ( count === 1 ) ? forms[0] : forms[1];
pluralFormIndex = this.getPluralForm( count, pluralRules );
pluralFormIndex = Math.min( pluralFormIndex, forms.length - 1 );
return forms[pluralFormIndex];
* For the number, get the plural for index
* @param number
* @param pluralRules
* @return plural form index
getPluralForm: function ( number, pluralRules ) {
var i,
pluralForms = [ 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', 'other' ],
pluralFormIndex = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < pluralForms.length; i++ ) {
if ( pluralRules[pluralForms[i]] ) {
if ( pluralRuleParser( pluralRules[pluralForms[i]], number ) ) {
return pluralFormIndex;
return pluralFormIndex;
* Converts a number using digitTransformTable.
* @param {number} num Value to be converted
* @param {boolean} integer Convert the return value to an integer
'convertNumber': function ( num, integer ) {
var tmp, item, i,
transformTable, numberString, convertedNumber;
// Set the target Transform table:
transformTable = this.digitTransformTable( $.i18n().locale );
numberString = '' + num;
convertedNumber = '';
if ( !transformTable ) {
return num;
// Check if the restore to Latin number flag is set:
if ( integer ) {
if ( parseFloat( num, 10 ) === num ) {
return num;
tmp = [];
for ( item in transformTable ) {
tmp[transformTable[item]] = item;
transformTable = tmp;
for ( i = 0; i < numberString.length; i++ ) {
if ( transformTable[numberString[i]] ) {
convertedNumber += transformTable[numberString[i]];
} else {
convertedNumber += numberString[i];
return integer ? parseFloat( convertedNumber, 10 ) : convertedNumber;
* Grammatical transformations, needed for inflected languages.
* Invoked by putting {{grammar:form|word}} in a message.
* Override this method for languages that need special grammar rules
* applied dynamically.
* @param word {String}
* @param form {String}
* @return {String}
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
return word;
* Provides an alternative text depending on specified gender. Usage
* {{gender:[gender|user object]|masculine|feminine|neutral}}. If second
* or third parameter are not specified, masculine is used.
* These details may be overriden per language.
* @param gender
* string male, female, or anything else for neutral.
* @param forms
* array List of gender forms
* @return string
'gender': function ( gender, forms ) {
if ( !forms || forms.length === 0 ) {
return '';
while ( forms.length < 2 ) {
forms.push( forms[forms.length - 1] );
if ( gender === 'male' ) {
return forms[0];
if ( gender === 'female' ) {
return forms[1];
return ( forms.length === 3 ) ? forms[2] : forms[0];
* Get the digit transform table for the given language
* See http://cldr.unicode.org/translation/numbering-systems
* @param language
* @returns {Array|boolean} List of digits in the passed language or false
* representation, or boolean false if there is no information.
digitTransformTable: function ( language ) {
var tables = {
ar: '٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩',
fa: '۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹',
ml: '൦൧൨൩൪൫൬൭൮൯',
kn: '೦೧೨೩೪೫೬೭೮೯',
lo: '໐໑໒໓໔໕໖໗໘໙',
or: '୦୧୨୩୪୫୬୭୮୯',
kh: '០១២៣៤៥៦៧៨៩',
pa: '੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯',
gu: '૦૧૨૩૪૫૬૭૮૯',
hi: '०१२३४५६७८९',
my: '၀၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉',
ta: '௦௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮௯',
te: '౦౧౨౩౪౫౬౭౮౯',
th: '๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙', //FIXME use iso 639 codes
bo: '༠༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩' //FIXME use iso 639 codes
if ( !tables[language] ) {
return false;
return tables[language].split( '' );
$.extend( $.i18n.languages, {
'default': language
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Bosnian (bosanski) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.bs = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
switch ( form ) {
case 'instrumental': // instrumental
word = 's ' + word;
case 'lokativ': // locative
word = 'o ' + word;
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Lower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.dsb = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
switch ( form ) {
case 'instrumental': // instrumental
word = 'z ' + word;
case 'lokatiw': // lokatiw
word = 'wo ' + word;
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Finnish (Suomi) language functions
* @author Santhosh Thottingal
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.fi = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
// vowel harmony flag
var aou = word.match( /[aou][^äöy]*$/i ),
origWord = word;
if ( word.match( /wiki$/i ) ) {
aou = false;
// append i after final consonant
if ( word.match( /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]$/i ) ) {
word += 'i';
switch ( form ) {
case 'genitive':
word += 'n';
case 'elative':
word += ( aou ? 'sta' : 'stä' );
case 'partitive':
word += ( aou ? 'a' : 'ä' );
case 'illative':
// Double the last letter and add 'n'
word += word.substr( word.length - 1 ) + 'n';
case 'inessive':
word += ( aou ? 'ssa' : 'ssä' );
word = origWord;
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Irish (Gaeilge) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.ga = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
if ( form === 'ainmlae' ) {
switch ( word ) {
case 'an Domhnach':
word = 'Dé Domhnaigh';
case 'an Luan':
word = 'Dé Luain';
case 'an Mháirt':
word = 'Dé Mháirt';
case 'an Chéadaoin':
word = 'Dé Chéadaoin';
case 'an Déardaoin':
word = 'Déardaoin';
case 'an Aoine':
word = 'Dé hAoine';
case 'an Satharn':
word = 'Dé Sathairn';
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Hebrew (עברית) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.he = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
switch ( form ) {
case 'prefixed':
case 'תחילית': // the same word in Hebrew
// Duplicate prefixed "Waw", but only if it's not already double
if ( word.substr( 0, 1 ) === 'ו' && word.substr( 0, 2 ) !== 'וו' ) {
word = 'ו' + word;
// Remove the "He" if prefixed
if ( word.substr( 0, 1 ) === 'ה' ) {
word = word.substr( 1, word.length );
// Add a hyphen (maqaf) before numbers and non-Hebrew letters
if ( word.substr( 0, 1 ) < 'א' || word.substr( 0, 1 ) > 'ת' ) {
word = '־' + word;
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Upper Sorbian (Hornjoserbsce) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.hsb = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
switch ( form ) {
case 'instrumental': // instrumental
word = 'z ' + word;
case 'lokatiw': // lokatiw
word = 'wo ' + word;
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Hungarian language functions
* @author Santhosh Thottingal
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.hu = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
switch ( form ) {
case 'rol':
word += 'ról';
case 'ba':
word += 'ba';
case 'k':
word += 'k';
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Armenian (Հայերեն) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.hy = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
if ( form === 'genitive' ) { // սեռական հոլով
if ( word.substr( -1 ) === 'ա' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 1 ) + 'այի';
} else if ( word.substr( -1 ) === 'ո' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 1 ) + 'ոյի';
} else if ( word.substr( -4 ) === 'գիրք' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 4 ) + 'գրքի';
} else {
word = word + 'ի';
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Latin (lingua Latina) language functions
* @author Santhosh Thottingal
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.la = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
switch ( form ) {
case 'genitive':
// only a few declensions, and even for those mostly the singular only
word = word.replace( /u[ms]$/i, 'i' ); // 2nd declension singular
word = word.replace( /ommunia$/i, 'ommunium' ); // 3rd declension neuter plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /a$/i, 'ae' ); // 1st declension singular
word = word.replace( /libri$/i, 'librorum' ); // 2nd declension plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /nuntii$/i, 'nuntiorum' ); // 2nd declension plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /tio$/i, 'tionis' ); // 3rd declension singular (partly)
word = word.replace( /ns$/i, 'ntis' );
word = word.replace( /as$/i, 'atis' );
word = word.replace( /es$/i, 'ei' ); // 5th declension singular
case 'accusative':
// only a few declensions, and even for those mostly the singular only
word = word.replace( /u[ms]$/i, 'um' ); // 2nd declension singular
word = word.replace( /ommunia$/i, 'am' ); // 3rd declension neuter plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /a$/i, 'ommunia' ); // 1st declension singular
word = word.replace( /libri$/i, 'libros' ); // 2nd declension plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /nuntii$/i, 'nuntios' );// 2nd declension plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /tio$/i, 'tionem' ); // 3rd declension singular (partly)
word = word.replace( /ns$/i, 'ntem' );
word = word.replace( /as$/i, 'atem' );
word = word.replace( /es$/i, 'em' ); // 5th declension singular
case 'ablative':
// only a few declensions, and even for those mostly the singular only
word = word.replace( /u[ms]$/i, 'o' ); // 2nd declension singular
word = word.replace( /ommunia$/i, 'ommunibus' ); // 3rd declension neuter plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /a$/i, 'a' ); // 1st declension singular
word = word.replace( /libri$/i, 'libris' ); // 2nd declension plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /nuntii$/i, 'nuntiis' ); // 2nd declension plural (partly)
word = word.replace( /tio$/i, 'tione' ); // 3rd declension singular (partly)
word = word.replace( /ns$/i, 'nte' );
word = word.replace( /as$/i, 'ate' );
word = word.replace( /es$/i, 'e' ); // 5th declension singular
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Ossetian (Ирон) language functions
* @author Santhosh Thottingal
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.os = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
// Ending for allative case
var endAllative = 'мæ';
// Variable for 'j' beetwen vowels
var jot = '';
// Variable for "-" for not Ossetic words
var hyphen = '';
// Variable for ending
var ending = '';
// Checking if the $word is in plural form
if ( word.match( /тæ$/i ) ) {
word = word.substring( 0, word.length - 1 );
endAllative = 'æм';
// Works if word is in singular form.
// Checking if word ends on one of the vowels: е, ё, и, о, ы, э, ю,
// я.
else if ( word.match( /[аæеёиоыэюя]$/i ) ) {
jot = 'й';
// Checking if word ends on 'у'. 'У' can be either consonant 'W' or
// vowel 'U' in cyrillic Ossetic.
// Examples: {{grammar:genitive|аунеу}} = аунеуы,
// {{grammar:genitive|лæппу}} = лæппуйы.
else if ( word.match( /у$/i ) ) {
if ( !word.substring( word.length - 2, word.length - 1 )
.match( /[аæеёиоыэюя]$/i ) ) {
jot = 'й';
} else if ( !word.match( /[бвгджзйклмнопрстфхцчшщьъ]$/i ) ) {
hyphen = '-';
switch ( form ) {
case 'genitive':
ending = hyphen + jot + 'ы';
case 'dative':
ending = hyphen + jot + 'æн';
case 'allative':
ending = hyphen + endAllative;
case 'ablative':
if ( jot === 'й' ) {
ending = hyphen + jot + 'æ';
} else {
ending = hyphen + jot + 'æй';
case 'superessive':
ending = hyphen + jot + 'ыл';
case 'equative':
ending = hyphen + jot + 'ау';
case 'comitative':
ending = hyphen + 'имæ';
return word + ending;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Russian (Русский) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.ru = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
if ( form === 'genitive' ) { // родительный падеж
if ( ( word.substr( word.length - 4 ) === 'вики' ) ||
( word.substr( word.length - 4 ) === 'Вики' )
) {
// ...
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 1 ) === 'ь' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 1 ) + 'я';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ия' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'ии';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ка' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'ки';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ти' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'тей';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ды' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'дов';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 3 ) === 'ник' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 3 ) + 'ника';
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Slovenian (Slovenščina) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.sl = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
switch ( form ) {
// locative
case 'mestnik':
word = 'o ' + word;
// instrumental
case 'orodnik':
word = 'z ' + word;
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* Ukrainian (Українська) language functions
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
$.i18n.languages.uk = $.extend( {}, $.i18n.languages['default'], {
convertGrammar: function ( word, form ) {
switch ( form ) {
case 'genitive': // родовий відмінок
if ( ( word.substr( word.length - 4 ) === 'вікі' ) ||
( word.substr( word.length - 4 ) === 'Вікі' )
) {
// ...
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 1 ) === 'ь' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 1 ) + 'я';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ія' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'ії';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ка' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'ки';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ти' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'тей';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ды' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'дов';
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 3 ) === 'ник' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 3 ) + 'ника';
case 'accusative': // знахідний відмінок
if ( ( word.substr( word.length - 4 ) === 'вікі' ) ||
( word.substr( word.length - 4 ) === 'Вікі' )
) {
// ...
} else if ( word.substr( word.length - 2 ) === 'ія' ) {
word = word.substr( 0, word.length - 2 ) + 'ію';
return word;
} );
}( jQuery ) );
* cldrpluralparser.js
* A parser engine for CLDR plural rules.
* Copyright 2012 GPLV3+, Santhosh Thottingal
* @version 0.1.0-alpha
* @source https://github.com/santhoshtr/CLDRPluralRuleParser
* @author Santhosh Thottingal ' + $(parent).html() + '
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R('(<' + blocks + '[^>]*>)', '\n$1');
R('(' + blocks + '>)', '$1\n\n');
R('\r\n|\r', '\n'); // newlines
R('\n\n+', '\n\n'); // remove duplicates
R('\n?((.|\n)+?)$', '
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$2'); R('\\s*(?' + blocks + '[^>]*>)\\s*
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