=begin Copyright 2010-2013 Tasos Laskos Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =end require 'webrick/httpproxy' require 'webrick/https' class Arachni::Plugins::Proxy # # We add our own type of WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer class that supports # notifications when the user tries to access a resource irrelevant # to the scan, does not restrict header exchange and supports SSL interception. # # SSL interception is achieved by redirecting traffic to a 2nd (SSL enabled) # instance of this server by hijacking the browser's CONNECT request. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # class Server < WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer # # Transfers headers from the webapp HTTP response to the Proxy HTTP response. # # @param [#[], #each] src headers of the webapp response # @param [#[]=] dst headers of the forwarded/proxy response # def choose_header( src, dst ) connections = split_field( [src['connection']].flatten.first ) src.each do |key, value| key = key.downcase if HopByHop.member?( key ) || # RFC2616: 13.5.1 connections.member?( key ) || # RFC2616: 14.10 #ShouldNotTransfer.member?(key) # pragmatics key == 'content-encoding' @logger.debug( "choose_header: `#{key}: #{value}'" ) next end field = key.to_s.split( /_|-/ ).map { |segment| segment.capitalize }.join( '-' ) dst[field] = value end end # # Performs a GET request. # # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service # def do_GET( req, res ) perform_proxy_request( req, res ) do |url, header| Arachni::HTTP.get( url , http_opts( headers: header ) ).response end end # # Performs a POST request. # # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service # def do_POST( req, res ) perform_proxy_request( req, res ) do |url, header| params = Arachni::Utilities.form_parse_request_body( req.body ) Arachni::HTTP.post( url, http_opts( params: params, headers: header ) ).response end end # # Hijacks CONNECT requests and redirects them to our SSL interceptor proxy # which listens on {#interceptor_port}. # # @see #service # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#service # def do_CONNECT( req, res ) req.instance_variable_set( :@unparsed_uri, "localhost:#{interceptor_port}" ) start_ssl_interceptor super( req, res ) end # # Performs a HEAD request. # # @see Webrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service # def do_HEAD( req, res ) perform_proxy_request( req, res ) do |url, header| Arachni::HTTP.request( url , http_opts( method: :head, headers: header ) ).response end end # @param [Hash] opts merges HTTP opts with some defaults def http_opts( opts = {} ) opts.merge( no_cookiejar: true, async: false, follow_location: false, timeout: @config[:Timeout], update_cookies: true ) end # # Starts the SSL interceptor proxy server. # # The interceptor will listen on {#interceptor_port}. # def start_ssl_interceptor return @interceptor if @interceptor dir = File.dirname( __FILE__ ) + '/' cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new( File.read( dir + 'ssl-interceptor-cert.pem' ) ) pkey = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new( File.read( dir + 'ssl-interceptor-pkey.pem' ) ) @interceptor = self.class.new( BindAddress: 'localhost', Port: interceptor_port, SSLEnable: true, SSLCertName: [ [ "CN", WEBrick::Utils::getservername ] ], SSLEnable: true, SSLCertificate: cert, SSLPrivateKey: pkey, ArachniProxy: method( :proxy_service ), ProxyRequestHandler: @config[:ProxyRequestHandler], Logger: WEBrick::Log::new( '/dev/null', 7 ) ) def @interceptor.service( req, res ) @config[:ArachniProxy].call( req, res ) if @config[:ProxyRequestHandler].call( req, res ) end Thread.new { @interceptor.start } sleep 1 @interceptor end # @return [Integer] picks and stores an available port number for the interceptor def interceptor_port @interceptor_port ||= available_port end # @return [Integer] returns an available port number def available_port loop do port = 5555 + rand( 9999 ) begin socket = Socket.new( :INET, :STREAM, 0 ) socket.bind( Addrinfo.tcp( '', port ) ) socket.close return port rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE end end end # Communicates with the endpoint webapp and forwards its responses to the # proxy which then sends it to the browser. def perform_proxy_request( req, res ) response = yield( req.request_uri.to_s, setup_proxy_header( req, res ) ) # Persistent connection requirements are mysterious for me. # So I will close the connection in every response. res['proxy-connection'] = "close" res['connection'] = "close" # Convert Typhoeus::Response to WEBrick::HTTPResponse res.status = response.code.to_i choose_header( response, res ) # scrub the existing cookies clean and pass the new ones sc = response.headers_hash['Set-Cookie'] sc.each { |c| res.cookies << c } if sc.is_a?( Array ) res.header.delete( 'set-cookie' ) #set_cookie( response, res ) set_via( res ) res.body = response.body end end end