require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../test_helper" require 'adhearsion/voip/dsl/dialplan/parser' context "Dialplan::Manager handling" do include DialplanTestingHelper attr_accessor :manager, :call, :context_name, :mock_context before do @context_name = :some_context_name @mock_context = flexmock('a context') hack_to_work_around_parser_coupling mock_dial_plan_lookup_for_context_name flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan::Loader).should_receive(:load_dial_plan).and_return{flexmock("loaded contexts", :contexts => nil)} @manager = @call = new_call_for_context context_name # Sanity check context name being set call.context.should.equal context_name end test "Given a Call, the manager finds the call's desired entry point/context" do manager.entry_point_for(call).should.equal mock_context end test "The manager handles a call by executing the proper context" do flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan::ExecutionEnvironment).new_instances.should_receive(:run).once manager.handle(call) end test "should raise a NoContextError exception if the targeted context is not found" do the_following_code { flexmock(manager).should_receive(:entry_point_for).and_return nil manager.handle call }.should.raise(Adhearsion::DialPlan::Manager::NoContextError) end test 'should send :answer to the execution environment if Adhearsion::AHN_CONFIG.automatically_answer_incoming_calls is set' do mock_ahn_config = flexmock 'a mock of the Adhearsion::Configuration object that is normally set when an app is initialized' mock_ahn_config.should_receive(:automatically_answer_incoming_calls).once.and_return true flexmock(Adhearsion::Configuration).should_receive(:new).once.and_return(mock_ahn_config) flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan::ExecutionEnvironment).new_instances.should_receive(:answer).once.and_throw :answered_call! Adhearsion::Configuration.configure the_following_code { manager.handle(call) }.should.throw :answered_call! end test 'should not send :answer to the executuon environment if Adhearsion::AHN_CONFIG.automatically_answer_incoming_calls is NOT set' do mock_ahn_config = flexmock 'a mock of the Adhearsion::Configuration object that is normally set when an app is initialized' mock_ahn_config.should_receive(:automatically_answer_incoming_calls).once.and_return false entry_point = {} flexmock(manager).should_receive(:entry_point_for).once.with(call).and_return(entry_point) flexmock(Adhearsion::Configuration).should_receive(:new).once.and_return(mock_ahn_config) flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan::ExecutionEnvironment).new_instances.should_receive(:entry_point).and_return entry_point flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan::ExecutionEnvironment).new_instances.should_receive(:answer).never flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan::ExecutionEnvironment).new_instances.should_receive(:instance_eval).and_throw :doing_dialplan Adhearsion::Configuration.configure manager.handle(call) end private def hack_to_work_around_parser_coupling flexmock(Adhearsion::Paths).should_receive(:manager_for?).and_return(true) flexmock(Adhearsion::VoIP::DSL::Dialplan::DialplanParser).should_receive(:all_dialplans).and_return([]) end def mock_dial_plan_lookup_for_context_name flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan).new_instances.should_receive(:lookup).with(context_name).and_return(mock_context) end end context "DialPlan::Manager's handling a failed call" do include DialplanTestingHelper test 'should check if the call has failed and then instruct it to extract the reason from the environment' do flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan::ExecutionEnvironment).new_instances.should_receive(:variable).with("REASON").once.and_return '3' call =, {'extension' => "failed"}) flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan).should_receive(:new).once.and_return flexmock("bogus DialPlan which should never be used") begin Adhearsion::DialPlan::Manager.handle(call) rescue Adhearsion::FailedExtensionCallException => error == Adhearsion::Call::ASTERISK_FRAME_STATES[3] end end end context "DialPlan::Manager's handling a hungup call" do include DialplanTestingHelper test 'should check if the call was a hangup meta-AGI call and then raise a HangupExtensionCallException' do call =, {'extension' => "h"}) flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan).should_receive(:new).once.and_return flexmock("bogus DialPlan which should never be used") the_following_code { Adhearsion::DialPlan::Manager.handle(call) }.should.raise Adhearsion::HungupExtensionCallException end end context "DialPlan" do attr_accessor :loader, :loader_instance, :dial_plan before do @loader = Adhearsion::DialPlan::Loader @loader_instance = flexmock(Adhearsion::DialPlan::Loader).should_receive(:load_dial_plan).once.and_return(@loader_instance) @dial_plan = end test "When a dial plan is instantiated, the dialplans are loaded and stored for lookup" do dial_plan.instance_variable_get("@entry_points") end test "Can look up an entry point from a dial plan" do context_name = 'this_context_is_better_than_your_context' loader_instance.contexts[context_name] = lambda { puts "o hai" } dial_plan.lookup(context_name) end end context "DialPlan loader" do include DialplanTestingHelper test "loading a single context" do loader = load(<<-DIAL_PLAN) one { raise 'this block should not be evaluated' } DIAL_PLAN loader.contexts.keys.size.should.equal 1 loader.contexts.keys.first.should.equal :one end test "loading multiple contexts loads all contexts" do loader = load(<<-DIAL_PLAN) one { raise 'this block should not be evaluated' } two { raise 'this other block should not be evaluated either' } DIAL_PLAN loader.contexts.keys.size.should.equal 2 %w(one two) end test 'loading a dialplan with a syntax error' do the_following_code { load "foo { &@(*!&(*@*!@^!^%@%^! }" }.should.raise SyntaxError end test "loading a dial plan from a file" do loader = nil the_following_code { AHN_ROOT.using_base_path(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../fixtures')) do loader = Adhearsion::DialPlan::Loader.load_dial_plan end }.should.not.raise loader.contexts.keys.size.should.equal 1 loader.contexts.keys.first.should.equal :sample_context end end context "The inbox-related dialplan methods" do include DialplanTestingHelper test "with_next_message should execute its block with the message from the inbox" do mock_call = new_call_for_context :entrance [:one, :two, :three].each { |message| mock_call.inbox << message } dialplan = %{ entrance { with_next_message { |message| throw message } } } executing_dialplan(:entrance => dialplan, :call => mock_call).should.throw :one end test "messages_waiting? should return false if the inbox is empty" do mock_call = new_call_for_context :entrance dialplan = %{ entrance { throw messages_waiting? ? :yes : :no } } executing_dialplan(:entrance => dialplan, :call => mock_call).should.throw :no end test "messages_waiting? should return false if the inbox is not empty" do mock_call = new_call_for_context :entrance mock_call.inbox << dialplan = %{ entrance { throw messages_waiting? ? :yes : :no } } executing_dialplan(:entrance => dialplan, :call => mock_call).should.throw :yes end end context "ExecutionEnvironemnt" do attr_accessor :call, :entry_point include DialplanTestingHelper before do variables = { :context => "zomgzlols", :caller_id => "Ponce de Leon" } @call =, variables) @entry_point = lambda {} end test "On initialization, ExecutionEnvironments extend themselves with behavior specific to the voip platform which originated the call" do Adhearsion::DialPlan::ExecutionEnvironment.included_modules.should.not.include(Adhearsion::VoIP::Asterisk::Commands) execution_environent =, entry_point) execution_environent.metaclass.included_modules.should.include(Adhearsion::VoIP::Asterisk::Commands) end test "An executed context should raise a NameError error when a missing constant is referenced" do the_following_code do call = new_call_for_context :context_with_missing_constant mock_dialplan_with "context_with_missing_constant { ThisConstantDoesntExist }" manager = new_manager_with_entry_points_loaded_from_dialplan_contexts manager.handle call end.should.raise NameError end test "should define variables accessors within itself" do environment =, entry_point) call.variables.each do |key, value| environment.send(key).should.equal value end end test "should define accessors for other contexts in the dialplan" do call = new_call_for_context :am_not_for_kokoa! bogus_dialplan = <<-DIALPLAN am_not_for_kokoa! {} icanhascheezburger? {} these_context_names_do_not_really_matter {} DIALPLAN mock_dialplan_with bogus_dialplan manager = manager.dial_plan.entry_points = manager.dial_plan.loader.load_dial_plan.contexts manager.handle call %w(these_context_names_do_not_really_matter icanhascheezburger? am_not_for_kokoa!).each do |context_name| manager.context.respond_to?(context_name).should.equal true end end end context "Dialplan control statements" do include DialplanTestingHelper test "Manager should catch ControlPassingExceptions" do dialplan = %{ foo { raise } bar {} } executing_dialplan(:foo => dialplan).should.not.raise end test "Proc#+@ should not return to its originating context" do dialplan = %{ andere {} zuerst { +andere throw :after_control_statement } } executing_dialplan(:zuerst => dialplan).should.not.throw end test "All dialplan contexts should be available at context execution time" do dialplan = %{ context_defined_first { throw :i_see_it if context_defined_second } context_defined_second {} } executing_dialplan(:context_defined_first => dialplan).should.throw :i_see_it end test "Proc#+@ should execute the other context" do dialplan = %{ eins { +zwei throw :eins } zwei { throw :zwei } } executing_dialplan(:eins => dialplan).should.throw :zwei end test "new constants should still be accessible within the dialplan" do ::Jicksta = :Jicksta dialplan = %{ constant_test { Jicksta.should.equal:Jicksta } } executing_dialplan(:constant_test => dialplan).should.not.raise end end context "VoIP platform operations" do test "can map a platform name to a module which holds its platform-specific operations" do Adhearsion::VoIP::Commands.for(:asterisk).should == Adhearsion::VoIP::Asterisk::Commands end end context 'ContextNameCollector' do test '::build should raise a SyntaxError when the dialplan String contains one' do the_following_code { "foo { ((((( *@!^*@&*^!^@ }" }.should.raise SyntaxError end end BEGIN { module DialplanTestingHelper def load(dial_plan_as_string) Adhearsion::DialPlan::Loader.load(dial_plan_as_string) end def mock_dialplan_with(string) flexstub(Adhearsion::DialPlan::Loader).should_receive(:read_dialplan_file).and_return(string) end def new_manager_with_entry_points_loaded_from_dialplan_contexts returning do |manager| manager.dial_plan.entry_points = manager.dial_plan.loader.load_dial_plan.contexts end end def executing_dialplan(options) call = options.delete(:call) context_name = options.keys.first dialplan = options[context_name] call ||= new_call_for_context context_name mock_dialplan_with dialplan lambda do call end end def new_call_for_context(context), :context => context) end end }